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Hey, It's That Voice! : In the show, Buzz is voiced by Patrick Warburton .
We also have another Seinfeld veteran; Wayne Knight, as Zurg.
And, to a lesser extent, the late Barney Martin, who played Jerry's dad on the aforementioned show, voiced the president of Gargantua.
Also, Peterman as Mira's dad.
As well as Nicole Sullivan , AKA Shego now being a Blue Skinned Action Girl .
XL is voiced by Bobcat Goldthwait.
As noted above, Brad Garrett is Torque.
French Stewart is unmistakeable as Rentwhistle Swack.
You might recognize Dr. Ozma Furbanna as another action girl, Miss Sarah Connor .
NOS-4-A2 is Craig Ferguson .
The Sufficiently Advanced Aliens are Dr. Smith and Will Robinson and Frank Welker .
The totally not based on Bill Gates villain Cosmo Klerm was played by Mitchell Whitfield, best known as Prince Phobos or Rachel's no-good fiancée Barry .
Madame President of the Galactic Alliance is Bubbie .
David Warner played a treacherous Tangean noble in one episode.
Professor Von Madman! was Ryan Stiles.
The Christmas Episode gives us the Ghost Pirate LeChuck as Santa.
Booster's father is voiced by Fred Willard, who has been seen in Modern Family , Back To You and WALL-E .
Heck, there are dozens of these: Ricardo Montalban , Mills Lane , Jon Favreau , Nikki Cox , Phil La Marr , Cree Summer , & Peter McNichol have all provided guest voices for the show.
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