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The 1970s have a lot to answer for.

The popularity of citizens band radio in the 1970s inspired this hourlong Animated Anthology from Hanna-Barbera, which ran on NBC in 1977-78.

The series' headliners were crime-solving bears named Hustle, Bump and Boogie (voiced by Daws Butler, Henry Corden and Chuck McCann, respectively). They traveled in a garbage truck and received orders via CB radio from their female boss, "Charlie" (voiced seductively by Susan Davis).

Supporting segments in the CB Bears show were:

  • Blastoff Buzzard, a cartoon similar to Road Runner vs. Coyote, and the only H-B cartoon whose soundtrack had no human voices at all;
  • Heyyyy, It's the King, an all-animal parody of Happy Days;
  • Posse Impossible, a Spin-Off of the series finale of Hong Kong Phooey;
  • Shake, Rattle and Roll, in which a trio of ghosts inhabited an abandoned hotel, and
  • Undercover Elephant, about a secret-agent pachyderm and his mouse partner.

Tropes used in CB Bears include: