Bullet for My Valentine are a Welsh Metalcore band from Bridgend, Wales. They formed in 1998 as Jeff Killed John. The members are: Matt Tuck (vocals, guitar), Padge (lead guitar, backing vocals), Jay James (bass, Metal Scream) and Moose (drums).
They have three albums out:
- The Poison (2005)
- Scream Aim Fire (2008)
- Fever (2010)
Bullet for My Valentine provides examples of the following tropes:
- Album Title Drop - Scream Aim Fire and Fever
- Badass Beard - Padge
- Badass Long Hair - Matt and Padge
- Emo - The band have been accused of being emo in the past due to pensieve lyrics and Matt Tuck's appearance during the Hand of Blood/Self titled EP.
- Genki Girl - Jay is known for being rather hyperactive during shows or interviews
- Mr. Fanservice: A fair share of Bullet's fans are female due to Matt's appearance.
- Metal Scream - All 3 types.
- Mohs Scale of Rock and Metal Hardness - 7 to 8, with their softer songs in the 4-6 range.
- New Sound Album - Fever has more '80s Hard Rock influences than the previous albums
- Rearrange the Song - Bullet have reworked several of their songs from Jeff Killed John into material for their debut album "The Poison" and their first EP.
- Signature Song - Either Tears Don't Fall or Hearts Burst Into Fire.
- The Pete Best - Original bassist Nick Crandle left when the band renamed themselves Bullet For My Valentine and shifted to Metalcore, feeling the band would get nowhere.
- Your Cheating Heart - Room 409 is about a man walking in on his partner giving oral sex to another man. Tears Don't Fall appears to tell a story of a man cheating on his partner and feeling guilty about it.