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Basic Trope: Making awe-inspiring names by taking short, evocative term and Capitalize it.
- Straight: In Heroes of Troperia, the Functional Magic is called the Way and those who perform it are called, appropriately enough, the Striders.
- Exaggerated: The Way is divided by elemental paths, each of which Capitalized: Flame, Flow, Breeze, Soil. The performers are called the Burnt, the Swept, the Blown, and the Entombed, respectively. And let's not get into those who combine 2 or 3 elements...
- Justified: Magic works according to the Words that express them, called the Spell. Using complicated names when casting Spells makes the magic harder to control.
- Inverted: The magic has unnecessarily long, impressive, and tongue-twisting name.
- Subverted: It seems that everyone calls magic the Way... until you get to the elven kingdom where magic is called "the arcane arts of the venerable ancients".
- Double Subverted: ...or just "The Arts".
- Parodied: In Heroes of Troperia, the Functional Magic is called The Gibberish and those who perform it are called The Claptraps.
- Deconstructed: Since the "Way" or the "Arts" is such a catch-all term, it's easy to associate things that aren't magic into it, usually for unscrupulous purposes; i.e. to scam those who aren't performers of the Way.
- Reconstructed: The "Way" or the "Arts" evolves as it gives the touch of magic to things that people associate with it.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: ???
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: "So, there is the way and there is The Way?"
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
May The Wiki Magic gives you The Guidance to return to Capital Letters Are Magic.