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  • In "Stress Test," any time Zurg mentions the HYPER DEATH RAY!
  • Buzz's rant about his failed engagement in The Plasma Monster
  • At Becky's tea party during the end of "Stranger Invasion", Buzz is in a hat and apron that bears an unmistakable resemblance to Mrs. Nesbitt.
  • The episode where Zurg and Buzz keep pulling out / replacing power rods in the core of the machine that's trying to rebuild the planet. "Level 4, shutting down. Please make up your mind." until finally at the end, all four rods are broken, the machine is shrinking back into its original container. "Level 1, shutting down. If you're still in the building, this is gonna hurt."
  • Warp Darkmatter reduced to an old man was supposed to be Nightmare Fuel, but given the amount of "Someone didn't drink their Lean today" memes, it's hard to see that.