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Basic Trope: A character who is constantly put through hell for laughs.

  • Straight: Bevis T. Monkey's day was unlucky: He got hit in the groin and was stung by bees.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bevis T. Monkey's day was unlucky: He got mugged and was stabbed.
    • Generally, Iron Butt Monkey.
    • Poor Bevis T. Monkey was hit on the groin by bees.
  • Justified:
    • God likes to make Bevis T. Monkey's life miserable for kicks.
    • Or for Bevis being a Jerkass to everyone, it was karmic retribution.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: A truck was about to hit Bevis T. Monkey when he was crossing the street but stopped at the last minute...
  • Double Subverted: It was the bus next to the truck that ran Bevis over.
  • Parodied: Pretty much everything Bevis T. Monkey does fails spectacularly. And his life is a seemingly endless chain of Disaster Dominoes and Humiliation Conga. He's got to have sanity (or faith) made of iron if he's not screaming Smite Me Oh Mighty Smiter by now.
  • Deconstructed:
    • The constant unluckiness kept bothering Bevis with increasing levels of misfortune to the point of breakage.
    • One day, Bevis gets a shotgun and, without hesitating, starts to chase the people who makes his life hell, killing them mercilessy.
    • All the abuse Bevis goes through causes him to become very bitter and cynical to the point where he's afraid of being happy lest something bad happens as a result. Whenever anything goes his way, he becomes paranoid that its merely a set up for him to be knocked down in an exceptionally cruel way.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Even after the breakage, the unluckiness kept happening.
    • Alternatively, in spite of all his bad luck, Bevis is The Stoic or manages to keep a Stiff Upper Lip. Due to this mentality, he never sees his bad luck as anything more than a bother or annoyance (even if logic says he really should). His low key reaction to the bad stuff that happens to him only serves to enhance the comedy.
  • Zig Zagged: Bevis almost gets hit by a car, but the car stops. What does hit him is the baseball that rolls off the roof of a nearby building. But it turns it to be autographed, and worth thousands of dollars! Then he trips and falls down a hill. Into a river. But he finds a gold ring in the bottom of the stream! So he goes to the pawn shop... and gets mauled by a bear on the way.
  • Averted: Bevis T. Monkey is not particularly unlucky, nor is he especially lucky.
  • Enforced: The creators needed comedy relief so they created Bevis
  • Lampshaded: “Why do these bad things keep happening to me?”
  • Invoked: "I'm bored let's go pick on Bevis T. Monkey because that's always good for a laugh."
  • Defied: "Mock me will you? I'll kill you! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!"
  • Discussed: "Is it just me or does God seem to hate Bevis T. Monkey?"
  • Conversed: "Maybe we should cut Monkey some slack." Beat "Naaaaaahhhh..."
  • Played For Laughs: The Chew Toy
  • Played For Drama: The Woobie

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