A 1996 American action comedy film. Archie Moses (Adam Sandler) is a small time street thug for a large drug importer and car dealer Frank Colton (James Caan), who is befriended by an undercover cop named Rock Keats (Damon Wayans). The latter is naturally seeking evidence against Colton. During a raid on Colton's warehouse, Archie accidentally shoots Jack in the head but he miraculously survives and makes a full recovery. Archie then flees the state, and is subsequently arrested later. Jack is assigned the task of returning Archie to testify against Colton.
If you came here looking for a trope, you want Immune to Bullets.
Tropes used in Bulletproof include:
- Don't Tell Mama: Keats goes along in lying to Archie's mother in order to help reassure her.
- Odd Couple. Keats(Cop) as st spend much of the picture protecting Archie (Criminal), and bringing him in to testify
- Parody Archie singing the song from The Bodyguard here
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