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"Lovely Bunny Maloney
Lovely Bunny
Lovely Bunny Maloney
Lovely Bunny!
—The show's Theme Song

A 2009-2010 All-CGI Cartoon from France made by MoonScoop (the studio that's famous for Code Lyoko), this rather risque kids' show casts four independently quirky characters (a la American sitcom) being Funny Animals placed in the backdrop of fast-paced action heroics (a la Japanese anime) as the ProtecTeam: the main hero Bunny Maloney, the cheerleader and Bunny's girlfriend Candy Bunny and Cartoon Creature co-pilot and sidekick Jean-François who were made to protect a city called Bunnyville from the very evil Professor Débilouman (with his sidekick Modchi, the evil counterpart of Potchi) using their Humongous Mecha the Bunnyganger-28, with the help of Stan Ookie, a tanuki and the Protecteam's technition.

The series was based on a pilot called "Pinpin le Lapin", and you can see the article for it here. Be warned though, as the pilot is not family friendly, so it's the reason why the show has a lot of risque jokes despite that it's meant to be family-friendly, except that's it more tamer in comparison (similar to the risque humor found on Animaniacs).

This is also one of the few TV series that doesn't have the trope Absentee Actor (Stan Ookie is a recurring character).

Bunny Maloney contains the tropes of:
  • Aerith and Bob
  • Amusing Injuries
  • Art Style Dissonance
  • Animesque: Heck, it's also even full of references to Japanese pop culture and uses manga iconography!
  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Bunny and Candy are pink bunnies while Stan Ookie is a brown-red tanuki. Whether Jean-Francois is a unrealistically colored real life animal is up to you.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: In general, the animals lack genitalia while female adult Funny Animals have breasts but no nipples.
  • Carnivore Confusion: Bunny and Jean-Francois can eat burgers without any problems whatsoever. Justified, since they're anthropomorphic.
  • Continuity Nod: Of course, the Red Octopus robot that's been converted to a carnival ride from Pinpin le Lapin suggests that the show and the pilot take place in the same universe.
  • Cheeky Mouth: Mostly for when the characters are facing left or right.
  • Cross-Popping Veins: Mostly, when a character gets angry.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience:
    • Bunny Maloney: Red
    • Candy Bunny: Pink
    • Jean-Francois: Blue
  • Four-Man Band:
  • Fun with Acronyms: In the episode "Stupid", there's Noacak's robot which has the acronym "STUPID". Doubles as a Meaningful Name as it's literally stupid, too.
  • Fake American: In the English dub, considering that all of MoonScoop's English voices are British.
  • Idiot Ball: In every single episode, one or more of the series' characters may be these; considering they're indepedently quirky a la American sitcom characters (as described above). Debilouman also has suffered from this in the episode "Bunny Story".
  • Non-Indicative Name: Bunnyville (the city that the series takes place in) doesn't have many bunnies populating that.
  • Running Gag: Running as Rule of Funny; everytime Débilouman is defeated, he and Mocdhi in Debilouman's submarine Tsunami sinks and then in the next episode it along with Debilouman and Mocdhi come back for no reason.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The book "Boy Bunnies are from Mars, Girl Bunnies are from Venus" from the episode "Bunnies are from Mars" is a parody of the book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray.
    • There's also the Mona Lisa painting in "A Wrinkle in the Protecteam" during Candy Bunny's Overly Long Scream that makes a wall of her apartment crack, but replaces Lisa Gherardini's head with Candy Bunny's.
    • In the episode "Stan's Perfect Match", Stan Ookie is shown playing with his female R2-D2 and male C3-PO figures.
  • Sweat Drop
  • Stock Animal Diet: Because this show is about bunnies, expect them to eat carrots.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Bunny Maloney looks like as if the male symbol (on public toilet doors) was peach pink and had bunny ears with a bunny tail, while his girlfriend Candy Bunny has a much curvier figure than him (almost looking like a typical hourglass figure females have), an eyelash on each eye, an exaggerated Blush Sticker, breasts and with a red scrunchie on her left ear.
  • Visible Sigh
  • What Do You Mean, It's for Kids?: A show that has a cute art style...but then there's the female animals always being naked and all the women (including the female animals) in the show having breasts that have Jiggle Physics, tons of sexual jokes, some mild swearing and characters sometimes getting drunk on water...Yup, TOTALLY for 6-year olds. Doesn't help that the series was created based on an inappropriate pilot (as said in the description for the show all the way above).