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Burokku Girls is an Original English Language (OEL) Fantasy/Sci-Fi Visual Novel with Ecchi elements from Silver Cow Studios, who also made Time Tenshi.
Takeshi, a teenage student, gets the chance to try out a cutting-edge virtual reality experience, at his father's reluctance. Unfortunately, when on an in-game emergency, he cannot quit out of the machine and is effectively trapped in the blocky proof-of-concept fantasy game, right in the middle of a dangerous conflict between surviving warriors and a dark evil. Will Takeshi be able to survive?
- A Date with Rosie Palms : Nevaeh, the main villain, seems to be touching herself while raiding the village.
- Better Than a Bare Bulb: Takeshi points out many times that current events in the game are Clichés. Also, his mentions of "I saw that in various movies and games!"
- Binocular Shot: Asahi's Farsight Crystal, used to spy on the Big Bad Ensemble, basically works that way.
- Comically Missing the Point: When Joshua orders Takeshi not to snoop around the lab:
Takeshi: Don't worry, Dad! Scout's honor! |
- Dark and Troubled Past Asahi (the blonde warrior) helped people who lost their livelihoods to the Darklings and uses this fact as motivation to defeat the evil force. Takeshi then realises his problems are nothing compared to hers.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: While pushing through a forest, Takeshi and Asahi exchange lots of innuendo. The body movements, the whimpering...
- Double Entendre: When Takeshi is ordered to behave in Joshua's lab:
Dr. Candy: Don't worry, Professor! I'm sure I can keep Takeshi suitably distracted. |
- Takeshi then tries very hard not to pay attention to the sentence.
- Exact Words: Joshua (Takeshi's dad) orders him to not snoop around or "try and sweet talk Candy into anything!" Little does he know, it's the other way around, and Candy takes advantage of the fact.
- Genre Savvy Takeshi frequently remarks on how he is familiar with many tropes the game contains.
- Gone Horribly Wrong Takeshi thinks this way when he fails to get out of the VR machine.
- Hello, Nurse!: Takeshi has his eyes on Candy's "features."
- In Medias Res: In-Universe. Inside the game, while they are running from an evil force, Asahi is telling Takeshi about the enemy they're running away from and Iksan Village being turned into Darkness. Takehi, too confused, can only ask questions.
- Ironic Echo Asahi to Takeshi, then vice-versa with "I think we have time for a long story."
- Gainaxing: When running away from the Darkness, Asahi's breasts "jump and bounce and dance wildly around her chest", as Takeshi puts it. They're even animated, complete with "boing" sounds. He can't help but gawk at them.
- Medieval European Fantasy: Takeshi thinks the VR game's world is based around this genre.
- Oh Crap In reaction to explosion heard in the distance:
Asahi: Oh, no... |
- Sdrawkcab Name: "Nevaeh" (the Big Bad) is Heaven spelled backwards.
- Stripperiffic: Asahi and the three evil Underworlders' outfits.
- One of them has a maid outfit. The leader is in red and has a pink tie.
- Trapped in Another World: Takeshi gets trapped inside the VR game and can't get out.
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Takeshi is so excited about getting into the VR machine that when his dad tries to warn him of the dangers of testing early tech, he missss the point and says "what could go wrong?!"
- World of Buxom: Candy and every major NPC in the game.