CJ the DJ is an Australian animated comedy on ABC 3. It centers around upcoming 13-year-old DJ Catherine 'CJ' Jones and her friends Leslie and Si, as she tries to find fame. Unfortunately, things always get in the way. created by Mark Gravas (the creator of Yakkity Yak)
Tropes used in CJ the DJ include:
- Adobe Flash
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Charley
- Cloudcuckoolander: CJ's dad Gene, who acts more like a kid than a grown man.
- Eyecatch
- Humiliation Conga: Lyle, though he usually deserves it.
- Real Song Theme Tune
- Rose-Haired Girl: CJ
- Slice of Life
- Strange Girl: Lesley
- Thick Line Animation
- Three Amigos: CJ, Lesley and Si
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Si constantly tries to please his father, which is highlighted in the Soccer Episode, where he keeps causing Si to fail by criticizing and distracting him.