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Some tropes are sometimes confused (which can lead to Trope Decay). This is the canonical list of tropes that might be confused for one another.

Other tropes are sometimes split to segregate very different examples. This is also the canonical list of tropes that have been split to segregate very different examples (but not those split by media).

Please take all discussions of whether two tropes are insufficiently distinguished to the discussion page.

This will also help some tell tropes apart other than The Same but More. One thing to remember is that individual examples may overlap between these different tropes, sometimes depending on interpretation.

If one of the entries is wrong, feel free to fix it; this list aims to be Canonical, and thus accurate.

Compare Tropedia:Glossary, Tropes of Legend.

Contrast Opposite Tropes, in which two or more tropes are Something Completely Different.

See also Laconical List of Subtle Trope Distinctions. If you happen to add a trope there, also add it on a sub-page here, and also the other way round.

Items are currently sorted alphabetically by whichever Trope is first.