As a long running company which gave us loads and loads of fun and awesome games over all of these years, it's no surprise that Capcom also has it's big share of awesome music as well.
The following games/series have their own pages:
- Breath of Fire II. More Than Words. Played during Tear Jerker moments, and works in synch with them brilliantly.
- And then there's On The Honored Day (also known as Memories), the theme of the dragon that saved the hero's hometown before the story began. Despite being repetitive, it's still incredibly beautiful.
- White Wings. It's such a beautiful theme that it still sounds beautiful even on the Mario Paint version.
- God of Decadence. It's a good thing that Breath of Fire II was faithfully translated, as this theme could not represent the Big Bad (actually, his Dragon) and founder of the church any more perfectly.
- And Dying Corpse. So epic, it's hard to believe that this music was used as the standard battle theme.
- The second one, to be more precise. Though Cross Counter, the first battle theme, is pretty awesome too.
- Tunlan is gorgeous. Its predecessor isn't half bad, either.
- Lemme get this thing started with examples from 3. Everyday Battle, The Champion, and the Ending Theme are among the best.
- From Breath of Fire IV we have Even Towards Death, Valiantly which plays during three plot critical boss fights.
- Strider had quite a few good tunes, but "Grandmaster" wipes the floor with the rest of them. Very suitably epic final boss theme.
- Rival Schools: United By Fate already had a kick-ass opening theme in it's arcade version with "We'll Protect Our School!". But when the game was ported to the PlayStation, it sported an additional animated intro with an even better theme in "Atsuki Kodou."
- The Resident Evil series has some great boss themes. And Suspended Doll is deliciously creepy.
- Don't forget Wesker's theme from Resident Evil 5, or the final boss theme.
- Resident Evil 5's theme from the chapter 6-3 right before you get to the Bomber Bay to fight Wesker, Majini IX -In Flames, you're running through the burning engine room of an oil tanker sized ship, zombies, zombies with guns, zombies with ROCKET LAUNCHERS all around you, trying to get through two sealed blast doors and a shitton of enemy resistance to get to your goal. The whole damn place is going up in flames and explosions, and THIS is what you rock out to? Yes.
- Resident Evil: Revelations has a absolutely amazing OST, the most notable track being "O vendetta di Dio", which plays in the final battle against Tyrant Norman.
- Okami. For starters, there's the ending theme "Reset" and Theme Music Power-Up "The Sun Rises". (The latter even also shows up in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom at the exact same moment that it would play in the original game)
- The aforementioned "Rising Sun" is Crowning Music of Awesome as the trope was originally defined. Just, wow.
- Believe us, there is no shame in admitting that you like to run around Shinshu Field or Ryoshima Coast just to hear the music.
- Susano's theme when he shows up at the Moon Cave also qualifies.
- "Kamiki Festival", played at the end of the game's first act, is absolutely beautiful.
- "Orca's Theme". Enough said.
- The music for the Crimson Helm bossfight is an adrenaline rush all by itself, and is absolutely perfect for the battle. Likewise, "Waka's Promenade" mixes in the eponymous character's Leitmotif for a song that's twice as awesome. As for different boss music, there's this song, the theme for one of the most memorable Dual Boss battles in all of gaming.
- The Final Boss theme is pretty cool too, sounding pretty frightening. One YouTube comment described it perfectly: Pure evil in music form.
- Reset (Thank You) is a really nice instrumental version of the game's ending theme.
- How has Demon Lord Ninetails Extermination not appeared on this list yet?
- And Okami Shiranui and Wep'keer for that matter.
- Not all the awesome songs are epic battles or victory themes, we also have amazing background music in Sei-an City: Commoners' Quarter and Aristocratic Quarter
- No love for Okamiden? Yakushi Village is just beautiful, especially in the Limited Edition arrangement. Stirring, on the other hand, is simply very, very epic.
- Great Divine Intervention is quite simply one of the most beautiful and inspiring pieces of VGM, ever. The fact that it plays during restorations, the game's best Scenery Porn moments, makes it even mbetter
- Most of the boss music from God Hand counts. Key examples are "Smoking Roll", Elvis's theme, and "Devil May Sly", the fight music for Azel.
- The ending credits. It's literally a song about how awesome the main character is, and how much ass he kicks. And he kicks a lot of ass.
- And then there is the credits song.
- I see your tracks, and raise you Shannon's theme and, of course, The God Hand's theme itself.
- And I raise you all but a single track. Yet... Oh See Mind.
- The final fight with Vergil in Devil May Cry 3. Awesome, yet fittingly tragic, considering what the brothers are doing.
- Also from the same game, the second fight with Vergil, the second part of the Arkham fight and the main theme, Devils Never Cry, deserve mention.
- From the first Devil May Cry, Lock and Load, Super Ultra Violet and Legendary Battle.
- There's also Final Penetration, which plays as you're traversing the Bloody Bowels Of The Underworld near the end of the game.
- As well as the theme for all three of his major weapons: Alastor, Ifrit, and especially Sparda.
- Divine Hate. Also from 3.
- The fourth game needs a couple nominations at least. "Swipe of Sword" for the obligatory awesome boss theme, and "DRINK IT DOWN" (Wikipedia says it was made for the game), played when you're doing the mandatory install on the Play Station 3, during the OP and in the Bloody Palace randomly. Sadly, only present in the Japanese, and possibly the Asian, version of the game. And here's Swipe of Sword.
- While 2 is generally received as a bad game, at least it brought us Heads Or Tails.
- Seeds Of Love, also from the first game.
- Also from 4, Sworn Through Swords
- Suffer from 3 and The Time Has Come from 4.
- I'll "Suffer" when you "Taste the Blood"
- Also Public Enemy, Flock Off!, Psycho Siren, Red Hot Juice, Mental Machine, Pillow Talk or Super Public Enemy from 1. How about Faithful Servant, Cry for the Moon, or Dance with Devils D mix from 2? Or the first Vergil battle theme and Dante's Office 7 Hells Battle from 3? What about Blackened Angel and Shall Never Surrender from 4? And while Super Ultra Violet is just an event BGM tacked on to a pre-exsiting theme, I feel the need to include the original Ultra Violet.
- From Viewtiful Joe comes Another Joe's Theme, played during the boss fight against Joe's Doppelganger. Appropriately, it's a Boss Remix of Joe's theme.
- Viewtiful World.
- Blue the True Hero. It's a remix of the same song you've heard several times beforehand, but cranked Up to Eleven because this fight is for real. Not to be beaten, Dark Hero Jet Black in Viewtiful Joe 2 had True Heroes. Big John and Frost Tiger also had pretty awesome boss themes. And of course, who could forget about Blade Master, a theme so great that it made an encore appearance in two games (Viewtiful Joe 2 and Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble) and was rearranged in the second for your fight with Alastor's Underworld Emperor form.
- Viewtiful World.
- Lost Planet: Extreme Condition had some pretty epic music.
- The 2009 remake of Bionic Commando, more exactly: the final scene, when Spencer headbutts Super Joe through the cockpit of his mech, makes it explode and falls into the hole - the song is titled "Beyond Dark Skies".
- Bionic Commando: Rearmed's intro screen's astonishingly catchy beat.
- The main theme of the 2009 Bionic Commando is just as awesome with its military/epic tone.
- Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes gives you the epic, rocking, hopeful theme of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Yeah, for someone who evolves from a Bratty Half-Pint James Bondage into a Badass fist-fighting unifier, it's befitting that he got a kickass theme in return.
- Kuroda Kanbei Has a pretty rocking theme for a guy with little luck.
- The soundtrack for Final Fight 3 is mostly mediocre overral, but "For Metro City" is rather awesome. Unfortunately, it only plays in short section of the first level.
- "Law and Disorder" is the ultimate beat-em-up tune. If the streets were to take a musical form, they would be this.
- Ghost Trick. You can tell they original composer from Phoenix Wright had a hand on it. Just mentioning a few, we have Lynne's theme (Lynne ~ A Targeted Redhead), Detective Jowd's (Detective Jowd ~ A Captive of Fate), 4 Minutes Before Death (Moderate and Allegro), Trauma (which would have been better named "Investigation ~ Core 2010) and the Memory theme.
- The Last Desperate Struggle gets a special mention, because it stands out among the soundtrack for giving a solid, tense atmosphere, and truly does give a feeling that the finale is just around the corner.
- Also, the Main Theme and ' extended version Epilogue ~ The End of the Night.
- Darkstalkers has a lot of awesome tracks, and to start off we have The Trouble Man, the main ending theme of the series.
- From Vampire, there's Huitzils theme and Lord Raptor's theme
- From Vampire Hunter, there's Bishamon's theme and Pyron's theme
- From Vampire Savior, there's Forever Torment and Iron Horse, Iron Terror