CaptainGerBear (real name withheld at his request) is a Canadian creator of Queer Media, especially of the Manly Gay variety. Originally a furry artist (once known as Canis Lupus), he has become at least as well known for his works involving humans and orcs. He is creator of Grant and Chub Pan. His official website is Bigfingers (NSFW).
Please take note that Capn himself was not involved in 99% of the creation and maintenance of this article.
Capn's work provides examples of:
- All Men Have Healthy Sex Drives: There is very little shame or pretense in his work. It tends to look very relaxed and carefree, and very sexually charged.
- Author Appeal: This goes without saying.
- Badass
- Badass Beard: Specializing in chin-strap beards.
- Badass Long Hair
- Bara
- The Bear: He's CaptainGerBear. Of course many of his characters are bearish.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Most of his characters don't even show a scratch, even when they're brutish warriors where you'd expect them to have Badass scars. At least they're still Badass.
- Big Beautiful Man: Some of his most attractive men are on the pudgy side, though always muscly.
- Carpet of Virility: Let there be hair!
- Cast Full of Gay
- Doing It for the Art: Capn's admitted primary motivation. He still makes money off of some of his work, but his greatest projects like Grant and Chub Pan have a completely artistic motivation, and are available for free.
- Everybody Has Lots of Sex
- Fan Nickname: "Capn", which he embraces.
- Grandpa What Massive Hotness You Have: On occasion.
- Guy-On-Guy Is Hot: You're damn right it is.
- High Fantasy: Most of his art qualifies. But his most famous works (such as the ones that have TV Tropes articles) have modern-day Earth settings.
- Hot Coffee Minigame: He's programmed a few of these over the years, all in Adobe Flash. His most elaborate one to date has been in Chub Pan.
- Hot Men At Work: Sometimes there's nothing sexier than a man going about his everyday living.
- Leather Man: On occasion.
- Manly Gay
- Male Frontal Nudity: He considers himself to primarily make erotic art.
- No Nudity Taboo: Often appears this way in his High Fantasy settings. Notably averted in Chub Pan, whose dialogue keeps reminding you that getting caught naked outside can get you arrested.
- Not Safe for Work: Usually not.
- Our Orcs Are Different: Capn has a special fondness for attractive orc and half-orc men.
- Petting Zoo People: On occasion.
- Porn with Plot: His original works almost always involve this. Grant is a notable exception for more strictly limiting itself to an R rating and not depicting Male Frontal Nudity.
- Rule of Sexy: Everything.
- Rule 34: He's done a lot of testosterone-loaded Fan Art of works ranging from Final Fantasy to Super Mario Bros. to World of Warcraft. His rule 34 of Calvin and Hobbes was received as being in surprisingly good taste.
- Unkempt Beauty: You'd think combs haven't been invented. Not that anyone's complaining.
- Vaporware: In addition to being an artist, he's a game developer, mostly in Adobe Flash. And while he's released a few Mini-Games (mostly of the Hot Coffee variety), and a vast demo of an even larger incomplete game (Chub Pan), his loftiest video game projects are all incomplete with little sign of active progress on finishing them. One of them is Role-Playing Game he's been trying to develop, and opened auditions for Voice Actors in November 2009, without much news on the project since. But since he has published some fairly awesome video games, he has a well-deserved reputation for video game design even though has hasn't finished most of them.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: A lot of guys are like this.
- Word of God: Does this a lot. As an Internet personality, Capn is extremely approachable, invites frank criticism, and (while avoiding spoilers) frequently answers questions about his works. He has Jossed now and then as well.
- Word of Straight: Will sometimes reveal if a character is genuinely straight. A natural inversion of Word of Gay, since Capn's works tend to be heavily Cast Full of Gay to begin with.