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Nonny is autistic.[]

Smiles less than the others? Check. Is Wise Beyond His Years? Check.

The Little Fish are Mr. Grouper's children.[]

They're the same color as him, and there has to be a reason they're always following the guppies around - they're watching over them when Mr. Grouper can't.

Molly and Gil will eventually become the only characters on the show (and maaaybe Bubble Puppy).[]

It will be called the "Molly and Gil Show". I mean, so far they've been the only 2 characters that have an episode featuring them in Season 2, they're prominently used as the mascots for the show, they go together as Pink Girl, Blue Boy so preschoolers can identify. The lack of other character's screen time will eventually grow and grow until they're cut out completely and are living on the streets homeless while Molly and Gil laugh maniacally and throw their money around (until Gil is fired, and it's just The Molly Show).

Deema is somehow connected to Pinkie Pie.[]

Think-the poofy hair, the personality, the eyes...

This show is a kid-friendly version of The Office[]

Just think about it. Both shows were produced in California (only the 1st season was done in California, the rest was done in Ontario), and the characters are similar. Gil is Michael Scott (seeing as he's the main boy, although he gets angry far less frequently), Goby is Stanley (seeing how they're both black), Molly is Pam, Oona is Angela, Deema is Phyllis, and Nonny is Dwight, if he wore glasses and was a lot smarter.