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Dreams make it all the more funny to crush your pathetic little spirit, sweep the pieces into my drink and relish the taste.
Asta Kask, The Order of the Stick Forums


Twisting and turning
Her feelings are burning
You're breaking the girl...

Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Breaking the Girl"

A memory I will always treasure. The big, innocent green eyes fluttering open. The scream that penetrated every wall and floor of the house. The scream that would not stop. It took both her parents an hour to get her back to sleep.
Senna Wales demonstrates how much she loves (messing with) her half-sister, April.

"Why am I not leaving, Dr. Reid? Because I don't want to miss you breaking down and weeping in front of everyone! Oh, here it comes! Great big tears! Great big crocodile tears!"
Dr. Kelso, Scrubs

"My name is Oerba Dia Vanille. I'm a L'Cie, from Gran Pulse, and to everyone on Cocoon... Evil. Shoot me, Sazh! For your son!"
Vanille, Final Fantasy XIII

"Or maybe it's because beautiful things are so easily broken by the world."
Jocelyn Fray, talking about Jace's mother Celine, The Mortal Instruments: City of Fallen Angels


"Despair, the end of the world.
I hear the rising phoenix in my dreams.
And the Virgin Child made a wish upon a star,
that night her mother talks no more.
Cape of hope, the end of a dream.
A shining fish splashes in a stream.
And the Virgin Child loses her heart and soul,
that night her mother's eyes see no more.
When the wind blows, the Virgin Child's corpse sings a song,
such a pretty melody, never heard before!
No more lullabies!
The Virgin Child smiles from Hell!"

Dr.Peace, No More Heroes, summing up pretty much most of the plot of the game.


Guy 1: I love this character!
Guy 2: Me too!
Guy 1: I can't wait to see this character... BLOODY, BROKEN and BRUISED

K009 Comics, "The 3 Important B's"