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Subjective Tropes someone thought they've spotted in Call of Juarez:


"I bring not peace... BUT THE WRATH OF THE LORD!" [Ray then proceeds to murder an entire army with a Gatling gun].

    • And in Bound in Blood, the death of William.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Head of the RL Juarez Cartel was captured by the police just thirteen days after the release of Call of Juarez: The Cartel. Guess we know who did it...
  • Tear Jerker: While the original game already had a touching ending where Billy promises never to run away again at Ray's grave, Bound in Blood outdoes it by far with Ray's solemn So What Do We Do Now? monologue. Even knowing the McCalls' ultimate fate won't stop those Manly Tears.
  • The Scrappy/Scrappy Level: Billy. Come on, admit it. You bought this game purely to play as Clint Eastwood's character from Pale Rider.
    • You'd be hard pressed to find players who dislike Billy. His levels are understandable, being not quite as cathartic as Ray's, but Billy is one of the few decent characters in the setting willing to stick up for himself, and no less Badass for it.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Turned Up to Eleven, thanks to how most people responded to the announcement of The Cartel as a modern western, saying that the idea is simply ridiculous, apparently never having watched Justifed or Red Hill. Most of them shut up when the trailer came out.
    • And then opened back up when it took some major liberties with certain contemporary issues. While videogames in general aren't necessarily known for their adherence to historical realities, the fact that the makers developed anything approaching a realistic setting with a serious drama would imply some level of realism concerning the story. Then they flubbed it and Did Not Do the Research.
  • Unfortunate Implications: In The Cartel, there is an achievement/trophy for killing a set number of enemies in a level entitled "Gang Bang". It has to be mentioned that all of the enemies in this level are black and this is the only time where you're given a "kill-quota" achievement in the game.