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Who will Capcom cross over with next?[]
I think it might be Konami.
- This Troper would kill for Namco vs. Capcom. Yeah, I know about the strategy game, but I think a fighting game could work out pretty well.
- Wish granted. Soon.
- Nintendo Vs. Capcom.
- And before that, some Capcom characters would appear in a Super Smash Bros.. game.
- Screw it, why not make the crossover game itself Smash Bros #4? Super Smash Bros Nintendo Vs Capcom... I like the ring of it. Build it on the Brawl engine, it would take next to no actual work. Wii exclusive, naturally.
- Or they could do what they're doing with Namco right now: Make two games, each with a different playstyle. Capcom's can be in the Vs. series style and Nintendo can make it a Smash Bros. game.
- Actually, Capcom characters are being considered for SSB 4.
- Screw it, why not make the crossover game itself Smash Bros #4? Super Smash Bros Nintendo Vs Capcom... I like the ring of it. Build it on the Brawl engine, it would take next to no actual work. Wii exclusive, naturally.
- How about just Mario vs. Capcom. The Mushroomverse has Loads and Loads of Characters who can fight. Or Capcom vs. Pokemon (Pikachu vs. Mega Man!)
- And before that, some Capcom characters would appear in a Super Smash Bros.. game.
- Obviously the only answer left is Capcom Vs. Capcom.
- I don't think the fans would like to see another Capcom Fighting Evolution.
- I, on the other hand, think that CFE was a very good idea wasted. Maybe if they make all the gauge systems character-independant, like in Capcom vs. SNK 2, (with the C, A, P, S, N and K grooves) and added a new section from other series. Maybe the VS series, I'm thinking on the 3-level gauge bar from the first Marvel vs. Capcom plus four of the following characters: Mega Man, Morrigan, Strider Hiryu, Jin, Tron Bonne, Captain Commando, Amingo, Ruby Heart or Hayato. And, of course, everyone and everything with new sprites "done by UDON". Oh, and they can even give a letter to all the systems: C (SF2) A (SFA) P (SF3) C' (DS) O (RE) and M (MvC) plus the E for Ingrid's CFE gauge.
- I'm won't disagree with you there. CFE definitely had potential, but a lot of it was squandered by turning it into Street Fighter vs. Some Dudes. Even the scrapped Capcom Fighting All-Stars]] seemed more promising (even if it suffered Porting Disaster) simply because there was variety (Strider Hiryu, Charlie, Alex, Haggar and Poision). It's a good idea on paper, but a second attempt at CFE would require a diversified cast and character balancing (the characters of Red Earth and SFIII had huge advantages over the others; let's not even start on Shin Akuma...).
- At least, Shin Akuma has a reason, if only he would be toned down for his playable appearance.
- Actually, whatever small tournament base CFE had proved that the game was pretty well balanced, even if Jedah and Anakaris were top tier.
- Disney vs. Marvel vs. Capcom. The House of Mouse built has a rich history of characters can go toe-to-toe with the character of Street Fighter and such. Or maybe they could be added in the long awaited Marvel vs. Capcom 3, since Disney now owns Marvel.
- Agreed; it would be awesome to see Simba vs Amaterasu, Hercules vs |Hercules, Beast vs Beast, Mulan vs Chun-Li, including Joe Quesada and Squirrel Girl for the lulz.
- Joe Quesada vs. Robert Iger?
- They already said that no Disney characters would show up(they are keeping their licenses seperate). Besides, WB owns DC, but DC fans don't ask for Bugs Bunny to show up in DC Universe Online, so why do people ask for Disney characters in a Marvel game?
- Why else? Because it'd be cool!
- If this ever happens, Perry the Platypus has to be in it.
- Agreed; it would be awesome to see Simba vs Amaterasu, Hercules vs |Hercules, Beast vs Beast, Mulan vs Chun-Li, including Joe Quesada and Squirrel Girl for the lulz.
- DC vs. Capcom. Nuff said.
- Street Fighter IV producer Ono wants to take it a step further....By adding Marvel into the mix as well.
- Marvel Vs Capcom Vs DC? I'm in.
- Street Fighter IV producer Ono wants to take it a step further....By adding Marvel into the mix as well.
- The scary thing is, I would expect eventually Square Enix X Capcom (as they're about one of the few companies left they haven't crossed over with yet, and between their relationship with Marvel (owned by Disney, who partners with Square on the Kingdom Hearts franchise), the fact Square done fighting games with its characters, and the fact that in North America both Capcom and Square share distribution rights for the first Breath of Fire I (and there's rumours that they're going to announce Square-distributed remakes of I and Breath of Fire II at E3 in June). They're also one of the few RPG companies they HAVEN'T yet included in a "foo X Capcom" type game a la Namco X Capcom or Cross Edge...
- Square Enix X Capcom X Marvel X Disney. Nuff said.
- Only if they include Eidos/SEUK characters. Rico Rodriguez! Grappling hook, GET OVER HERE! And of course Lara Croft...
- Again, Disney is keep Marvel apart from their other stuff. Besides, Disney also owns ESPN, But doubt the guys from Sport Center would be added to a crossover.
- I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Midway vs. Capcom, considering that there were plans for Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter. Well... at least in the past it could have been interesting, but now... U_U
- I could be good now that Mortal Kombat is going 2D again.
- With Midway now officially gone, that's not going to happen, sadly. WB owns the Mortal Kombat name now, as well as the studio that made it... WAIT A SECOND!
- It's not going to happen, by now at least. Capcom won't be happy seeing Ryu's head being cut by Scorpion or Sub-Zero... Kind of weird when you consider that Capcom produced a little game which featured gruesome finishers.
- Warner Bros. VS Capcom. Neo vs Ryu. Oh shit...
- It would never work, but... Capcom vs VALVE. Just to see Tank take on Ryu. Talk about worlds colliding...
- Capcom x Shanghai Alice? Or they could just be honest and call it Capcom x Touhou. Hey, that could actually work...
- Well until they decide to do that, there is MUGEN.
- Why didn't I think of this before. CAPCOM VERSUS EA!
- Actually, Euro-American crossovers in general hold a LOT of potential. 2K (Rosie, Lilith (or Brick, or both!)), EA (Psycho, Isaac, Faith), Ubisoft (Altair, The Prince), Activision-Blizzard (Alex Mercer, Diablo)! It should be a crime that they haven't done this yet.
- Jump Vs. Capcom. With the success of Jump Super/Ultimate Stars, and with the success of a Vs Capcom game from another, more obscure (to the west) Japanese entertainment business, this could work. Maybe it's just because I want to see a match between Zangief and Suguru Kinnikuman.
- Hasbro Versus Capcom! What about watching Arashikage ninjas versus Gouken's students? Or Mega Man, well, Mega Manning Skywarp's powers? D'Compose vs Anakaris? With Unicron re-making Akuma into a form similar to Cyber-Akuma to act as the game final boss. It could even have a tie-in toyline of 2-packs, just like Marvel vs. Capcom had.
- Koei Vs. Capcom or Better yet, Musou Vs. Basara!!
- Naruto Vs. Street Fighter, if only for the opportunity to give Sasuke a Stun Gun Headbutt.
- Gainax Vs. Capcom. "Ryu! Let's see ya grit those teeeeth!!!"
- DC Vs. Marvel Vs. Capcom.
- Sega Vs. Capcom. Ryu vs. Ryo! Dr. Eggman vs. Tron Bonne!
- I would love that if only for the opportunity to give Silver a Shinkuu Hadoken, Final Atomic Buster, Shoyreppa, Yoga Inferno, Crazy Buffalo Ground Shave Rolling, Tiger Genocide Shun Goku Satsu, Tiger Megashot, Psycho Crusher, Stun Gun Headbutt, Hoyoku-Sen, X-NDL, Breathless, Soulless, Oil Coaster,, and Darkness Illusion all at once. Oh, and throw Namco-Bandai in there to so I can give Silver a good old Brave Tornado, Terra Force, Cocytus Breath, Celestial Arrow, Flower Cannon, Gate Of Destiny, Heaven's Knuckle, Positron Lazer, Vee Lazer, Sanctuary Bind, Giga Death, Diamond Storm, Nine Headed Dragon Formation, and Beat Slash.
- Sony Vs. Capcom. SF series producer Yoshinori Ono already was impressed by SCE and Sucker Punch when they added Cole to Street Fighter X Tekken and stated that he wasn't averse to doing something more substantial with them.
- Capcom vs. Austrailia. There's a lot of terrible people/places/things in Austrailia to challenge Capcom.
- This fan made box art (created with Photo Shop), puts up the idea of a Kodansha Vs Capcom. Heck, the art already has ideas for possible fights. And, unlike Tatsunoko Productions, There are plenty of characters that Westerners can recognize. Personally, This Troper wants to see Morrigan and Sailor Mars duke it out.
- Or Franziska von Karma Vs Sailor Venus, for obvious reasons.
- Kamen Rider Vs Capcom. Rider Kick Vs Shin Shoryuken!
- WWE vs Street Fighter. Can the Shoryuken overcome the power of the Attitude Adjustment?
- Capcom vs the Behemoth- since the Behemoth is owned by Tom Fulp of Newgrounds fame, then this could mean Mega man vs Pico... or perhaps... Zangief vs. Dad 'n' me.
- Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha X (or Vs.) Street Fighter, and by extension, Seven Arcs X (or Vs.) Capcom?
Capcom vs. Arc System Works will happen at some point.[]
Yes, I know Sammy vs. Capcom was cancelled once before, but a guy can dream, right? I mean, just imagine the match-ups. Obviously we'd have stuff like Ryu vs. Sol and Ken vs. Jin. But we'd also have brilliant possibilities like Zangief vs. Potemkin, Lilith vs. Noel, and for god sakes, Phoenix Wright vs. Bang.
- To add to that, the potential three-way between Morrigan, I-No, and Litchi would probably be enough motivation for the entire male population (and possibly some of the females) to get this game. Capcom, Arc System Works... you know what must be done.
- I demand Akuma vs. Hakumen. Posing with your back to the player after landing a Gory Discretion Shot Finishing Move (Shun Goku Satsu vs. Akumetsu, for those not in the know)... What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?
Is there even a Capcom franchise left that hasn't been subjected to a Capcom vs. Whatever?[]
In line with the previous troper's commentary above re "Capcom vs. Capcom" being the ultimate extension of Capcom vs. Whatever as a trope, are there really properties left at this point Capcom could do this with (or put in something like a Capcom vs. Arc System Works, etc.)?
- The only franchise of Capcom's that I can think of that is a) well-known and b) hasn't been yet subjected to a Capcom vs. Whatever is the Breath of Fire franchise--the closest it's ever come is with a background screen in Pocket Fighter (in a hidden bonus round, at that, featuring chars from III) and "card cameos" of the respective Ryus and Ninas from IV and Dragon Quarter in the obscure SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighter Clash series (cards of the Ryu and Nina from IV ending up in the Neo Geo Pocket version, cards of the Ryu and Nina from Dragon Quarter in the Nintendo DS version). I'm actually surprised that we didn't have any BoF cameos in Namco X Capcom or X Edge, to be honest.
- Normally this could be explained by the fact that, historically, Breath of Fire has been The Unfavourite in Capcom's family of franchises; however, Capcom been doing a lot with Expanded Universe spinoffs of IV in particular since mid-2007 (leading to Wild Mass Guessing Capcom may be planning a Breath of Fire VI that is a sequel or prequel to Breath of Fire IV).
- Naturally, there's also been a lot of Wild Mass Guessing as to why the Breath of Fire franchise seems to be the odd franchise out as far as Capcom vs. Whatever treatment...
- ...including a line (thanks to a recent announcement of a possible re-release of I and II) that essentially postulates that it's the licensing issues with Breath of Fire in North America that are tying up the works. (Long story short--Square did original translation and distribution of the original Breath of Fire, meaning technically both companies may have distribution rights.) THIS particular bit of Wild Mass Guessing has likely been pretty much annihilated by the (comparatively speaking from past!) fairly massive Breath of Fire appearances in the "Heroes vs. Heralds" mode of Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3", though.
- Breath of Fire actually may have almost gotten the "No Capcom vs. Whatever" curse broken--apparently inclusion of chars were considered for Marvel vs. Capcom 3, then rejected on the basis regarding "foreign appeal" (based on a Japanese Twitter blog from the developers). Apparently there is still interest in getting a char from Breath of Fire in a Capcom vs. Whatever, though--the same Twitter entry notes the developers really wanted to put Fou-lu from Breath of Fire IV in as a playable character.
- And it looks like the "Card Game Cameo Curse" hits Breath of Fire again--no direct cameo in Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, but multiple Breath of Fire cameos do show up in "Heroes vs. Heralds mode" (which is pretty much a revival of the "Card Fighter" games--only this time, to unlock special abilities). So far, Ryu (from Breath of Fire I), Nina (from Breath of Fire II), Myria (from Breath of Fire III, Fou-lu (from Breath of Fire IV), and Lin (from Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter) are confirmed.
- Of particular note to this--this pretty much proves that any potential distribution issues with Breath of Fire I certainly don't affect crossovers.[1]
- And even in what is arguably a case of What Could Have Been (the original plan was for full appearances), this is still--by far--probably the most extensive appearance of any Breath of Fire cameo in any Capcom vs. Whatever.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Not technically their IP, but they made all the games, didn't they? I wanna drop a fucking STEAMROLLER on Morrigan.
- JoJo isn't owned by Capcom, so they can't
- Which also explains why that franchise is the sole one (along with possibly Power Stone) not even to have had "Card Fighter Cameos".
- Power Stone has also been ignored for these crossover fighters.
- Although they tried, Ace Attorney hasn't actually had any playable characters in any Vs. Series.
- Until now. Ace Attorney vs Professor Layton. Seriously.
- Phoenix Wright is in Ultimate Mv C 3. Sure it's from a leak, but Capcom aren't really denying anything at this point (especially since the leak was pulled from Capcom's own servers).
Capcom will team up with Square Enix to create Marvel vs Disney[]
Just think about it... it could work...
- Thing is, Disney said they wouldn't put Marvel characters with any of their other liscenses.
- I think they'd make an exception for a video game about these two universes fighting.
- Thing is, Disney said they wouldn't put Marvel characters with any of their other liscenses.
The next logical step up after Tv C is to crossover with Super Robot Wars[]
Why not?
Who do you what to who facing who?[]
Same with the Top, But this is to Suspicious Character and why:
- Capcom vs. Sega:
- Mega Man vs. Sonic The Hedgehog, Let see who the Blues.
- Capcom / Marvel vs. Square Enix / Disney:
- Spider-Man vs Mickey Mouse (most recognizable characters)
- Captain America (comics) vs Goofy (Goofy fights with a shield in Kingdom Hearts)
- Wolverine vs Donald Duck (sometimes friend of flagship character who has a temper)
- Hulk vs Pete (two big guys who occasionally (or in Pete’s case, always) fight everyone else)
- Ms. Marvel vs Minnie Mouse (current love interest of flagship character)
- Hercules vs |Hercules(self-explanatory)
- Beast vs Beast (again, self-explanatory)
- Deadpool vs Captain Jack Sparrow (funny guys with swords and guns who you’re not sure you can trust)
- Ka-Zar vs Tarzan (jungle dudes)
- Human Torch vs Peter Pan (wisecracking guys who can fly)
- Ghost Rider vs Jack Skellington (undead guys who have skull faces)
- Iron Man vs Tron (technological fighters)
- Storm vs Aladdin (grew up in a desert city as a thief)
- Namor vs Ariel (except Ariel can only be played in an underwater stage…)
- Doctor Strange vs Merlin or Yen Sid (powerful wizards)
- Thor vs Winnie the Pooh (joke pairing, Thor was voiced by Pooh’s actor in MarvelUltimateAlliance2)
- Doctor Doom vs Jafar (power hungry villains who have stolen power from insanely strong characters)
- Dormommu vs |Hades (fiery evil godlike beings)
- Venom vs Oogie Boogie (evil villains who love their foe’s suffering)
- Amaterasu vs Simba (cats vs dogs)
- Mega Man vs Sora (characters from the game companies who have crossed over to one of the universes)
- Stan Lee vs. Walt Disney, of course.
- Jack Kirby vs Ub Iwerks (Sidekicks who did most of the work that got screwed over by their more succcessful partner, also either of them vs aformentioned more successful partner)
- (Nintendo's) Super Smash Bros. Vs. Capcom
- Amaterasu and Link tag-team (Follow the Leader)
- Mario and Luigi vs Mega Man and Zero
- Sonic and a promoted-to-alt-costume Shadow vs Ryu and Chun-Li
- Namco vs Capcom:
- Rick Taylor and Dante (both fight demons).
- Gainax Vs Capcom:
- EVA Unit 02 Vs PTX- 40 A: Both were designed to combat threats to humanity (The Angels and the Akrid). Also if this win quote from PTX's pilot is any indication, both of the pilots are pretty overconfident in their Mecha:
"This is a perfectly balanced VS. You can't even begin to compare to its weight, firepower, and mobility. That's why you lost." |
- Misato Katsuragi Vs Guile: Both are Colonel Badasses (okay, Misato is one in Rebuild, still counts though.) And both have Revenge motives for doing what they do.
- Canti Vs Mega Man: Both are very powerful robots.
- Haruko Haruhara Vs Chuck Greene: They have odd, if effective, ways to take out their opponents.
- Lordgenome Vs Gill: Both are Well Intentioned Extremists who wish to stop humanity from being wiped out.
- Been working on this for the last year or so...and I've got a looooong list I've still to work through. Like...
- Haggar Vs Corset: Both of them are Mayors.
- Kamina Vs Joe: Both of whom are Idiot Heroes.
- Albert Wesker Vs Gendo Ikari: Both are Magnificent Bastards. If you can't imagine Gendo fighting, that's because he doesn't have to.
- The Anti-Spiral Vs Captain Blue: They both have some amount of control of the worlds they inhabit.
- Shonen Jump vs Capcom
- Naruto Uzumaki vs Ryu: Both are main protaginests and both series are popular worldwide.
- Monkey D. Luffy vs Ruby Heart: Both are pirates.
- Dio Brando vs Demitri: Both are vampires with supernatural stamina, speed, etc.
- Sosuke Aizen vs Gill: Both are God-complexed super beings.
- Gintoki Sakata vs Dante: Both lazy/wise-cracking protaginests with surprisingly great skills with swords.
- Goku vs Pyron: Both are alien beings capable of destroying planets.
- Ryotsu vs Mega Man: Both are basically mascots of their retrospective companies.
- Kenshiro vs Gene: Both are hand-to-hand experts whose series involve asskicking. Also, Gene bares some resemblance to Kenshiro despite not having the same personality.
- Seiya vs Asura: Both are based from mythology. Asura being more based from Hindu Mythology and Seiya being based around Greek mythology. Both can be God-tier as well.
- Nuero vs Vergil: Nuero and Vergil both are of demonic origins. Both also have a large inventory of weapons and powers that involve demonic abilities such as Nuero's 777 Tools of Hell and Vergil's sword.
Breath of Fire's curse will finally be broken with a Square-Enix vs. Capcom[]
It would neatly deal with the "Square has US distribution rights for the first game" issue.
Akira Kazama or Hinata Wakaba are the next in line for their series to appear in a crossover.[]
- Akira: Due to being an Ensemble Darkhorse as well as the only character besides the original characters of the cancelled Capcom Fighting All-Stars excluding Ingrid, she is most likely the next Rival Schools character to appear.
- Hinata: Her addition in a crossover would complete the additions of the main Taiyo High School trio (Batsu and Kyosuke.)
Back to Capcom vs. Whatever |
- ↑ There has been some concern in the fandom whether this would be possible with North American releases, due to Square handling the translation and initial distribution for the original Breath of Fire; apparently it's now obvious that Capcom has the primary IP rights.