- Crosses the Line Twice: Tetris With Lyrics which goes on in great length about how girls are inherently addicted to Tetris. The particular moment of the second line crossing is when he uses the tune to hypnotize his girl into forgetting he's a dick.
- Really, pretty much any song.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Has his own page.
- Did Not Do the Research: In his Team Fortress 2 song, he sings download douchey hats on Steam. Hats either drop or are bought, and one of the pictures he showed was of hats sold for Japanese disaster relief.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: "DuckTales With Lyrics" has this verse:
Crazy duck in space |
- Painful Rhyme: his cover of the Zelda main theme begins with one.
"Do you recognize this melody? Well, duh..." |
- Tear Jerker: "The 2-2 Blues"; a Randy Newman-esque arrangement of the Underwater theme from the first Super Mario Bros. game, all about how, even if Peach acts cold towards Mario, he'll still keep on swimming to her.