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Basic Trope: The chairman of an organization appoint his pet to a senior position, indicating his insanity.
- Straight: President Bob appoint his pet parrot Alice as Minister of Defense.
- Exaggerated: President Bob resign and appoint Alice the parrot as his replacement.
- Downplayed: President Bob appoint his pet parrot Alice as the mascot of the country, replacing a freakin' eagle.
- Justified:
- President Bob is insane.
- Bob is surrounded by doublecrossers, and he would rather appoint Alice as Minister of Defense, as it would have made less damage to the country.
- Inverted: Bob is hired as a workhorse by the owner of the mill.
- Subverted: President Bob appoint his pet parrot Alice as Minister of Defense. Turns out Alice is an intelligent animal.
- Double Subverted: Turns out that everything Alice can say is taught by Bob.
- Parodied: After Alice the parrot is appointed Minister of Defense, the country's military is set on the right track, something unimaginable during the term of previous minister.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: President Bob doesn't appoint any animal, even if he's certifiably insane.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: President Bob appoint Alice the parrot, who obviously can't say things Bob didn't teach her to say. There's probably an aesop here.
- Defied: Realizing that their dear president has gone off the deep end, the senate knive him to the back and appoints a new president. And they cook Alice too, just to show that a parrot isn't meant to hold office.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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