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C licence max 3515

Finance deals never looked this good.

Set in a financially bankrupt Japan with only the government as a safe employer, C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control is an anime about economics, finances and beautiful battles over money ending in private insolvency of the loser. In exchange for a prospective borrower's future (including his prospects, possibilities, lifespan etc.), an organization known as Midas Bank will take him on as an Entrepreneur and lend him a large, zero-interest sum of money under the condition that he participate in weekly "Deals"--battles over each participant's money using familiars called "Assets"--against other Entrepreneurs on an alternate plane called the Financial District.

College sophomore Kimimaro Yoga is sucked into the whole affair when he is approached by the alarmingly eccentric Masakaki from Midas Bank's Commercial Division, who offers him a loan as they need a new entrepreneur and Kimimaro needs money. Though he refuses, he is more or less coerced into partaking. Kimimaro quickly piques the interest of and is recruited by Souichirou Mikuni, a powerful and exceedingly wealthy--even by Financial District standards--businessman who leads the Starling Guild, a collective that seeks to minimize any effect the Financial District and its "Midas Money" might inflict on the real world's economy.

The series is directed by Kenji Nakamura, whose previous projects, Mononoke and Trapeze, should be enough to tell you that Mind Screw and mindbogglingly good-looking scenes await those who take this anime on. Broadcasted as part of the NoitaminA block during the Spring 2011 season. It is produced by Tatsunoko Production.

Tropes used in C (anime) include:
  • Above the Influence: It's made clear in episode 7 that an entre can rape their asset without much difficulty, if they feel like it. Kimimaro ends up sucker-punching the guy in question. And later Msyu asks him to kiss her (she doesn't really understand the implications), and he politely turns her down.
  • Action Prologue: Every episode starts with this trope.
  • Adult Fear: Kimimaro's teacher went bankrupt. As a result, his children no longer exist.
    • His wife also leaves him...
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Yoga has a crush on Hanabi. She has a boyfriend. Msyu has a crush on Yoga. He sees her as a daughter.
  • All There in the Manual: The website gives names and info on Entres and Assets that aren't named in the show.
  • Alien Sky: The Financial District.
    • Shown in the 8th episode to be a different colour in different Financial Districts; whereas the Far Eastern Financial District has a red sky, the Southeast Asian Financial District's sky is green.
  • Alternate Character Reading: The ending theme, "RPG" by School Food Punishment, has "future" (未来) read as "you" (きみ).
  • Alternate Universe: The final episode implies that Kimimaro steps into one when he rebuilds the future; it's possible that that means that Mikuni remained in the world without a future.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Mikuni, Takedazaki, and Masakaki. Mikuni is a Well-Intentioned Extremist, Takedazaki is a Guile Hero, and Masakaki is... we'll get back to you on that one.
  • Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: The Financial District looks awesome.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: An "asset" is a representation of a person's future, and has the option of being like this. The "entre" is a representation (from a larger perspective) of a stock in the Financial District. "In the red", futures, bonds, collateral, using collateral to "secure" debt, and everything in the Fridge. These are all common stock market methods of making and securing money. Even as early as Episode 1, you can see the names of people flowing down the trade bars in red (down) and green (up) arrows.
  • The Anti-Nihilist/Nietzsche Wannabe: Somehow, Mikuni manages to embody both at the same time. His ultimate goal, protecting the present at the cost of the future, is because he believes that someday the future will be destroyed regardless of how hard he struggles for it, so he'd rather protect the present, even though he's destroying millions of lives to do so. So he doesn't believe in hope of the value of lives in the future, however at the same time he is fighting for an altruistic (if distorted) goal to protect the lives of people in the present. It....doesn't have a happy ending for him.
  • Apocalypse How: A Class 0, but since a financial collapse in one of the Districts means that entire cities or nations disappear from existence, and collapse ripples from one District to the next, a Class 1 or 2 is just narrowly averted.
  • Badass Longcoat: Mikuni, although he seems to just drape it around his shoulders without filling the sleeves.
  • Big Badass Wolf: Jennifer's hulking, minibus-sized Asset György.
  • Berserk Button: For Yoga, Msyu getting hurt. Can prove problematic, since it tends to scupper any elaborate strategies he has for a fight.
  • BFS: All Entres can adjust the size and shape of their Direct according to their wealth and ability. Whereas most have a dagger-shaped Direct, Mikuni tends to swing around a blade the size of a small building.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Japan's future is saved as C passes over it and the rotary press reverses to restore the lost future. However, in the process, Kimimaro arrives in a world that is very different to his, Mikuni's sister passes on and they can never meet again as he stays behind and disappears and Masakaki appears before Kimimaro gleefully revealing that the immortal FD will continue to go on with so many new bright futures ahead. However, on the plus side, there's a good chance that because of this, Kimimaro will be able to see Msyu again
  • Black Blood: If struck by a Direct, an Entre will bleed a slurry of black oil and cash. Assets that take significant damage also have the oil bit, as well.
  • Body Horror: The asset Yoga and Msyu face off with at the end of episode 5. Yeesh.
    • Q using her Mezzoflation Cannibalization. Teeth like that can't be normal.
  • Bolt of Divine Retribution: The "Angel" Flation used by Sennoza's asset, Karma.
  • But Thou Must!: Midas Bank makes you a member and takes your future as collateral, theoretically "if you consent." Kimimaro explicitly does not consent, only to find that Masakaki has somehow spirited him off into a taxi headed for the Financial District.
    • As with many deals with the devil, the Midas Bank is very flexible about what constitutes "agreement". They put the money in Kimimaro's account, when he withdrew some of it, they took that as consenting to the terms of the loan.
  • Central Theme: The "Midas Bank" is really a metaphor for real-life central banks. What happens in the second half of the show due to Mikuni's actions is a negative representation of the effects of recent governement and central bank policies (very roughly, injecting trillions of dollars "out of thin air" into the economy to bail out companies/buy government debt), which, according to Austrian-school Economics, make the economy look better in the short-term but result in much harsher consequences in the future.
    • The deals themselves are a smaller-scale representation of the hidden costs of creating new currency. When new ("printed") money is issued to someone/something, it devaluates the currency and everyone else holding the same currency is worse off. Whenever Entres win a deal, they get Midas Money in exchange for making someone else's life worse.
  • Cool House: Mikuni has his house, garden, and pool ON TOP OF A SKYSCRAPER.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Masakaki has a particularly worrying one, as does Takedazaki, the Knowledge Broker with the mouthful of gold teeth.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: Entres each have a personal color motif. Kimimaro is blue and Mikuni is red.
    • The QR code for one episode tells us that there's a CMYK colour scheme to the ending. Kimimaro is Cyan, Msyu is Magenta and the Financial District is yellow. It goes on to say that if you combine the three you get black which is the future.
      • The "black" here is significant: the old stock market saying "in the black" means that the person/company/stock is making money. Of course, black can also mean greed, corruption, etc. On the same note, the stock market saying "in the red" is the opposite: the person/company/stock is losing money. Now which area had the red sky?
      • Also in the same episode Jeniffer has three burgers wrapped in Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. She offers the yellow one to Kimimaro. Eat the Financial District?
  • Conspicuous CG: Even human characters relatively close to the camera will be utilizing it, it seems.
    • Masakaki especially, in-keeping with his uncanny appearance.
  • Contemplate Our Navels: Lots of it, but Episode 7 is absolutely stuffed with this, to the point of being filler.
  • The Corrupter: Masakaki's initial M.O. is an attempt to get Kimimaro to take the loan with the possibilities inherent in all that money. It's not really necessary, though.
  • Cosmic Horror Story: What the series is shaping up to be with Episodes 8 and 9.
  • Counterfeit Cash: Midas Money, which appears perfectly identical to normal cash to non-Entres.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Masakaki has yellow and lavender eyes; the latter match his hair. His equivalent in the Southeast Asian District has turquoise hair, and his eyes are half turquoise to match.
  • The Danza: Shimada is played by Bin Shimada.
  • Dead Little Sister: Souichirou hints that this is what happened to his seriously ill sister Takako after their father spent all his money on his company instead of using it to cure her of her illness. Episode 7 reveals that she's not dead, but is merely in a coma. She also looks quite a bit like Q...
  • Deal with the Devil: Midas Bank offers to invest in you or, more specifically, your future. They give you a bit of startup capital and then throw you into the deep end of what amounts to a basic futures contract - you agree to give away something (in this case, your future) for a fixed sum right now.
    • With a Black Card, you can also withdraw more money from the Midas Bank for more of your future. But the effects can be equally devastating for everyone else.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After Kimimaro defeated him, and in so doing, retconned his children's birth, his marriage, and most everything except being an ordinary schoolteacher, his teacher has become a valuable advisor when it comes to handling the Deals and the consequences thereof.
  • Design Student's Orgasm: The Financial District and both credits sequences.
  • Deus Ex Machina: In episode 10 you learn that Mikuni has a special card that lets him spin the Midas Money rotisserie and steal the entire country's future in order to produce massive amounts of Midas Money. When the heroes can't stop him, with virtually no explanation, the "higher ups" decide to give Kinimaro one, thus giving him a fighting chance.
    • Fridge Brilliance: The financial district (and Masakaki in particular) doesn't actually want Mikuni to mortgage the country's entire future. They're in the business of loans, and loans have to be repaid to be worth anything — someone like Mikuni who completely stops caring about the future is a bad investment.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything? : Buying government bonds and bailing out companies with money created out of thin air ?
  • Driven to Suicide: Makita jumps in front of a train after losing to Mikuni. Kimimaro's father hung himself after getting bankrupt. Ebara is talked out of jumping off a roof, but later walks into oncoming traffic.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The thing that attacks/eats the Southeast Asia Financial District when it bankrupts, and spins the Rotary Press when Mikuni activates it.
    • It also appears as the logo on Black Cards.
  • Eldritch Location: The Financial District, sooooo very much so.
  • Eleven Episode Anime
  • Evil Laugh:
    • The Southeast Asian Masakaki as The Southeast Asia district, and in extension Singapore, are wiped out of existence.
    • Masakaki as he operates the Midas Money rotary press in in Episode 9.
  • Eyes of Gold: Entres' eyes become gold when they deal or when they watch a deal.
  • Familiar: It appears that given the series' Deal with the Devil premise, this is what Assets essentially are.
  • Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Msyu, Msyu, Msyu. Msyu is Yours, indeed.
  • Fiction 500: Mikuni is so rich that:
    • The only reason Japan stays afloat is because Mikuni is buying enough government bonds to stop the country's collapse
    • He buys the real-world trillion-yen corporations of failing Entres to keep them from crashing.
    • In episode 9, He buys 80% of the companies and stocks in Japan to prevent Japan from being destroyed by [c].
      • To be fair, most of that was payed for by money from Guild members or his Rotary Press loan, rather than being a feat of his personal fortune.
  • Foreshadowing: Whenever we see Q, she is eating Midas Money. We find out later that her Macroflation is "Cannibalization", where she eats anything made of money, including entres and assets.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: There are two blink-and-you'll-miss-it QR codes in the ED. The first one in the first episode basically amounts to "the ED was made in Adobe AfterEffects, which is awesome, and everybody should show us the videos they've made themselves with it". The second states that the anime was planned to be titled Control but was shortened to C when they found out that a show with a similar title would be on the air at the same time.
    • It changes every episode adding some sort of director commentary to each episode.
  • Gainax Ending
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Msyu's introduction involves punching and slapping Kimimaro quite a bit until he gets with the program.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom/Red Eyes, Take Warning: Q sports them when she enters the fray.
  • Gold Digger: Masakaki implies that Hanabi is one; if Kimimaro has enough money, maybe he can win her away from her current boyfriend. No evidence as to whether this is true.
  • Gold Tooth: Despite being one of the least ostentatious Entres otherwise, Takedazaki has a full set.
  • Gorn/Darker and Edgier: It starts getting darker around Episode 5, and then the fights start having lots of Black Blood. Earlier fights, in comparison, usually have somewhere close to Gory Discretion Shot. The Angel fight (Episode 6) is where the series goes full overdrive, and completely averts discretion.
  • Good All Along: The beings running the Financial Districts, possibly. At the very least, their motives were slightly more benign than one might have hitherto suspected, even if they aren't too fussy about the collateral damage they cause.
    • Meanwhile, Takedazaki, the shady Knowledge Broker, is a more straightforward example, dealing the decisive blow that wrecks the Far East Financial District and saves Japan.
  • Good Versus Good: According to Masakaki's superior, everyone involved in the Financial District was a good guy who was trying to make the world a better place.
  • Half the Man He Used To Be: Happens to Jennifer after the duel with Mikuni.
    • Mikuni cuts Kikuchi vertically at the climax of their deal but he survives as he doesn't get bankrupted.
  • Horned Humanoid: All Assets have horns of some description. Some Assets are humanoid. Do the maths.
  • Hot Chick in a Badass Suit: Jennifer Sato.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Souichirou Mikuni and his asset Q. He's quite a bit taller than the protagonist of the series and Q is a short, elfin girl. Meeting together her face is stuck right in his stomach, antlers not even reaching his shoulders.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: They all start with "C."
    • This also applies to the Japanese titles, except for the final episode, which has "未来" (Future).
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Kimimaro says this verbatim.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Q eats Midas Money and things made from Midas Money. This includes other Assets and Entres.
  • Improbable Weapon/Laser Blade: Money as ammo and weapons!
  • Incest Subtext: Late in the series, Yoga becomes aware that Msyu was derived from his Ret-Gone'd sister. This does not prevent him from exploring her tonsils with his tongue in the series finale as the Far East Financial District crumbles around them.
  • Knowledge Broker: Takedazaki.
  • Invocation: Each Asset's attacks and the scale of attack (Macro/Mezzo/Micro) are activated this way.
  • Jump Cut: They appear frequently; a director trademark.
  • Kill It with Fire: Msyu
  • Kiss Me, I'm Virtual: An Entre can "treat [his Asset] like a human, If You Know What I Mean if you know what I mean]]." Kimimaro is not thrilled with the guy who makes the suggestion. It doesn't help that by that point in the series, he sees his own Asset as something of a daughter-figure.
  • Laser Blade: Made of cash!
  • Last Kiss: Between Yoga and Msyu, as the latter vanishes along with the rest of the District.
  • Layered World: Even if someone doesn't fully lose a Deal; it affects the Real World. Losing a deal can result in financial problems, or a company having to lay off people. Or in ways not anything to do with money like failing a class or having a house set on fire.
  • Light Is Not Good: Kou Sennoza is a wealthy philanthropist who distributes vaccines all over the third world. His rage is also something to behold, and he wields the Asset Karma, a nightmarish angel who attacks with lightning strikes.
  • Like Brother and Sister: In the site's mini-drama/monologues, it's stated that Hanabi has known Kimimaro since high school and views him as a brother and someone to take care of. Yoga ends up seeing his relationship with Msyu this way, with a dash of trying to be a Parental Substitute.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: The left half of Kimimaro's opponent's Asset at the end of episode 5 erupts into a mess of sticky insect limbs.
  • Love Triangle: Kimimaro has a crush on his classmate Hanabi, who already has a boyfriend.
  • Magical Girlfriend: Msyu Is Yours. Ends up being a Double Subversion - Yoga treats her as a surrogate daughter, turning down her romantic advances, before eventually giving in to his own feelings in the finale.
  • Market-Based Title: Funimation changed the subtitle slightly from The Money of Soul and Possibility to The Money and Soul of Possibility.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Jennifer applies one to Yoga.
  • Messianic Archetype: Yoga, for the future of Japan, like an economic messiah. He buys the future of the country and leaves the reality where he initially existed.
  • Mind Screw: To quote the first post of our very own forums: "What the hell did I just watch?"
  • Moe Anthropomorphism: Of the protagonist's future. They've managed to moe-ify an abstract concept.
  • Money to Throw Away: A convenience store customer complains that Kimimaro is not giving him the change he wants. Mikuni gives 50 000 Yen to shut him up.
    • Kimimaro does this in episode 8 when he sets fire to the entirety of his funds.
    • We also have Q, who is literally eating money.
    • Finally, Takedazaki does a literal example as part of his efforts to catastrophically devalue the yen. Out of a helicopter, no less.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Jennifer and Msyu.
  • Mons: They're called "Assets."
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Midas Bank. Gee, what are the odds on a loan from them having unpleasant, unexpected outcomes?
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In episode 6, Kimimaro faces Sennoza, a philanthropist who greatly helped the third world. He defeats him soundly, reversing almost all of Sennoza's work.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Masakaki looks weird even in comparison to the other supernatural beings.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Masakaki, naturally.
    • Jennifer as well, it would seem.
  • Not So Different: In episode 9, Jennifer implies this about Kimimaro and his late father
  • Number of the Beast: Used repeatedly.
    • Naoya Makita, the salaryman in the first episode, uses a PIN of 666 to access the Financial District's services.
    • In episode 1, it shows that the taxi fare to the Finacial District is 666 yen.
    • Deals have a time limit of 666 seconds.
  • Off-Model: Sadly, for all the amazing work that went into the backgrounds, the characters have a small tendency to lapse into this. Stranger still when suddenly CG is substituted for traditional animation for the characters.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: episode 6 has Kimimaro fighting a truly strong opponent with an Asset that shoots lightning, after almost losing within the first few seconds, it cuts to the real world, showing the aftereffect and stating that he won.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Masakaki makes a bad habit of it.
  • Old Master: Kikusho - an old CEO and Black Card Entre in a Financial District full of young people.
  • One-Woman Wail:
    • Used when Kimimaro's teacher reveals to him that anything gained through Midas Money will be Ret-Gone if you go bankrupt.
    • Also used when Msyu is damaged to the point of near-death during the battle with Sennoza.
    • And the end of Episode 8, during the Lovecraftian thing's attack on the SE asia district.
  • Only a Flesh Wound: Given the abstract, symbolic nature of Deals, dismemberment, evisceration, and even being cut in half are not going to kill you, and they might not even knock you out of the match if you have enough money backing you up.
  • Palette Swap: Masakaki and the other Districts' Midas Bank reps are simply recolors of each other.
  • Parental Abandonment: Kimimaro's father left and later committed suicide and his mother died. He's supported by his maternal grandmother.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Masakaki.
  • Power At a Price: Well, it doesn't get any more literal than "it costs money to use your Asset's powers," does it?
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: Midas Money is backed by the mortgaged futures of the Entres and, in the case of money printed on demand from the Rotary Press, everyone else covered by the area of the Financial District.
  • Precocious Crush: Whilst her precise age is unclear, Msyu's crush on Yoga ends up coming across this way. Particularly given his initial reaction.
  • Ret-Gone: Bankruptcy means that you lose your future - or, more specifically, anything that Midas Money made possible for you. This can include shops, possessions, and even children. This then gets even more ridiculous in episode 8 with the revelation that even ENTIRE COUNTRIES aren't safe!
    • As a market reaches its dying days, even people and businesses not directly related to specific Entres begin to disappear in the blink of an eye. One minute a person exists, a second later nobody remembers they even existed. This results in whoever isn't claimed by a bankruptcy ending up listless and confused, not knowing why they were there when whoever they came with no longer exists.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Whenever the movement of money causes something to disappear, only Entres will remember the way things were before the change.
  • Sanity Slippage: The more the economy goes down the toilet, the worse Hanabi's mental state gets. Once Mikuni's bailout package has hit the market, she's barely functional.
  • Ship Tease: The conversation between Sato and Yoga ends with quite a bit. "I like your eyes", indeed.
  • Signature Style: Mind screwy plot events and trippy, extravagant visuals? Sounds like a Kenji Nakamura anime, all right.
  • Spats Shot: Msyu, flying around in that skirt, gets an upskirt shot whenever the camera feels like it.
  • Spell My Name with an "S":
    • Some viewers are split between Mashu/Msyu.
      • Her name is spelled "Msyu" (as shown when it is written on Kimimaro's credit card in English in the very first episode) but it is pronounced "Mashu".
      • This has to do with Msyu being a transliteration of マシュ, which when transliterated for Westerners (more for pronunciation) is frequently done as Mashu, but when transliterated for Japanese speakers (more for relation to the characters in use) can be Masyu. Just add an "a" to Msyu (seeing as Japanese basically, except for n, does not have double consonants), and you get the pronunciation. Easy for those who are fluent, confusing as hell for those who need subtitles.
    • It gets worse. The name of Sato's asset György is apparently spelled "WWJF".
      • The four-letter codes on the cards don't reflect the name of the asset. Kimimaro simply named his asset after the code on his card.
  • Spoiler Opening: It's very vague, but it dictates what happens in the final three episodes. Worldwide currency inflation, falling money by using an airplane to drop it all in Japan which transitions to the US Dollar that makes the Yen extremely worthless, the four kinds of cards of which only Black cards can control the Eldritch Abomination that is Midas Money, and the finale between Kimimaro and Mikuni directly underneath said abomination for its control.
  • Stay with the Aliens: Mikuni remains in the destroyed Financial District. What exactly this means is unexplained, but from Kimimaro's perspective, he disappears.
  • Stepford Smiler: Something is very wrong with Hanabi, and it only gets worse as Japan's future slowly peels away.
  • Summon Magic: Negotiations involve summoning familiars called Assets to fight alongside you. Unlike some forms of Summon Magic, Entres (the summoners) are fully expected to fight alongside their Assets; it's not just Asset on Asset. Which means that it's possible to penetrate an opponent's defenses by bypassing the enemy Asset and going straight for the Entre.
  • Surprisingly Good English: ATMs and Negotiations use English. Jennifer's boss at the International Monetary Fund is also voiced by a native English speaker, though Jennifer is not (since that character is not a bit part, most of her lines are in Japanese).
    • Gratuitous English: Said negotiations use business lingo as Invocation of their attacks, most which only makes sense in context. Jennifer Sato also spoke English in this manner in Episode 3.
    • Episodes 9 and 10 have fairly long conversations in English that, while not perfect, is pretty damn good for anime standards.
  • Sweet Tooth: Most of time, Jennifer appears eating a lollipop or fast food
  • Take Our Word for It: All we get to see of Kimimaro's fight with Sennoza is Msyu getting beaten within an inch of her life. Somehow, Kimimaro wins, but we don't get to see.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: How Msyu survives her battle with the deadly, cannibalistic asset Q.
  • Take Up My Sword: Jennifer Sato gives her Asset to Kimimaro like this for the final fight. Particularly significant since her Asset represents her future, so as long as he has it, part of her future will literally survive.
  • Technicolor Eyes:
    • Entres in the Financial District can change their eye color to gold, with concentric black circles.
    • Masakaki has white pupils and two concentric irises in lavender and yellow. His Southeast Asian equivalent has similar eyes, but with turquoise inner irises.
  • Technicolor Fire: Midas Money burns bright indigo and violet.
  • Title Drop: Mikuni refers to some kind of event called "C" in episode 8, which is later explained to be the chain reaction caused by a Financial District's collapse. This may only partly be a case of a Title Drop, since the title's "C" stands for "Control", but the chain reaction C appears to stand for something else.
  • The Determinator: Yoga. And later, Jennifer, in a very tear-jerking way.
  • The Masquerade: Of a sort. "There is no code of silence, but most wouldn't believe you, so I recommend silence." They don't seem to care if the whole world knows, it's just that the Financial District and its activities don't leave much believable evidence.
  • The Vamp: Jennifer's recruitment pitch to Kimimaro was delivered while on top of him. This could be her vamping him...or it could just be lust, we don't know yet.
  • Throwaway Country: Singapore.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Instant shoyu ramen for Msyu. This is unusual, as Assets do not actually require food; Msyu starts asking for them after seeing Kimimaro eating a bowl and expresses interest in the concept of food. Meanwhile, Q's is Midas money, which Mikuni actually leaves in wine glasses for her.
  • Waistcoat of Style: Mikuni wears one.
  • We Can Rule Together: A variant. Mikuni's original reasoning for having Oga join the Starling Guild is because Oga is one of the few in the Financial District who isn't actually obsessed with money and also doesn't want his opponents to have to deal with the deep repercussions that come from large losses in deals. These factors are what convince Mikuni to begin grooming Oga to be his successor. Unfortunately for him, Oga doesn't agree with the practice of giving up the future for the sake of the present.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Mikuni is willing to sacrifice any number of potential futures in order to preserve the present.
    • Yoga, Jennifer and Takedazaki completely crashed the Japanese economy to defeat Mikuni and stop C.
  • Wham! Episode: Episode 8. Dear god Episode 8. Hundreds of people disappear at a time along with the entirety of Singapore due to the Southeast Asian Financial District's collapse. And this isn't the first time, either--apparently there used to be a Caribbean Republic.
    • Episode 9. The future of Japan has just been mortgaged to prevent the destruction of Japan in the present. This results in quite a few children vanishing just to keep the rest of Japan from going up in smoke.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Financial negotiations played out as extravagant, complex duels in an Amazing Technicolor Battlefield.
  • Woman in Black: Jennifer.
  • Workaholic: Kimimaro at the start of the series. The Financial District offers him... alternatives.
  • Xanatos Gambit: The beings in charge of the Financial Districts put it best:

Just what is right and what is wrong...? You seem to be a bit lost on that. There is no correct answer. Everyone is right. Everyone fought to make the world better, and in the end it improved.
