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BurntFaceMan 547

"I may have a burnt face, but that doesn't mean I can't fight crime!"


Crime is a shit that needs wiping up!


From the creator of Salad Fingers and Spoilsbury Toast Boy comes a (far less creepy) Flash cartoon about the adventures of the epynonmous hero, who possesses a badly burnt face, some Stock Super Powers, and... not much else. His life is miserable, and (with the exception of one crazy stalker) most everybody hates him. His foes consist of the equally ineffective Bastard Man and Man-Spider, and much of the cartoon follows our hero as he battles the forces of "evil".

Tropes used in Burnt Face Man include:

  • All Just a Dream: An alternate ending for an episode reveals that the hero's real name is Burt Faceman and that he works at a boring office.
  • Animal Wrongs Group: PETA tries to kill Burnt Face Man soon after the introduction of Burnt Face Dog... which Burnt Face Man claims he didn't do.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: In one episode, Burnt Face Man kills a giant snail that turned out to be sacred.
  • Berserk Button: Don't call Burnt Face Man gay.
  • Butt Monkey: Burnt Face Man.
  • Continuity Nod: Several crop up from time to time in the later episodes. Have-A-Nice-Day Man and Taps Man are seen playing Barcode Battler in Bastard Man's base, and Rockhead Rumple is seen bothering people in Episode 9. Episode 8 features the man who requested piping hot grape juice in Episode 5 going insane and shooting people when recruited by Burnt Face Man to use the knockback from a pistol to move Burnt Face Man's car.
  • Dead Baby Comedy: Literally.
  • Face Heel Turn: Burnt Face Man briefly turns evil and decides to "swear up a fucking storm!"
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Common gag in early episodes (the Flash version, of course), where bodies of text too small to be readable without pausing and zooming in are hidden in odd spots, or Bastard Man's name tag.

"Text that is too small to read without zooming in. This will probably be very important and should be reported to your local 'BFM hidden meanings group' If you want a free bag of David Firth's piss then email him with the following phrase: 'I don't smell of vinegar you big prick!' Chips and chithers"


Bastard Man: Now that we've made you weak with fear, we shall call you NAMES UNTIL YOU BLEED!
Burnt Face Man: Nooooo!
