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  • William McCall's death scene is a CMOA both for him and for the cutscene director and animators of Bound in Blood. Here's what happens (unmarked spoilers follow): Ray, the wild beast among their Power Trio, pulls a gun at Thomas for betraying them. Thomas pulls a gun at him in self-defence. William, still suffering from a Heroic BSOD after his first murder, steps between them. Thomas puts the gun away but Ray still threatens both of them. William informs him that he is a murderer now, too, so he "reaches on three". On the count of three, he reaches for his belt and Ray shoots, killing him instantly. As William falls in slow motion, we suddenly see what he was reaching for — The Bible. The camera pans out as it flies through the air, and we see Ray falling to his knees in realization and Thomas and Marisa stepping back in disbelief. Then the Bible hits the ground, as the mournful music suddenly cuts. Cue Big Bad's final entrance.