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Buzz Lightyear[]

  • To infinity and beyond!
  • Not Today Zurg

Evil Emperor Zurg[]

  • If you want something turned evil, turn it evil yourself. That's what Nana Zurg always used to say to me, and she was plenty evil.


  • (plugs into the ship after the bounce landing on Planet Z) uh huh... yes... ok. The Alpha 1 is A.O.K. But it asks that we not DO that again!
  • (saracastically, about Zurg's plan) You know, the guy's supposed to be some kind of evil genius, and best he can come up with is a ventriloquist act. What's next, evil juggling?

Warp Darkmatter/Agent Z[]

  • (after revealing his identity as Agent Z to Buzz) My name's DARKmatter; who's surprised here?
  • (to the LGM he just saved) Any reason you were looking to shake hands with a beast from 20,000 craters?


Mira Nova: (in the shipping dock) Buzz, I have just one thing to say to you.
Buzz Lightyear: And what might that be?
Mira Nova:(ghosts her hand into his head) Goodnight.
Buzz Lightyear: (very woosey, before passing out) Tangian... brain... squeeze.

Buzz Lightyear: I must pause for a moment of silence in honor of my ship.
XR: Oh, please, Buzz! It was just a hunk of metal!
Mira Nova: OK, and you are...?
XR: (trying to move) In serious need of some personal space.

Warp Darkmatter: All I know is that we've searched half the Zeta quadrant to find the missing LGM's and what do we find? A lot of nothing! (a gigantic alien monster rises up from a crater directly behind him)
Buzz Lightyear: (just stands there, horrified)
Warp Darkmatter: (worriedly thumbing over his shouder) There's something really bad behind me, isn't there?

Evil Emperor Zurg: A delightful blend of man and machine... with just a naughty touch of lingonberry! I shall call you... Agent Z!
Agent Z: That's stupid.
Evil Emperor Zurg: My mother used to call me that!
Brain Pod #29: You know, he really, really likes that name.
Grubs, Self Destruct, Ranger #1, Rhizomian Man, and Cadet Flarn: Yes, he's been saving it for one of his most evil henchmen.
Agent Z: Agent Z, love it. Especially the whole "Z" thing.