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Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels was introduced as part of Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics on ABC in 1977. When not competing on Scooby Doo's team, Cavey and his trio of beauties solved mysteries in yet another variation of the Scooby format. Cavey, a caveman Superhero frozen in a block of ice until thawed in the 20th century by the Teen Angels, kept many gadgets and live dinosaurs inside his fur. He also possessed superhuman strength, and (thanks to his club) could even fly; those powers were prone to giving out at unwelcome occasions.

Voice talent included Mel Blanc, Laurel Page, Marilyn Schreffler and Vernée Watson-Johnson.

In later series, Captain Caveman was shown living alongside The Flintstones. The early 1980s The Flintstone Comedy Show starred Cavey in his own segment, as Bedrock's resident superhero, often accompanied on adventures by newspaper reporters Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble. On The Flintstone Kids, Captain Caveman and his son were the stars of a Show Within a Show.

Tropes used in Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels include:

The Captain Caveman segments on The Flintstone Comedy Show provide examples of:

The Captain Caveman segments on The Flintstone Kids provide examples of:

  • An Aesop: Seen in the wraparound segments featuring the Flintstone Kids.
  • Arch Enemy: Mr. Bad
  • Chaste Toons: Subverted.
  • Legion of Doom: A team-up of the segments' various villains (spearheaded by Mr. Bad) is seen in one episode.
  • Missing Mom: Captain Caveman must have married someone in order to produce Junior, but his wife is never seen.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: The duo once disguised themselves as villains by donning domino masks. Since this was in an Amnesia Episode, the amnesiac Captain Caveman decides that since he's wearing such a mask, he must be a villain, and then proceeds to steal so much stuff that there's nothing left for all the other criminals to rob.
  • Super-Hero Origin: For both Captain Caveman (in a flashback episode) and his son, Cavey Jr. (the pilot showing that he was allowed to join his father in crimefighting once he became old enough).