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  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Come on, Cap's leitmotif that builds and recurs throughout the film is pretty encouraging.
  • Designated Hero: Cap is a nice enough guy but most of his fights involve him getting defeated or running away.
    • Not exactly. His first fight is per tradition, is with the assassin who kills the scientist, who gets punched into a device and gets eletrocuted and dies. Steve got shot and collapsed, but only after the assassin was done.
    • The next fight happens when he is spotted while sneaking into the Red Skull's base, where he bulldozes through all the soldiers in his way till he got to Red Skull, who with his similar stats and superior skills dominates Cap, but when Cap starts getting even he uses a hidden knockout pin to take him down
    • The next would be against the Red Skull's henchwomen on bikes, and he shakes off most of them in a chase, and he thought the last one was down and got shot in the back but still got away
    • The next one would be against even more henchmen at where Red Skull received his serum, and he pulls a Batman and takes out all of them.
    • Then, again, another fight in the street he mows down everyone in the way, and then escapes to protect Sharon.
    • Then the climactic fight where he kills Red Skull then decapitates the girl on the bike
  • Memetic Mutation: The Psyche Hitler
  • Special Effect Failure: Cap's rubber ears don't look very realistic.