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  • Nausea Fuel: Even if first-person shooters don't usually give you headaches or upset your stomach, this one might.
    • There's nothing quite like watching your character vomit (twice) into a toilet from his eyes.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: The overly in-depth way of interacting with things can be a pain. Want to drink a soda for health? Press X to hold out your hand, X again to grab the soda, and X again to actually drink it.
  • What an Idiot!: Whatever organization is sending armed soldiers, and all forms of heavy ordinance to try and destroy you, the best hope of stopping the T'lan threat, and placing the warrant for your death above the very T'lan that are a threat to all humanity, save perhaps Solus, has to be populated entirely by absolute winners of the Darwin Award because the T'lan clearly either don't know or care about their efforts and intend on eradicating mankind without exception.