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Bullet Witch is a 2007 third person shooter made by Cavia on the Xbox 360 and PC. Taking place in a Crapsack World, you play as Alicia Claus as she kills demons and... well, that's pretty much it. There was something about some guy who killed himself and summoned the demons, but let's face it: no one really cared about that.
The game's highlight was that you played as a gun-wielding witch who could use various spells, like lighting, tornadoes and meteors. Also, your gun could transform into various different weapons. The game fared poorly in markets and only average in reviews. Problems included awful AI and bad level layout, but the fast action and ultra spells got praise.
Not to be confused with Bayonetta. Or Marisa Kirisame.
Tropes used in Bullet Witch include:
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The final boss and the giant geists.
- Awesome but Impractical: Pretty much any ultra spell besides Lighting. Tornado looks cool, but does minimal damage. Meteor does a lot of damage, but does so indiscriminately and covers such a wide area that Alicia is likely to kill herself with it.
- Bare Your Midriff: Alicia.
- BFG: Alicia's gun, which is suppose to look like a broomstick, and can transform into either a machine gun, a sniper rifle, a shotgun or a gatling gun.
- Black Magician Girl: Alicia.
- Blow You Away: Alicia's Tornado spell, which conjures a massive wind storm to attack enemies with.
- Bottomless Magazines: Justified, as her ammo is created through the use of magic.
- "Broom" Stick: Her witches' broom can morph into all sort of awesome guns!
- Celibate Heroine: Alicia.
- Crapsack World: The world was hit by earthquakes, wars, plague... and now demons. It's a pretty crappy place to live.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Despite being a witch with all the dark and shadowy elements to it, Alicia is a good girl.
- Deal with the Devil:
- How the demon invasion started.
- Also, implied how Alicia got her powers.
- Death From Above: Alicia's ultimate spell Meteor.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Alicia.
- Elemental Powers: Alicia can imbue her ammunition with elemental properties, and can learn spells which control the elements.
- Her machine gun broomstick can be imbued with fire, and rapidly shooting enemies with it will set them on fire and do considerable damage over time to them.
- Her shotgun broomstick can be imbued with wind, which makes her attacks have a strong knockback effect while significantly enhancing their damage.
- The gatling gun, while functionally somewhat similar to the machine gun, can be imbued with lightning, with repeated shots causing the lightning bolts to arc between foes, making it deal rapid damage to a group of enemies.
- Excuse Plot
- Gatling Good: One of Alicia's most powerful guns, which also happens to be her basic, default starting weapon.
- Hot Witch: Alicia, of course.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Alicia's Rose Spear spell summons a dozen spears that burst out of the ground, impaling everything in the area of effect. This results in High-Pressure Blood and then subsequently a blaze of death.
- Can also happen to Alicia herself; if a Walnut Head is at low health, it can raise spikes from under Alicia, which shoot upward in between her legs to impale her in the crotch, causing massive damage and often killing Alicia outright.
- Lady of War: Alicia's personality has elements of this.
- La Résistance: Maxwell Cougar is the leader of the resistance, and you fight along side many of the members in it.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: The guy who throws himself into the pit and summons the demons is Alicia's father.
- Made of Explodium: Shoot any vehicle enough, and it will explode. Doesn't matter where you shoot it, either. Shoot the windshield? BOOM.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Alicia slowly gets her ultimate spells from Darkness.
- One-Hit Kill: The result of flinging any physics-affected object into non-boss enemies. Usually a result of casting meteor, as it tends to fling things every which way. Unfortunately for Alicia, this also applies to her, and objects thrown at her cause so much damage they might as well be one-hit kills.
- Shock and Awe: Alicia's Lightning spell.
- Suck My Rose: Alicia's Rose Spikes spell summons a line of razor sharp blades shaped like roses to impale her foes.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Alicia.
- Undignified Death: Despite her beauty and elegance, most of Alicia's deaths are considerably humiliating.
- After killing Alicia, Geists often continue to shoot at her corpse, causing her body to jerk from the impact.
- When killed with a headshot from a Sniper, Alicia's body will sprawl on her back and convulse for a few seconds with her legs spread wide before she falls still.
- If the Walnut Head's spike attack kills Alicia, she will scream and writhe in pain with the spike stabbed into her crotch before she goes limp and dies.
- Walking Techbane: Alicia, specifically for aircraft—any aircraft she's on will crash for one reason or another. It's so universal that Darkness orders her not to board a helicopter during the ending.