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Brutal Doom is a modification for the pre-Doom 3 games by Sergeant Mark IV that makes them much, MUCH Bloodier and Gorier than the original games already were, with some spinoff mods further refining the concept behind this mod.

The basic mod simply turns the classic Doom games into a Gorn fest, while some of it's related spinoffs have extended the changers from simply weapons, monsters, and gameplay tweaks into whole new campaigns, adding more bosses, and upping the challenge of the original games.

Tropes used in Brutal Doom include:
  • Approval of God: This mod received official acknowledgement and praise from Id themselves on their Twitter account.
  • Bloodier and Gorier: In comparison to the original Doom games, which were this trope incarnate.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: The rocket launcher uses a revolver style chamber that has a slower reload time but does much more damage than the original rocket launcher.
  • Took A Level In Badass: Every Doom monster got a lot of AI tweaks to make them much more dangerous, and even the Doomguy got some tweaks to make his default attacks much more damaging and impressive.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Encouraged. Sadistically killing weakened or dying enemies provides bonuses to health and armor recovery.
  • Word of God: This mod and its spinoff are admitted love letters to the Doom comic.