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Big Bads[]
The Master (Mark Metcalf)[]
"Some claim that death is our art. I say to them - well, I don't say anything to them because I killed them." |
Ancient vampire who spent most of Season 1 trapped in the Hellmouth. Got out at the end after temporarily killing Buffy, and was killed by Buffy shortly thereafter. The Big Bad for Season 1.
- Age Without Youth: He's apparently so ridiculously old that he's lost the ability to assume human form.
- Back from the Dead: At least four times. In an early comic (he tries possessing Xander); in the Xbox game (possesses Angel); in the book Portal Through Time (really briefly due to a minion monkeying around with time); and the Season 8 comics (the Seed of Wonder brings him back so he can act as its protector).
- Badass: Killed Buffy twice, once in the Wishverse and once in reality. Not defeated, not forced into a Heroic Sacrifice, but killed her flat out. Even after she returns, it takes a truly Rasputinian Death before he's done, and he still returns in Season 8 after she kills him, something that, to date, a Physical God, and an Eldritch Abomination that may or may not have been Satan, have been unable to do.
- A bit of background info reveals he's killed one Slayer, and actually forcibly sired another.
- Bad Boss
- The Bad Guy Wins: Right before the Reset Button is pushed, the version of him seen in "The Wish" manages to kill Wishverse!Buffy pretty easily.
- Bald of Evil
- The Beast Master: He is the original boss of the Hellmouth demon.
- Big Bad: Season 1.
- Blood Bath: The pilot has him hanging out in a pool of blood while fully dressed.
- Compelling Voice
- Curb Stomp Battle: It took him what, a few seconds to kill Wishverse Buffy?
- Dark Is Evil
- Deader Than Dead: When he was staked, his bones were left behind, for some reason. To make absolutely sure he's gone, Buffy smashes them to dust with a sledgehammer (but as the very first trope in this section shows, it didn't work).
- Counting Expanded Universe, he's had his "soul" destroyed twice.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Dreaded: He's so powerful he can kill You in the time it would take to finish this sentence.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: He returns in Season 8, only to be nonchalantly re-killed roughly one issue after his resurrection when Twilight punches him through the head.
- Enemy Mine: They tease this in Season 8, but it never actually happens, unless you count him trying to sneak attack Twilight while he and Buffy are fighting.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He viewed his particular high-ranking minions, like Darla, Collin and Luke, as his "children".
- Evil Makes You Monstrous: "He has grown past the curse of human features."
- Evil Mentor: To the Annointed One.
- Evil Sorcerer: Though his magical abilities are more pronounced in supplementary material than the actual series.
- Face Palm of Doom: Essentially how he dies in Season 8.
- Famous Last Words: "You're dead!"
- Fang Thpeak
- Faux Affably Evil
- High-Class Glass: He made some interesting modifications to The Bronze in "The Wish".
- I Have Many Names: Word of God states that his real one is Heinrich Joseph Nest, though as noted in that link, Continuity Drift may mean that's no longer true.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Large Ham: Still one of the most enjoyable villains in this department.
- Limited Wardrobe: It probably smells terrible.
- Looks Like Orlok
- The Master: Duh.
- Monster Progenitor
- Mysterious Past: The first Big Bad, one of the oldest vampires in existence, and a guy who figures prominently in the past of several other characters, and yet we never really do learn that much about him.
- Name's the Same: Almost... Mark Metcalf could really be considered The Master.
- No Ontological Inertia: His death causes the recently released Eldritch Abomination that dwells in the Hellmouth to randomly retreat.
- Obviously Evil
- The Other Darrin: In the non-flashback footage of "When She Was Bad", the person under all that Master makeup is David Boreanaz.
- Rasputinian Death: When compared to every other vampire death in the series.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Slouch of Villainy: The Master in his black throne.
- Stripped to the Bone: Unlike the rest of him, his skeleton didn't turn to dust.
- Stronger with Age
- Villainous Breakdown: Really briefly, due to Darla's death.
- Wicked Cultured
- Wolverine Claws: "You have something in your eye."
- You Have Failed Me...: Though he expects his minions to say "I Have Failed You."
- You'd think they'd eventually learn to maybe stay out of his little energy bubble prison.
Mayor Richard Wilkins III (Harry Groener)[]
"Now, Faith, I don't find that sort of thing amusing. I'm a family man. Now, let's kill your little friend!" |
Mayor and founder of Sunnydale. A sorcerer who planned to undergo Ascension, becoming a pure demon named Olvikan. Big Bad for Season 3.
- Affably Evil: Heck, he provides the page picture!
- Word of God even mentions how with the Mayor, next to none of the affability is faked; he's an honestly nice guy who just happens to also be an evil monster who wants to rule the world.
- Even when he came back as a form of The First, he was still affable.
- Back from the Dead: One comic story had him briefly return as a wayward spirit capable of Demonic Possession.
- Badass: Yes really. While not what most people might traditionally think as Badass, this man was constantly three or four steps ahead of Buffy and the gang, and the only reason for his death was that Buffy smashed his Berserk Button.
- Benevolent Boss: He was really upset by his deputy's death. Also, he treated his subordinates (both human and vampiric) in a friendly and patient way.
- Berserk Button: Anything that might hurt Faith.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Does it even need to be said?
- Big Bad: Season 3.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Is quite prone to this.
- Celibate Villain: Probably related to his Mayfly-December Romance.
- Complete Immortality: During the 100 days before the Ascension.
- Cool Old Guy
- Corrupt Politician: How corrupt? He sold his soul and created a town for demons to feed so he could become an immortal old one. How exactly does he keep getting elected, year after year?
- On the other hand, once you get over the demonic stuff, he is a fairly good mayor.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Made himself invulnerable before enacting his evil plan.
- Dead Man Writing: The Mayor's video for Faith.
- Deal with the Devil
- Dissonant Serenity
- Eldritch Abomination: Plans to become one.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Faith and his late wife Edna May.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Gingerbread has him genuinely horrified at the child murders, though it's also entirely possible he was just doing what the townspeople expected of him. The fact he looks worried when the dark forces of the town are brought up only muddies things further.
- It's probably both. The Mayor does love kids, so he probably doesn't like seeing them get killed if he's not the one eating them himself.
- Evil Counterpart: To Giles, due to his paternal relationship with Faith.
- And he also likes his scotch.
- Evil Redhead
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Virtues
- Family Values Villain: He provides the page quote.
Faith: Thanks, sugar daddy. |
- He is literally a "family man", as over the decades he's been himself, and his son, and his grandson...
- Feel No Pain: A bit of a showoff when it comes to his own invulnerability.
- Giggling Villain
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: He'll rip your heart out and force feed it to a baby, but he won't stand any naughty language.
- Heck, his Famous Last Words even portrayed this: "Well, gosh."
- Healing Factor: What his invulnerability manifests as.
- Mayor Pain: He provides the name for Type A.
- Morality Pet: Faith. Even when the deaths of close henchmen doesn't bother him too much, he was genuinely distraught about Faith.
- My Grandson, Myself
- Neat Freak
- Oh Crap: Gingerbread. Blink and you'll miss Wilkins suddenly start looking rather uncomfortable when Joyce discusses the horrors that happen in Sunnydale.
- Also, "Well, gosh."
- One-Winged Angel / Scaled Up: After his Ascension.
- Papa Bear
- Parental Substitute: To Faith.
- Permanent Elected Official
- Post-Mortem Comeback: Dies in the third season. Sets up a contingency plan that allows Faith to pull a Grand Theft Me on Buffy in the fourth season.
- Precision F-Strike: After Faith is hurt. Naturally made even more dramatic by his usual demeanor.
"Misery loves company, young man, and I'm looking to share that with you and your whore!" |
- Stepford Smiler: Averted. He really is that optimistic and cheery.
- Straight Edge Evil
- Sweet Tooth: Loves candy and Tollhouse cookies.
- Terrified of Germs: Even after becoming invulnerable.
- Totalitarian Utilitarian: Seems to be his reason for achieving Ascension - to bring order.
- Tranquil Fury: When he tries to smother Buffy at the hospital.
- Ubermensch
- Ultimate Authority Mayor
- Uncanny Family Resemblance
- Video Wills: Faith watches the tape in season 4.
- Villains Out Shopping: Many scenes have him playing miniature golf, discussing about his favorite comics or treating Faith like gold.
- Villain with Good Publicity
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He honestly thinks life under his rule post Ascension is for the best for everyone.
- Would Hurt a Child: Every thirty or so years he feeds newborn babies to a sewer-dwelling demon named Lurconis.
- Wrote the Book: "There's more than one way to skin a cat. And I happen to know that's factually true!"
Adam (George Hertzberg)[]
"Don't tell me you've never heard of The Beatles?" —Spike and Adam
Kinematically-redundant bio-mechanical demonoid. Inimical to all life, human and demon alike. The Big Bad for Season 4.
"Adam, Maggie would want you to stand down." |
- ...And Show It to You: His death.
- Anti-Magic/Won't Work On Me: He's immune to reality altering magic, like the spell Jonathan cast in "Superstar".
- Arm Cannon
- Attack Its Weak Point: Rip out his battery, and he's a sack of meat.
- Back from the Dead: As a non-physical entity in the comic storyline Note from the Underground.
- Big Bad: Season 4.
- BFG: His right arm can turn into a gatling gun and a bazooka.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: His polgara demon skewer, which doubles as his Weapon of Choice in close-combat.
- The Brute: George Hertzberg is huge, even having a few inches on Marc Blucas.
- Catch Phrase: "Interesting..."
- Creepy Monotone
- Cyborg
- Dark Messiah: In a way, since he instilled loyalty and cooperation amongst demons & vampires. Some of his followers view him as this, with one even calling "the evil messiah guy".
- Enemy to All Living Things: Living, dead, undead.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Famous Last Words: "How can you...?!"
- Frankenstein's Monster: Clearly inspired by it.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: The comic story Haunted revealed he was just a random, faceless Initiative grunt killed by the Mayor.
- Gatling Good
- Genius Bruiser: Smart enough to modify himself and create more like him; strong enough to tear off a vampire's head with his bare hands.
- I Love Nuclear Power: Has a Uranium-235 core.
- Jack the Ripoff: As seen above, Adam shares musical taste with Charles Manson. His ultimate goal is also similar: to provoke a racial war, leaving only himself standing amongst the ashes. Adam is also shown to be very charismatic among vampire and demon alike.
- The Juggernaut: It's quite obvious that everything before the enjoining spell had no effect on him.
- Loves the Sound of Screaming: "I do enjoy violence."
- Mismatched Eyes: Icy Blue Eyes and Red Eyes, Take Warning.
- Mix-and-Match Man
Spike: So you help me and you get this chip out of my head? |
- Monster Modesty
- Mysterious Past: "Before Adam? Not a man among us can remember."
- Obviously Evil
- Oh Crap: His reaction to the Enjoined Buffy.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: No one remembers his real name.
- Only One Name
- Perpetual Motion Monster: Thanks to his Uranium-235 core.
- Phlebotinum Battery: See above.
- Playing with Syringes: How he was created.
- Pop-Cultured Badass: A fan of the Beatles, specifically "Helter Skelter." Then again, so was Charles Manson.
- Power Source: The Uranium-235 core.
- Psycho Prototype: He was meant to be the first of many. Then he stabbed his creator.
- Psychotic Smirk
- Robotic Psychopath: Adam was built to be a weapon, and as such is incapable of caring about anyone.
- Self-Made Orphan: Murders his creator, Maggie Walsh, within moments of coming on-line.
- Shout-Out: His name is one to Frankenstein, where Word of God is that the creature's name is Adam.
- Siblings in Crime: Views Riley as his brother (since they were both Professor Walsh's "favorites") and wants to be this with him.
- Spiky Hair
- Spock Speak
- Super Prototype: Compare his performance to Forrest's (though it's possible he purposely made Forrest weaker).
- Super Soldier: Meant to be the first in a new line of Initiative Super Soldiers.
- Take Over the World: Plans to re-populate Earth with an army of beings like himself.
- Two-Faced: Three, if you count that metal portion.
- Ultimate Lifeform
- Would Hurt a Child: Oh Adam, you get up to such shenanigans in your first few minutes of life.
Glorificus aka Glory (Clare Kramer)[]
"You can't go around hitting people. What, were you born in a barn?"" |
Hell-god trapped in the body of a human medical student in this dimension (shifted from her own appearance to his, seemingly at random). Living on a lower plane was making her mind deteriorate, and the only way she could maintain her semi-coherence was by draining sanity straight from humans' brains. Planned to return to her own dimension by using the Key (Dawn) to break down the dimensional barriers; this would have destroyed the universe. The Big Bad for Season 5.
- Action Dress Rip: In "Tough Love".
- All Women Love Shoes
- Ax Crazy
- Becoming the Mask: Has taken on more and more human traits over the years, much to her annoyance.
- Big Bad: Season 5.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Brainless Beauty: The ditziest Big Bad ever. Not that it made her any less terrifying or unstoppable.
- Cunning Linguist: Can speak any demon or human language.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The result of almost all attempts at fighting her.
- Curse Cut Short: (after being teleported miles above the city by Willow) "Oh, sh--!"
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Counterpart: Like Dawn, Glory's an unimaginably powerful being stuck in a mortal body.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Foe Yay: With pretty much everyone, really.
- Foot Focus: She seems tailor-made to indulge Joss Whedon's little Fetish.
- God in Human Form
- Hero-Killer
- Hot God
- Humanoid Abomination
- I Have You Now, My Pretty
- It's All About Me
- Jekyll and Hyde: She plays Hyde to Ben's Jekyll.
- The Juggernaut: Even more so than Adam. Being a Physical God, Glory is pretty much unstoppable.
- Lack of Empathy: She wants to go home, and she doesn't care how many people she'll kill if that should happen.
- This does start to fade in the Season 5 Finale, due to the personalities of Glory and Ben starting to merge and swap a little.
- Lady in Red
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Regular humans instantly forget that she and Ben have a shared existence, though over time the spell weakened.
- Mind Rape: She eats sanity.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: She is known as The Beast and The Abomination.
- Nigh Invulnerable: Only way to kill her was to kill Ben.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Doesn't seem to care that the activation of the Key would irreversibly fuck up everything, possibly because she can survive (or thinks she can survive) the chaos that would descend upon all universes.
- Physical God
- Psychopathic Manchild: Of the cosmic variety.
- Satan: Shares a lot in common with you-know-who — a fallen god exiled to Earth, lives in a lavishly decorated apartment, wears expensive clothes, takes on the form of someone no one would suspect, and is called "The Beast" despite her followers describing her as a "shining light".
- Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can
- Super Loser
- Super Speed / Flash Step
- Villainous BSOD: After realizing how human she's been becoming.
- Villains Out Shopping: Literally. The first time the Scoobies meet Glory, she's casually buying some items at the Magic Box. Since only Buffy (who wasn't there) knows what she looks like, they were completely oblivious that they had just met The Beast.
Warren Mears (Adam Busch)[]
"Let's see how popular you are without a face." |
Fellow student at Sunnydale High. Good with robots, but a misogynistic bastard. Leader of the Trio, before he cut them loose and killed Tara. Was subsequently flayed alive by Dark Willow. The Big Bad for Season 6 until Dark Willow showed up. He got better in Season 8, where it was revealed Amy had kept him alive: but he was still skinless.
- Accidental Murder: Katrina, Tara.
- Not that he felt very bad either one.
- Asshole Victim: Good god did he have it coming.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass Normal: Save for Angelus, no other villain has screwed with Buffy on such a mental and emotional level. And he did it without sleeping with her.
- Badass Abnormal: When he gains the Orbs of Power in Season 6, and when he returns from the dead in the comics.
- Bad Boss: Ultimately leaves Andrew and Johnathan in to take the fall for him.
- Basement Dweller
- Big Bad: For Season 6--Dark Willow's more of a Final Boss than a schemer.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: Subverted. Theoretically The Trio is a gathering of equals, but its clear from early on that Warren is the nastiest of the three and the one who's really in control.
- Body Horror: When he's brought back in Season 8, he's still without skin. It gets worse when Buffy destroys the Seed of Wonder, wiping out magic and negating the spells holding Warren together, causing him to collapse into a pile of gore.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Sort of. He only appeared in two episodes in late Season 5, which was actually supposed to be the last season. When the show was renewed on UPN, he was brought back as a major villain.
- Co-Dragons: To Twilight with Amy and The General in Season 8.
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check: He's a brilliant technician. How brilliant? He has created three fully functioning cyborgs that are capable of passing for human and possess superhuman levels of strength and endurance and can be programmed with memories and knowledge. Why he never thought to sell his prototype to the military and become obscenely wealthy (Wealthy enough to get women) is not specified. Of course, it does fit his petty and immature character and may have been a deliberate choice to emulate fictonal villains.
- Evil Counterpart: Has been suggested he's basically what Xander could have become, if things went differently.
- Evil Genius
- Evil Is Petty: When he gains Super Strength, one of the first things he does is... beat up a jock who tormented him in high school and try to steal his girlfriend.
- Face Heel Turn: In a way. In Season 5, he is clearly not malevolent in the least and tries to aid Buffy in stopping the rampage of his creation.
- I think it's arguable that he wasn't malevolent at first. He was certainly callous about the fate of his robot girlfriend and watching her run out her batteries waiting for him was absolutely heartbreaking.
- Yes, but he didn't seem to see her as anything but a machine which he created. He was insensitive from the start, but not evil until he found how much he enjoyed having power in Season 6. Also see Real Life Writes the Plot below.
- His first appearance also sees him pretty indifferent to Buffy's fate and sees the first seeds of his misogyny (The way he brushes off his girlfriend when she is justifiably angry at him).
- Family-Unfriendly Death: He got flayed. Worse when he returns in the Season 8 comics as a body with no skin.
- Faux Affably Evil
- From Nobody to Nightmare: And does it all under his own power.
- Grand Theft Me: Nearly succeeded in stealing Willow's body.
- He-Man Woman Hater: His anger over his inabilitly to get a date, and subsequent poor luck when he does, leds to him descending into this.
- I'm a Humanitarian: How he and Amy survived under the Sunnydale sinkhole.
- It's All About Me: Nobody else matters to Warren. Not Andrew, not Johnathan, not anybody.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Warren originally created a robot that would obey his every whim, but he eventually abandoned the android because he wanted a girlfriend that would be a partner in the relationship and he fell in love with a woman with her own ideas and personality. His creation of a Sex Bot and then abandoning it to "die" raises plenty of questions about his character, but he ultimately decides that he wants a woman that he can respect and interact with. In his later appearances in Season 6, he is a mysoginistic bastard who tried to brainwash, and eventually kills, his ex-girlfriend because she would not submit to his desires.
- Lack of Empathy
- Loners Are Freaks
- Mad Scientist
- Mundane Solution: After numerous failed high-tech and/or magical schemes, he just got a gun, went to the Summers house, and started firing.
- Not Quite Dead: In the comics. To prevent Fanon Discontinuity, please imagine it is Back from the Dead.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: The poster boy.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: The number of times Warren uses the word "bitch" would make a good drinking game.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Warren was only intended to be a lackey on par with Jonathan during Season 6, working under Tucker Wells (from the episode "The Prom"), who would have been the real villain of the season. It would have made sense as well, since Tucker's misdeed was far more malevolent than Jonathan's ("Superstar") or Warren's ("I was Made to Love You"). However, actor Brad Kane was unavailable to reprise the role, so Andrew Wells was created to be Tucker's brother as a substitute. Warren was likely promoted to main villain because he ended up being the most unpleasant of the three — Andrew was an amusing Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain, and Jonathan was generally well-liked by the audience for being the Butt Monkey.
- Robot Master
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: During the Battle in Sunnydale during the Twilight crisis, he and Amy escape Spike's airship and run away.
- Super Villain: Wants to be one.
- Super Villain Packing Heat: After his final scheme collapses he elects to just shoot Buffy.
- Unknown Rival: His need to be taken seriously as a Super Villain got him killed.
- Villainous Breakdown: When he realised that Willow could not be reasoned with.
The First Evil (various, primarily Sarah Michelle Gellar)[]
"Into every generation, a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world. She alone will have the strength and skill to — There's that word again! What you are, how you'll die: Alone. |
The source of all evil. Could take the appearance of anyone who has died, including Buffy and any vampire. Incorporeal, relying on manipulation to achieve its ends. The Big Bad for Season 7.
- Arc Words: "From beneath you, it devours".
- "It eats you starting with your bottom".
- As Long as There Is Evil
- Assimilation Plot: One of the goals of the First was to be capable of possessing mankind en masse.
- Badass Boast: Subverted to hell in its first appearance.
The First: "I'm not a demon, little girl. I am something you cannot even conceive. The First Evil. Beyond sin. Beyond death. I am the thing the darkness fears. You'll never see me but I am everywhere. Every being. Every thought. Every drop of hate." |
- Big Bad: Season 7. Worth noting that the First Evil could be described as The Big Bad.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome/Put on a Bus: It wasn't destroyed or trapped or anything like that, and is presumably still around, doing... whatever it does when it's not tormenting the good guys.
- Though it only had a very small window of becoming corporeal due to Buffy's ressurection and other events. Its alive but not as much of a threat.
- Continuity Cavalcade: A living one, as it assumes the form of each of the show's previous Big Bads.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dead Person Impersonation
- Deus Ex Machina: Served as this when it brought Angel back to life.
- Double Vision: The First's favorite form is that of Buffy, resulting in multiple scenes where Sarah Michelle Gellar is doing just this. It also appeared a lot as Spike.
- Dream Weaver
- Early-Bird Cameo: Sorta. Chaos Bleeds takes place after "Amends", but before Season 7.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Enemy to All Living Things
- Evil Tastes Good: "Choose a side. Our side. You know it's delicious".
- Faux Affably Evil: Depending on who it happens to be at any given time.
- Final Boss Preview: The First seems like another monster of the week when it first appears in the third season, then shows up again in the seventh as the show's final Big Bad.
- Five-Bad Band: Assembled one (consisting of characters from its Wishverse-inspired "pet" universe) in the game Chaos Bleeds. Members included:
- Adam
- Kakistos
- Ripper (Evil Giles)
- Anyanka
- Vampire Tara (who is, sadly, not fought alongside a Vampire Willow)
- Fusion Dance: Does one with Caleb.
- Gaslighting
- God of Evil
- Intangible Man: Eventually lets slip that its real motivation is to assemble a flesh and blood body of its own.
- I Shall Taunt You: And you thought Angelus was bad. This is The First's modus operandi — to torment his victims until they do its bidding, go mad, or kill themselves.
- This bites it in the ass when he accidentally gave Buffy the idea to bestow the Slayer power to the Potentials.
- Irony: The First Evil is the last Big Bad of the series.
- Large Ham
- Made of Evil
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mind Rape: It does this a lot, what with being incorporeal.
- Non-Action Big Bad: With being incorporeal and all, it must resort to Caleb and its Elite Mooks, the Harbingers, to get much of anything done.
- Oh Crap: When Buffy, who it was just taunting, gets up from a supposedly mortal wound during the Final Battle.
- Orcus on His Throne: For most of the season, it doesn't do much.
- Perception Filter: It can pick and choose who sees and hears it.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Possessed by its briefly seen true form.
- Shapeshifter Guilt Trip
- Spell My Name with a "The"
- The Trope Without a Title
- Ultimate Evil
- Vagueness Is Coming
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: In an interesting twist on this trope, The First implies that it doesn't merely make itself look like the person it impersonates, it actually becomes them, at least partially. (When it appears to Faith as Mayor Wilkins, it says something to the effect of "I am The First Evil, but I am also the man himself.")
- We Are Everywhere
- We Can Rule Together: Tried this on Andrew.
Secondary and Minor Villains[]
Darla (Julie Benz)[]
"So many body parts, so few bullets. Let's begin with the kneecaps. No fun dancing without them." |
Vampire who sired Angel. Was killed by him in Season 1 before re-appearing on Angel.
- Ascended Extra
- The Baroness
- Bi the Way: With Drusilla and the Immortal.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Catholic School Girls Rule: Her gimmick in 1997.
- Coy Girlish Flirt Pose: Good for hiding Guns Akimbo behind your back.
- Daddy's Little Villain: If you remember that The Master is her sire.
- Dark Action Girl
- Decoy Damsel: In the very first scene of the show.
- The Dragon: The Master's.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Averted. Her voice is noticeably higher and softer than the other characters, even the female ones.
- Femme Fatale
- Fluffy the Terrible
- Guns Akimbo: In her final appearance.
- High-Class Call Girl: Implied to have been one when alive.
- Holy Burns Evil: When Willow tossed some holy water into her face.
- Marshmallow Hell: Put Angel in it when she sired him.
- New Old Flame: To Angel.
- Psychotic Smirk
- The Smurfette Principle: Seemingly the Master's only female minion, or at least the only non-background one.
- Too Kinky to Torture: In episode 7:
"You're (Angel) angry, that's good. You're hurting me, that's good, too." |
Collin, The Anointed One (Andrew J. Ferchland)[]
Child turned into a vampire in Season 1. Originally planned as the Big Bad for Season 2, the actor's growth made it implausible for him to be ageless, and was killed off by Spike. And There Was Much Rejoicing.
- A Child Shall Lead Them
- The Adjective One
- Anticlimax: Lots of build-up over the enigmatic Anointed One, his mysterious powers, and his role in Buffy's battle with the Master. In the end, it basically boiled down to Collin escorting her to him. He's killed shortly afterward.
- Bastard Understudy
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Big No: Last words.
- Creepy Child
- Disc One Final Boss: Season 2.
- Dragon Ascendant: Until Spike kills him, of course.
- Enfante Terrible
- Game Face: One of the few recurring vampires to never show his, leaving it ambiguous as to whether or not it would've been Nightmare Retardant or Fuel.
- Informed Ability: Apparently possesses immense power, which we never really see demonstrated.
- Kill It With Sunlight: How Spike disposed of him.
- Meet the New Boss
- The Remnant: What's left of the Order of Aurelius. Spike dissolved the ancient order when he took over.
- Scream Discretion Shot: His death.
- Undead Child
- The Unfought
- Voice of the Legion
- You Have Failed Me...: Attempted on Spike. Things go poorly.
Drusilla (Juliet Landau)[]
"We're going to destroy the world. Want to come?" |
Creepy cockney vampire who sired Spike in 1880. Formerly a chaste Catholic girl, cursed with "the sight" — visions of the future. Spotted by Angelus during his heyday, he took a liking to her and set about tormenting her and killing her entire family. Then, on the day she was to become a nun, he slaughtered the convent and turned her into a vampire. Certifiably insane, Drusilla has an almost child-like demeanor, hiding how extremely dangerous she is.
- Ax Crazy
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Chronic Pet Killer: Frequently ends up fawning over dead pets in cages. (It is an Ex-Parrot!) As Drusilla doesn't need to eat, she has trouble wrapping her mind around the concept of pet food.
Spike: It's DEAD, Dru. You didn't feed it, now it's DEAD, just like the last ones. |
- Compelling Voice
- Create Your Own Villain: Angel visited upon her every mental torment he could devise, ending up with.... well, a pretty deranged supervillainess, all told.
- Creepy Doll: Has a plethora of these. Her favorite doll is called Miss Edith. ("Miss Edith speaks out of turn. She’s a bad example, and will have no cakes today.")
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Crouching Lunatic Hidden Badass - she's usually very flighty and doesn't seem overly competent...but when she does something evil, she goes all out.
- Custom Uniform: Dru's (rarely seen) game face is more snake-like than other vampires in the Buffyverse.
- Daddy's Girl: Adores her sire Angelus, yet paradoxically blames all the bad things he did to her on the "Angel-beast".
- Dark Chick
- Dark Is Evil
- Dark Mistress
- Depraved Bisexual
- Driven to Madness: By Angelus.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Femme Fatalons: Kills Kendra with them.
- "I didn't like that bartender. His eyeballs got stuck to my fingers. {{[[[Finger-Lickin' Evil]] licks fingers}}]
- Fortune Teller: Showed a talent for reading Tarot in one episode.
- Hero-Killer: Her murder of Kendra Young.
- Horny Devils
- The Hyena
- Ill Girl: When she first appears, though she gets better.
- Ironic Nursery Tune: Her theme music.
- Karma Houdini: Still waiting for her to get her just desserts.
- Mad Oracle
- Non-Action Guy: She rarely fights, preferring to use her powers of hypnosis and her tactical planning. Not that that makes her any less terrifying.
- No One Could Have Survived That: Supposedly killed by an angry mob in Prague. Buffy notes they don't make angry mobs like they used to.
- The Ophelia
- Psychopathic Manchild: She loves flowers, puppies, and squeals with childish delight at seeing people killed in horrible ways.
- Soap Opera Disease: What the heck is she dying of, anyway? Spike initially hopes the Hellmouth will restore her, but later learns that the blood of her sire (Angel) can cure her affliction.
- In the comics, it was retroactively explained that Drusilla was tortured by an "Inquisitor" while in Prague, including the use of a magic torture chair, leaving her in a frail condition.
- Spider Sense
- Talkative Loon
- Too Kinky to Torture: Implied by Spike's declared intention to "tie her up and torture her until she likes me again!". Well, okay.
- The Unfought: Unless you count her really brief skirmish with Kendra.
- Vocal Dissonance: She dresses like a Goth singer, acts like a serial killer and talks with an extremely soft voice.
- Waif Prophet
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In the TV show.
- Finally appears in the Angel and Faith comics.
- Woman in White: Her adornments while still bedridden.
- Would Hurt a Child: "What will your mummy sing when they find your body?"
Ethan Rayne (Robin Sachs)[]
An old friend of Giles', and a chaos-worshipping sorcerer.
- Affably Evil
- The Barnum
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dirty Coward
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: In Season 8.
- Evil Brit
- Evil Counterpart: To Giles.
- Evil Gloating: Acknowledges that it's generally a bad idea, but he can't seem to help himself.
- Evil Sorcerer
- For the Evulz
- Forgotten Friend, New Foe
- Heroic Sacrifice: He knew he was going to die when he helped Buffy.
- My Nayme Is
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Order Versus Chaos
- Psycho for Hire: In "Band Candy".
- Put on a Bus: Being arrested.
- Redemption Equals Death: His final act in life is helping Buffy.
- Squishy Wizard
- Beard of Evil: Kakistos' goatee.
- The Brute: He comes more from the "Hulk Smash" school of approach.
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: “"'m going to rip her spine from her body, and I'm going to eat her heart, and suck the marrow from her bones".
- The Dreaded: Faith is nine kinds of panicked when she sees Kakistos again.
- Evil Makes You Monstrous: Like The Master before him, he has grown past the curse of human features.
- Famous Last Words: "Looks like you need a bigger stake, Slayer!"
- Fate Worse Than Death: One mention of Faith's watcher stops her in her tracks. Buffy asks if Kakistos killed her. Faith just stares and says, "They don't have a word for what he did to her".
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: In return for killing her Watcher, Faith left Kakistos something to remember her by.
- Stronger with Age: Kakistos is so old that the normal way to dispatch a vampire, a wooden stake to the heart, won't cut it with him. Faith actually has to impale him with a two-by-four to finish him off.
- Large and In Charge
- Monster of the Week
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: According to Giles, Kakistos translates to "Worst of the Worst".
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Kakistos gets his hands on Faith, but instead of killing her, he just starts pummeling her.
- Sinister Silhouettes: Kakistos in his limosine.
Mr. Trick (K. Todd Freeman)[]
"Sunnydale. Town's got quaint, and the people! He called me "sir", don't you just miss that? I mean, admittedly, it's not a haven for the brothers. You know, strictly the Caucasian persuasion here in the 'Dale. But you know, you just gotta stand up and salute that death rate. I ran a statistical analysis and, Hello Darkness! Makes D.C. look like Mayberry." |
Tech-savvy vampire from early Season 3. Aided the Mayor before being killed and replaced by Faith.
- Affably Evil
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Disc One Final Boss: In Season 3.
- The Dragon: Trick goes solo for a while until the Mayor recruits him.
- Eviler Than Thou: Comes to regard Kakistos as an old-fashioned fool, abandoning him to be killed by Faith and Buffy ("These vengeance crusades are out of style, it's the modern vampire who sees the big picture.")
- Evil Is Stylish
- Famous Last Words: "Oh, this is no good. This is no good at all..."
- Fan Boy: Of Marmaduke.
"Nobody can tell Marmaduke what to do. That's my kinda dog". |
- Genre Savvy
- Jive Turkey
- The Man Behind the Man
- Pop-Cultured Badass
- The Starscream: To Kakistos.
- Token Minority
- Villain Exit Stage Left
- You Look Familiar: Previously played the Annointed One's Dragon, Absalom, in "When She Was Bad".
Vampire Willow (Alyson Hannigan)[]
That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and...skanky! (And I think I'm kinda gay.)
Willow's doppelgänger from an alternate universe in which Buffy never moved to Sunnydale. With no one around to prevent the Master's return, the town was taken over by vampires, with Willow and Xander serving proudly as the Master's top lieutenants. Vampire Willow is staked by Oz, who shoves her into a broken wooden board. She is momentarily saved from death by a botched magic spell (courtesy of her non-vampire counterpart) which deposits her in the 'real' world. Disappointed by the mundane Sunnydale, Vampire Willow decides to recreate her own world by taking over the town.
- The Baroness
- Bastard Girlfriend: "That's right puppy, Willow's going to make you bark..."
- Catch Phrase: "Bored now".
- Co-Dragons: She and Vampire Xander appeared to be this to their version of the Master, replacing the conspicuously absent Darla and Luke.
- Curse Cut Short: "Oh, fu--"
- Depraved Bisexual
- Dominatrix: "It was you. Except for the part about being a dominatrix." Thanks Buffy.
- Evil Redhead
- Evil Twin
- Foreshadowing: Of Willow's future sexual preferences.
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Horny Devils
- I Have You Now, My Pretty
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Twice.
- Lecherous Licking
- Lesbian Vampire
- Loves the Sound of Screaming
- Mirror Match: Inevitably.
- Monster of the Week: Two weeks.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Prince and Pauper: As part of a plan to masquerade as her twin, Willow is obliged to swap her fuzzy sweater for leather bondage attire.
Willow: I guess vampires really don't have to breathe. [glances down] Gosh, look at those." |
- Screw Yourself
- Torture Technician
- Unholy Matrimony: With Vampire Xander.
D'Hoffryn (Andy Umberger)[]
Anya's old boss, and the one responsible for recruiting and training new vengeance demons.
- Beard of Evil
- Black Eyes of Evil
- Evil Mentor
- Faux Affably Evil: It takes him a long time to drop the mask. But when he does? Ooph.
- Horned Humanoid
- I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: In "Selfless", Anya wants to undo a wish she granted that resulted in the deaths of a whole frat house. D'Hoffryn tells her the price is the life and soul of a vengeance demon, and she accepts, thinking he'll kill her. He instead kills Halfrek. "Never go for the kill when you can go for the pain."
- Karma Houdini
- My Card: The talisman he gave Willow in "Something Blue".
- The Patriarch
- Playing with Fire: Poor Halfrek.
- Prop Recycling: D'Hoffryn was originally dubbed "Mr. Hodgepodge" by the makeup artists because they used pieces from The Judge, a demon of Jhe, and the Rage Monster (Pete) to make him.
- Sophisticated As Hell: Alternated between eloquent and crass English, even in ancient times.
- Villain Teleportation
- We Have Reserves: "I have plenty of other girls."
- White Void Room: His place of business is a featureless black void.
- You Look Familiar: Andy Umberger is one of only five actors to appear in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly.
Professor Maggie Walsh (Lindsay Crouse)[]
"Almost time to wake up, Adam. And take your first look at the world." |
Head of The Initiative and Buffy's psych professor.
- Disc One Final Boss: Season 4.
- Evil Mentor: To Riley.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Murdered by Adam, her favorite creation.
- Jerkass
- Mad Scientist
- Motherly Scientist: Maggie Walsh, head scientist of the "Initiative" and creator of Adam.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Adam brought her back as little more than one, to help with his Evil Plan.
- Parental Substitute: Surrogate mother to Riley and Adam; the latter even refers to her as such.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: She was intended to be the season's Big Bad, but Lindsay Cruse had other commitments so Adam was hastily substituted.
- Red Baron: The Evil Bitch Monster of Death!
- Stern Teacher
- You Got Spunk: Her response to Buffy telling her off in "The Initiative" is "I like her".
Veruca (Paige Moss)[]
A werewolf singer with an interest in Oz.
- Always V. Sexy
- Chekhov's Gunman: Had bit parts in "Living Condition" and "Beer Bad" before making a full appearance.
- Evil Counterpart: To Oz.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Tries to kill Willow so she can have Oz to herself and make him embrace being a werewolf.
- Monster of the Week
- Wolf Woman
- The Vamp
- What Could Have Been: Was going to be a recurring character, but those plans fell through with the departure of Seth Green.
Forrest Gates (Leonard Roberts)[]
Riley's best friend and second-in-command in the Initiative, who gets very jealous of Buffy's influence. Killed and re-animated by Adam near the end of the season.
- Bald of Evil: After being transformed
- Back from the Dead: Thanks to Adam.
- Black Best Friend
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death by Looking Up: He saw too late that Riley threw him a tank of flammable gas.
- Degraded Boss: His cyborg self is reduced to a type of mook in the game Chaos Bleeds.
- The Dragon: To Adam in the Season Finale.
- Evil Counterpart: To Riley, remaining utterly loyal to the Initiative. This doesn't end well for him.
- Eye Scream: Spike put out one of Forrest's eyes with a cigarette.
- Face Heel Turn: He was more Knight Templar when he was still a "good guy".
- He Who Fights Monsters: Literally.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How he was killed by Adam.
- Jerkass
- Knight Templar: With a bit of Fantastic Racism thrown in
- Mix-and-Match Man
- Playing with Syringes: Adam turns him into a duplicate of himself.
- Reforged Into a Minion
- Super Serum: Initially
- Super Soldier
- Super Strength: Pre- and post-transformation.
- Those Two Guys: With Graham.
Harmony Kendall (Mercedes McNab)[]
"Harmony, when you tried to be head cheerleader, you were bad. When you tried to chair the homecoming committee, you were really bad. But when you try to be bad... you suck."
Formerly Cordelia's best friend, turned into a vampire at the end of Season 3. Spent a while as Spike's squeeze, and made a laughable attempt at becoming the Big Bad in Season 5. Eventually moved to Angel, but returned in Season 8, where she reveals the existence of vampires and demons to the world, and gets a reality show. Basically Tori Spelling if she were undead.
- The Archer: Tried to be this in Season Five, but turned out to be rather inept when it came to handling crossbows.
- Affably Evil
- Alpha Bitch
- Ascended Extra
- Being Evil Sucks
- Blondes Are Evil
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Brainless Beauty
- Butt Monkey
- Celeb Crush: "No threesomes! Unless it's boy, boy, girl. Or Charlize Theron."
- Dumb Blonde
- Evil Counterpart: To Cordelia.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: "I am a villain, Spike." (starts to cough uncontrollably)
- Harmless Villain: She certainly changed this in Season 8, managing to kill a Slayer.
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: She seemed to have gotten nicer during the days leading up to high school graduation. Then, she got turned into a vamp.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: She's a vampire and she goes on killing sprees, yet The Slayer doesn't bother her.
- Karma Houdini: Especially in Season 8. She outs the existence of vampires, becoming a worldwide celebrity and making vampires seem like good guys while the Slayer Organization was made out to be a Nazi-like group attempting to destroy the misunderstood demonkind. But because of Harmony’s status, Buffy orders her army not to try and kill her, out of fear of making her a martyr, which essentially gives her a free pass to do whatever she wants.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Perpetual Smiler
- Staircase Tumble: How Marcie tried to kill her in "Out of Mind, Out of Sight".
- Super Loser
- Took a Level in Badass: Season 8.
- Unicorn: Has a serious thing for them.
- Unknown Rival: Started thinking she was this in Season 5.
- Villain with Good Publicity: She killed a Slayer live on television, and still got to go on Anderson Cooper and Larry King to talk about how evil Slayers were.
- Woman Scorned: In "Pangs" (scares Spike off with a stake) and "Crush" (actually tries to kill him).
"What can you tell me about Dracula?" —Riley and Spike
Dracula. Does more need to be said?
Actually, for this version, it does. He is evil, politically incorrect, and extremely powerful, having far more powers than a normal vampire. He is also best friends with Xander, and was taught how to ride a motorbike by him. Nobody really understands this relationship, and most are really confused by it. He's also not exactly well liked among his own kind as it was him who gave Bram Stoker the inspiration for the book bearing his name, which first put vampires in the public eye (even though still fictional). As Spike puts it, they consider him a "sell out".
- Animorphism
- Badass: What did you expect, it's Dracula.
- Badass Grandpa: Part of his speech to Toru when the other vampires mock him by calling him "Old Man" is basically bitch-slapping him and stating that Europe ran red with the blood of his enemies LONG before he became a vampire, so, really, it's the "Old Man" that he should be afraid of.
- Cool Sword
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?
- Dual Age Modes
- Enemy Mine: "I loathe Buffy Summers, her whole army makes me want to retch, and I'd just as soon see them wiped off the map once and for all. However, nobody steals from Dracula."
- Game Face: He is the rare exception in that he doesn't have one.
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Odd Friendship: With Xander.
- Pet the Dog: He has genuine fondness for Xander and considers Xander to be one of his dearest friends, to the point that he was enraged on Xander's behalf after Renee's death and tore vampire chumps to pieces like wet paper.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: He is portrayed as simply politically incorrect, without malice behind it, his attitudes being mainly a result of extraordinary age.
- Politically incorrect nothing. A slayer is murdered and strung up, a message written in her blood. Buffy brings her body home, where she meets Dracula and plans an attack. Before they go, however, Dracula asks if anyone is going to finish eating the dead slayer.
- He refers to Renee as "[Xander's] moor"
- Retired Monster
- Running Gag: The "Eleven Pounds" he owes Spike.
- Smoke Out
- Taken for Granite: In 1947 by Comte de Saint-Germain. He is freed by Spike inadvertently.
- Teleport Spam
- This Is Not My Life to Take: Dracula cripples the leader of the vampire army, who screams at Dracula to let him die with honor. Dracula tells the crippled vampire that he knows nothing of honor, and that he is not Dracula's to kill —- after which he hands his sword to Xander, whose girlfriend, Renee, the vampire leader had murdered. Xander delivers the coup de grace.
- Super Smoke
- Villainous Widow's Peak
- Villain Teleportation
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Halfrek (Kali Rocha)[]
Anya's friend and fellow vengeance demon. Her specialty is answering wishes from children to punish bad parents and parental figures (which was bad when Dawn's issues reached boiling point).
- Affably Evil: Acts quite sweet, calls Willow "lemon drop", etc. Genuinely friendly to Anya, in fact her only real friend in demondom.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Related to the above, being a seemingly sweet-natured guidance counselor who is really a vengeance demon. Also, her insinuations against Xander to Anya.
- Daddy Issues: According to Anya.
- Evil Counterpart: Has no empathy for her victims. She is essentially Anya before becoming human.
- Failed Attempt At Drama: In "Older And Far Away," she tries to teleport away dramatically (twice) but her own spell kept her in the house.
- Famous Last Words: "Anya...?"
- Friendly Rival: To Anya.
- Game Face
- Pet the Dog: She seemed to genuinely care about Dawn's problems and thought she was doing the right thing.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Halfrek was more easygoing and worldly compared to the workaholic and awkward Anya.
- Rich Bitch: As Cecily.
- Technicolor Death
- You Look Familiar: Kali Rocha played Cecily, the woman who spurned Spike when he was William the human poet. The inspiration for the famous "My heart expands, 'tis grown a bulge in it, inspired by your beauty, effulgent." Halfrek and Spike recognize each other, then embarrassedly deny knowing each other. Word of God confirms that Halfrek = Cecily.
- Although, when speaking to Anya, Halfrek mentioned "...that thing during the Crimean War. We laugh about it now." The Crimean War happened before Spike was turned, so either Cecily was already a vengeance demon in disguise or there's time travel involved.
- Villain Teleportation
Dark Willow (Alyson Hannigan)[]
Girl is running on pure fury. I've never felt anything like it. |
Appears in the last three episodes of Season 6. What Willow turns into after she absorbs all the Magic Shop's Tome of Eldritch Lore after her lover Tara was accidentally shot dead by Warren. When the Scoobies try to stop her Roaring Rampage of Revenge, she's fully prepared to kill them as well.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Foreshadowing for this character is built up throughout the series. Willow's recklessness in using magic, her resentment of being Buffy's sidekick, her liking for vengeance, and her desire for power — all in a Shrinking Violet nerd who feels she's been ignored, bullied and disparaged all her life.
- Big Blackout: Fuses out lights wherever she goes.
- Compelling Voice: Get Out!
- Black Eyes of Crazy / Black Eyes of Evil
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Evil Makeover / Paint It Black / Power Dyes Your Hair
Xander: And can I just ask, what's with the Make-Over of the Damned? I mean, the hair...! |
- Evil Sounds Deep: A deep voice and Black Corneas Of Evil mark Dark!Willow turning pro.
- Fallen Hero
- Flaying Alive / And I Must Scream: Dark Willow sews Warren's mouth shut as she tortures him, then when she gets bored flays him alive with a single gesture.
- Final Boss
- Great Balls of Fire
- Hand Blast
- Healing Hands
- Hijacked by Ganon: Dark Willow reappears in the Time of Your Life arc of Season 8.
- Love Makes You Evil: Yet is brought back to normal thanks to The Power of Friendship.
- Mark of the Beast: Going all veiny.
- Mind Control
- Mind Over Matter
- Person of Mass Destruction: Is so stricken by grief she decides to bring about The End of the World as We Know It.
- Powers as Programs
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "Bored now."
- Psycho Lesbian
- The Resenter: "Six years as a side man, now I get to be The Slayer."
- Shock and Awe
- Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum
- Super Strength: After casting a spell on herself, she's able to take on Buffy and win.
- Telepathy
- Third Person Person: Talks about Willow as if she were a different person.
- This Is Your Brain on Evil
- To the Pain: Willow describes in detail the damage a bullet will do as it works its way through Warren's body.
- True Final Boss
- Unstoppable Rage
- Vigilante Woman: Kills Warren (whom everyone figures deserves it) and tries to kill Andrew and Jonathan, even though they're only guilty by association.
- Villain Teleportation
- Villainous Widow's Peak: Willow wears one naturally. It becomes this once she morphs into Dark Willow.
- Wicked Witch
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
Amy Madison (Elizabeth Anne Allen)[]
Fellow student at Sunnydale High, and a witch. Introduced in Season 1 when her mother switched bodies with her to relive her glory days as a cheerleader. Thanks to Buffy's help, the spell was reversed and her mother got a spell rebounded on her that trapped her in a cheerleading trophy. Continued her school life since then with occasional run-ins with the Scoobies. Turned herself into a rat in Season 3, and was turned back by Willow in Season 6. Notable for appearing in one episode per season of the first four seasons. Had an expanded role in the comics.
- And I Must Scream: Being stuck as a rat for several years. Despite how much that sucked, she kept the cage.
- Animorphism: Can turn people into rats. Including herself, which probably wasn't the best idea as it was years before anyone turned her back. In Season 8, she has gotten a lot better at controling her magic, and can become a cat, as well as cast spells while in animal form.
- Big No: Combined with a rather twisted Aw, Look — They Really Do Love Each Other, Amy lets out a big no when the Seed of Wonder is destroyed and she loses her powers, causing Warren to fall apart in front of her eyes, since he had only been held together by her magic.
- Black Mage
- Co-Dragons: To Twilight with Warren and The General in Season 8.
- Dark Magical Girl
- De-Power: With the destruction of the Seed of Wonder.
- Dr. Feelgood: The root of Willow's 'relapse' into her magic habit.
- Evil Counterpart: To Willow.
- Also to Tara. Tara advised Willow to slow down on the magic while Amy encouraged her addiction.
- Evil Former Friend
- Evil Sorceress
- Flight: In Season 8.
- Face Heel Turn
- Grand Theft Me: Her introduction.
- Hot Witch
- I'm a Humanitarian: How she and Warren survived under the Sunnydale sinkhole.
- In the Blood: Implied to be the source of her raw magical power.
- Karma Houdini
- Mommy Issues
- My Beloved Smother: Had one.
- Magitek: Provided by the Twilight group to try and give Amy an advantage against Willow.
- Necromancer: She creates an army of zombies to attack the Slayer Organization.
- Not So Different: When a spell went off showing an individual's worst fears, hers was shown to be her mother.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: During the Battle in Sunnydale during the Twilight crisis, she and Warren escape Spike's airship and run away. She considers going back to help and see if they can fake a Heel Face Turn, but Warren shoots down the idea since he knew Willow would never allow them to join.
- Teleportation
Caleb (Nathan Fillion)[]
"Back before I met you, there was this choir girl in Knoxville I used to give singing lessons to. She even screamed on-key" |
Former priest and physical vessel for The First.
- Badass Preacher: Of a Religion of Evil.
- Corrupt Hick
- Curb Stomp Battle: His first battle with the main cast.
- The Heavy: The First is intangible, which means all the physical jobs belong to Caleb.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Buffy cut him in half. From the groin upwards.
- Fusion Dance: Does one with The First.
- A Glass of Chianti: Heck, his evil lair is a wine cellar!
- Large Ham
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Got bisected. Ouch.
- He-Man Woman Hater: Sees all women as corrupt whores. Warren is nothing compared to him.
- Holier Than Thou
- Implacable Man: After Glory, he's the most physically powerful villain the gang faces.
- Playing Against Type: Not a usual Nathan Fillion role.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain
- Psycho Supporter: Of the First, whom he basically sees as God.
- Sexy Priest: In the opinion of some.
- Serial Killer: Pre-series.
- Shout-Out: To Robert Mitchum in The Night of the Hunter.
- Sinister Minister: Of the defrocked Catholic priest variety.
Comic-specific Villains[]
"Look around you. The Queen is dead. Long live me." |
A mysterious masked villain who leads an alliance of Buffy's old enemies and the US military against the new army of Slayers that Buffy created at the end of Season 7. He has Super Strength and Flight, and can be summoned by anyone who is marked with his symbol. Turns out he's actually Angel; he took the Twilight identity to take command of those who would target the Slayers and manipulate them into keeping the body count as low as possible.
However, Twilight also turned out to be the name of a sentient dimension that manipulated Angel into giving birth to itself with the help of Buffy, and attempts to steal the Seed of Wonder from underneath Sunnydale, which would end that dimension and make Twilight the most powerful dimension.
Tropes that apply to the person Twilight (a.k.a. Angel)[]
- Badass Longcoat
- Bad Boss
- Batman Gambit
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- The Chessmaster
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dramatic Unmask: His neck was just itchy.
- God Guise: How he tricked some of his followers into fighting for him.
- Hidden Villain
- Hypocrite: He is trying to bring about the end of magic, but employs several witches, wizards, and demons alongside the military to do so. This is pointed out by one of the soldiers under his command. Of course, there is a reason for this, since Angel was bringing all of the Slayer Organization's enemies together to slow them down and take them out.
- Living Bodysuit
- The Mole
- Mysterious Watcher
- Necessarily Evil: Everything he does is to distract and hold back all the forces planning to attack the Slayer Organization.
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Religion of Evil: Some of his followers worshiped him as a god.
- Surrounded by Idiots: His Co-Dragons include Warren and Amy, and while they are not idiots, their bickering causes him a lot of headaches and trouble and makes him Face Palm a few times.
- Unwitting Pawn
- Villain with Good Publicity
- Visionary Villain
- We Have Reserves: When the three Wrathful Goddesses are unleashed by the Slayer army against Twilight's soldiers, The General immediately wants to retreat. Twilight tells him no, since he wants to see what the Goddesses will do to the soldiers.
Tropes that apply to the sentient dimension Twilight[]
- Another Dimension
- Antagonistic Offspring
- Arc Words: First appears in winged lion form in Buffy's nightmares, saying "The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen." It first seems to mean Genevieve Savidge's attempt to replace Buffy as lead Slayer, but is actually referring to Twilight replacing the current universe.
- Big Bad
- Celestial Body
- Demonic Possession
- Dimension Lord
- Eldritch Abomination
- Eldritch Location
- Flaming Hair
- Luke, You Are My Father
- Make Way for the New Villains: Killed the Master, and Ethan Rayne by proxy.
- Manipulative Bastard: It manipulated its own birth.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: Its form in our dimension is a winged lion. The design team refers to this as a "gryphon", although that's not quite accurate, as a gryphon has an eagle's head.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Parental Abandonment: Twilight is a bit upset by the fact that Angel and Buffy abandoned it to return to their own dimension.
- Playing Both Sides
- Ultimate Lifeform: Considers itself this.
General Voll[]
The original leader of the U.S. military forces alligned with Twilight. Word of God states that the writers forgot about him when replacing him with the second General.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Dropped and never mentioned or seen.
- Co-Dragons: With Amy and Warren.
- Four-Star Badass
- The Fundamentalist: Even more so than his successor
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has the Twilight symbol carved all over his chest.
- Knight Templar
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Genevieve Savidge[]
"Buffy has forced our kind to be the serfs of this world, when we should have been lording over the masses." |
A rich British Slayer and daughter of a powerful noble, she is recruited by Roden to kill Buffy and take over the Slayer Organization, in order to impose their rule on the world. She is befriended by an undercover Faith, who foils her attempt to kill Buffy and is then accidentally killed by Faith as she attempts to redeem her.
- An Axe to Grind
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Badass
- Bad Dreams: She is plagued by Prophetic Dreams and the memories of past Slayers and their deaths. One of the reasons she wants to kill Buffy is because Roden lied and told her the dreams would end when Buffy was dead.
- Bare Your Midriff: Several of her outfits.
- Bathtub Bonding: With Faith.
- Beware The Slayer
- Big Bad Wannabe: She is a strong Slayer who puts together a credible plan to kill Buffy, but she is easily bested in battle by Buffy, and she was an Unwitting Pawn for Twilight in the first place.
- Blood From the Mouth
- Blue Blood
- Dark Action Girl
- Dartboard of Hate: Has a picture of Buffy in a closet with several knives thrown into it.
- Driven by Envy: Genevieve can't believe Buffy, a colonial commoner, is the leader of the Slayers and wants to kill her to take over.
- Evil Brit
- Fantastic Racism: Does not consider anyone who is not nobility to be worth her time, and considers anyone from the "colonies" to be worth even less.
- That sounds like regular racism to me.
- Friendless Background: Due to being homeschooled.
- Horrible Judge of Character: She thinks that Roden actully cares for her.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Other Slayers, as training to kill Buffy.
- In-Series Nickname: Gigi.
- Meaningful Name
- Ms. Fanservice
- Parental Neglect
- Prepare to Die: Says this in a really fancy way to Buffy.
- The Resenter
- Royal Brat
- Super Strength
- Unwitting Pawn: To both Twilight and Roden.
- Villainous Breakdown: Suffers one after discovering that "Hope" is not who she claimed to be and she fails to kill Buffy.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: What she thinks she is, planning to kill a "misguided" Buffy and install Slayers as leaders of a corrupt world.
A Irish warlock and a master of The Dark Arts who joined Twilight's cause in an attempt to survive the end of magic, recruiting Genevieve Savidge to kill all the other Slayers.
- Arc Villain: For No Future For You.
- Badass
- Pop-Cultured Badass: He references Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2", saying as wise man once said that you can't have any pudding if you don't have your meat.
- Black Eyes of Evil
- Black Magic
- Dishing Out Dirt
- The Dragon: To Genevieve...
- Dragon with an Agenda: ...except he really isn't loyal to her, and is just using her to further his own goals.
- Evil Counterpart: To Giles.
- Evil Gloating
- Evil Mentor
- Evil Redhead
- Evil Sorcerer
- Flight
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Giles uses a spell from Roden's spellbook to kill him.
- Les Collaborateurs
- Made of Iron: Survives getting stabbed in the back with a pair of garden scissors.
- Nigh Invulnerability
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers one to Faith.
- Smug Snake
- Stating the Simple Solution: Begs Genevive to kill Faith, believing she is a threat, but she ignores him.
- Treacherous Advisor
- Unwitting Pawn: In Twilight's real grand scheme.
- We Can Rule Together: After Faith kills Genevieve, Roden tries to convince her to replace her in his plan to kill Buffy and survive the End of Magic.
- Your Head Asplode
Simone Doffler[]
"Come back?! Haven't you heard? We're the bad guys now. People think vamps are cool and Slayers are the threat. Difference between you and me? I am a threat." |
A rogue Slayer who broke off from Buffy's organization and started her own, believing that Slayers were better than other humans and that they should rule over them, no matter the cost. Simone also really likes guns.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass
- Beware The Slayer
- Big Bad or Disc One Final Boss: In Season 9. In a Buffy season, the first major villain introduced usually turns out to be a Disc One Final Boss.
- Blood Knight
- Cool Shades
- Dangerous Deserter
- Delinquent Hair
- Disproportionate Retribution: Wants to torture and kill Andrew just because he annoyed her when he was her Watcher.
- Face Heel Turn
- Homage: Visually strongly based on Tank Girl.
- Kick the Dog: Beats up an old women who had given her food and shelter when she protested Simone and her gang taking over her hometown.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Her killing of the General. Kinda hard to feel sympathetic for a guy who just spent the series trying to wipe out the Slayer army.
- The Ladette
- Manipulative Bitch: She is first seen in season nine driving a van loaded with guns, before the focus shifts to a former Vampire Vannabe who had been killing vamps then sets his sights on Buffy because of her Nice Job Breaking It, Hero actions. To cut a very long story short the police shoot him, he turns out to have survived in hospital where we discover Simone had sent him.
- More Dakka: She constantly wants bigger and better weapons.
- Oh Crap: When Buffy shoots the lock on the Ragna Demon's cage and locks her and her gang in a room with it.
- The Quincy Punk
- Reassignment Backfire: Rona thought transfering Simone from Chicago to Rome would soften her up. Instead, Andrew annoyed her so much she went rogue.
- Super Strength
- Surprisingly-Sudden Death: A villain-on-villain example, when she kills The General.
- Take Over the World: Her stated goal to Buffy. Started by taking over an island near Italy and kicking everyone off of it, beating up an old woman who had given her food and shelter while doing so.
- The Social Darwinist
- The Van Came Back: She's driving around San Francisco in the season nine opener, and given she was behind the attempt on Buffy being Brought Down to Normal looks like she will be the current Big Bad.
- Trigger Happy
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
"All my faces are there to see. But you humans... you have too many. I would be rid of your kind. I welcome this war. I know all you weaknesses. And soon all my brethren will as well." |
A draconic-looking Old One, Sephrilian is one of the Demon elite who walk the line between the human reality and the others. He was approached by Buffy and Willow, who sought information on Twilight. Has four unmoving faces: happy, sad, angry and fearful.
- Bigger on the Inside: It's realm is inside a small one story house- which contains an endless staircase, and Sephrilian himself.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?
- Dimension Lord
- Eldritch Abomination
- Evil Gloating
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Sephrilian has devil wings.
- Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Omnipotent
- Pocket Dimension
- Reality Warper
- Supernatural Elite
The leader of a large vampire gang based out of Tokyo, Toru tricked Dracula into giving his powers to Toru and all his men, stole the scythe from Buffy's fortress, and planned to use it to De-Power all of the Slayers in the world. In the process, he killed Renee, Xander's Love Interest. He was defeated by Dracula, who let Xander kill him in Revenge.
- Animorphism
- Arc Villain: For Wolves at the Gate.
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- The Chessmaster
- Evil Genius: Builds a device capable of projecting a hologram, a giant Mecha-Dawn, and a device capable of casting a spell worldwide to De-Power the Slayers.
- Evil Gloating
- Get It Over With: Begs Dracula to kill him honorably after cutting off his arms and a leg, but Dracula waits for Xander to arrive and allow him to do it.
- Kick the Dog: His De-Powering and murder of a Slayer, and what he did with her body afterwords.
- Off with His Head: How Xander kills him.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Tries to give one to Dracula, of all people. Backfires horribly.
- Smug Snake
- Super Smoke
- Surprisingly-Sudden Death: Surprises the gang by appearing out of nowhere and putting the pointy end of the Scythe through Renee's chest, killing her.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Stolen from Dracula, along with several other abilities.
Toru's right-hand man, he is killed by Satsu right before he can bite Buffy.
- Animorphism
- Badass: Takes out two Slayers even without the powers stolen from Dracula.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- The Brute
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Dragon
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Gives one to Buffy, but Satsu gives him one right back when she saves Buffy.
- Super Smoke
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Kumiko Ishihara[]
A Japanese vampire witch and follower of Toru, Kumiko was trained by the same demon guide as Willow.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass: Almost kills Willow, who is only saved by the timely intervention of Buffy.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dark Action Girl
- Deal with the Devil: She gained much of her power from Aluwyn.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Evil Counterpart: To Willow.
- Evil Sorceress
- Flight
- Hot Witch
- Super Smoke
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Unless it's an art error, Buffy stabbed her with a knife, not a stake, which would not kill a vampire. Nonetheless, this is the last we see of Kumiko.
A werewolf and former student of Oz and Bayarmaa who learned to control his transformation, but strayed off the path. Now heads a group of werewolves that share his way of thinking: the wolf is the best part of them, they should revel in it, and anyone thinking differently is to be eliminated.
- Disproportionate Retribution: He and his group slaughter an entire monastery worth of Buddhist monks because he disagrees with Oz and Bayarmaa's view on werewolves.
- Enemy Mine
- Evil Brit
- Face Heel Turn
- Fully-Embraced Fiend
- Last-Name Basis
- Naked on Arrival
- Unexplained Recovery: He appears to have died after Bayarmaa rips his throat out, until he reappeared two issues later. The editor even admitted they "went overboard with the blood". In the trade paperback some dialogue was changed to make up for it, though it still doesn't explain exactly how he got better.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Wolf Man
- Would Hurt a Child: He and his group have no qualms attacking Bayarmaa even though she is carrying an infant.
The Swell[]
A group of demons that all resemble vampire cat dolls, they could possess people by crawling down their throats, and join together to create a giant Vampy Cat.
- Bad Boss: They kill all of their human and demon minions.
- The Cameo: One makes a small appearance in Hack Slash story written by Season 8 writer and editor Scott Allie.
- Cats Are Mean
- Creepy Doll
- Demonic Possession
- He-Man Woman Hater
- Orifice Invasion
- Politically-Incorrect Villain
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Worm That Walks: Their combined form.
The General[]
The second leader of the US military forces working with Twilight against the Slayer Organization.
- Anti-Villain: In between Type III and Type IV.
- Badass
- Boom! Headshot!: Via Simone.
- Co-Dragons: To Twilight with Amy and Warren in Season 8.
- Enemy Mine: Very reluctantly works with the Slayers to fight the invading demon armies.
- Knight Templar
- Irony: He ruined his career by going after and destroying the Slayer Organization, believing them to be a threat to world peace, but was killed by Simone Doffler, a rouge Slayer that he didn't go after who really is a threat to the world.
- No Name Given
- Pet the Dog: Allowing Dawn to get medical treatment during the battle against the demons in the Sunnydale sinkhole.
- Retirony
- The Other Darrin: He's this to General Voll, whose fate is never addressed.
- Trademark Favorite Food: "The General. Name classified. Like others, works for Twilight. Also craves cheese."
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Thinks that the Slayer Organization really is a threat to world peace.
Pearl and Nash[]
Half-demon/half-human twins raised by their human mother to usher in the next stage of human evolution. They worked for Twilight to achieve this goal, until it was revealed that Angel was Twilight and tricking them. Now they want Revenge.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Big Bad Duumvirate
- Blood Splattered Warrior: And not their own blood.
- Brother-Sister Team
- Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Nash is partially based on David Bowie, specifically his Thin White Duke persona, while Pearl is based on Karen O.
- Cute Monster Girl: Pearl
- Emotion Eater
- Energy Weapon: Both can summon two green energy swords.
- Eye Beams
- Flight
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Half-Identical Twins
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Icy Blue Eyes
- Pointy Ears
- Power Glows
- Sickly Green Glow: Their powers.
- UnwittingPawns: Of Twilight. And they were none too happy when they found out.
- Villainous Cheekbones
- Waistcoat of Style: Nash
- White-Haired Pretty Boy / White-Haired Pretty Girl: Although with more Uncanny Valley-esque, The Fair Folk-esque features.
A mysterious young man with the power to burn the demon spirits out of vampires, leaving behind ordinary corpses.
- Battle Aura
- Chekhov's Gunman: He was seen in one panel in the last issue of Season Eight.
- Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Based on James McAvoy, specifically from X Men First Class.
- Cool Shades
- The Dragon: To Simone.
- Energy Absorption: He can drain the mystical energy from anything supernatural he touches, and gets stronger every time he does.
- Evil All Along: Granted, he only appeared to be good for a issue and a half before the The Reveal.
- Healing Factor
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Slasher Smile
- Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains: Type II: he wants to take Buffy's power, blaming her for newly turned vampires becoming zompires (specifically his girlfriend) after the Seed was broken.
- Tragic Villain
- Vampire Vannabe