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The entire series is a propaganda piece financed by police unions.[]

  • The police are always shown as being right.
  • Few mistakes by the police are shown.
  • No bad (e.g. lazy, incompetent) police officers are ever shown.
  • The majority of the civilians that the police encounter are poorly educated, intoxicated, emotionally disturbed, or mentally disturbed.
  • No one ever invokes their right to counsel as soon the police arrive.
  • Police officers from different departments are shown working together professionally without rivalries or contempt for one another.

Since the above portrayals show the police as "heroes" (which they occasionally ARE) ALL of the time...who would be the primary beneficiary of this unrealistic worldview? Any or all of the police unions that most law enforcement officers in the US are members of.


  • Titling this "Fuck Da Police" was rejected as being "too vague."
  • It's probably more a matter of the show making a lot of money, and not being much of a show if they can't get any PDs to cooperate.
    • And of course, it wouldn't be because the police ARE the good guys in the real world (for the most part)