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Sweet Christmas, it's stupid fresh! |
A sequel to Captain N, and one of the few truly dramatic Sprite Comics out there—though the drama is often not as immediately apparent as the dark comedy.
Alex Williams was a 22-year-old college dropout, working at the local sub shop and spending way too much time playing emulated video games (hence his grades, and hence the "dropout" part). As he puts it, "trapped by my own fear and apathy, and doomed to become another mindless drone."
That was about the time something went wrong with one of Lucca's inventions in the land of Chrono Trigger, and Alex got sucked into Videoland to become the successor to one of his boyhood idols: Kevin Keene, the eponymous hero of "Captain N." The Game Master, however, was supposed to be someone pure of heart—so why a foul-mouthed, self-centered cynic?
Before long, things get complicated, and fast. Interdimensional kidnappings, incarnations of Alex's five chief vices (Arrogance, Hatred, Cynicism, Hypocrisy, and Apathy) trying to save him from a Fate Worse Than Death (by killing him, of course), a "Great Change" that occurred years before, a mysterious zombie, nested flashbacks, and repeated hints that one of the most important people involved in the goings-on may, in fact, be Alex's old baby-sitter.
Definitely worth a read, even if you're not familiar with any of the source material. Available through this link.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Whoops, it turns out those little sprites we made to entertain our children actually have lives. Some want revenge for their stories putting them through hell.
- And I Must Scream: Though only trapped by his own hubris and a less than full understanding of his team's capabilities, Alex spends quite a long time getting his ass repeatedly handed to him by a guard and two hydras.
- And That's Terrible: Lampshaded and discussed by Kefka when he realizes that one of the heroes telling him he's sunk to a new low by holding a little girl hostage is Cyan. He's rather peeved by the idea that his latest action somehow overshadows what he did at Doma.
- Anticlimax: Just when it looked like Green Mega Man and Roll were going to have an epic fight that would decide the fate of the Videoland, they reconciled peacefully. In-universe Vegeta definitely considered this to be anticlimax. If he waited a couple of minutes, he'd have seen Green curb stomp Amon.
- Kefka reappears... and is then killed in one attack. Repeatedly. Ultimately it was subverted though, as he eventually became a credible threat by taking a Reality Warper child hostage.
- Armor-Piercing Question: "What was he like?"
- Awesome but Impractical: Originally, the Super Scope could only take 4 shots. Then Alex found the D Cells. It remains here because despite that, its huge range, damage potential, and area of effect makes it hard to spam without accidentally destroying your allies/innocent bystanders/people you're trying to capture/things you don't want destroyed.
- Awesome Yet Practical: Inside an RPG battle realm, those problems disappear: Only combatants on both sides are in the created battle zone, so you only have to worry about guys who have inherent invulnerability or guys that can temporarily exit the battlefield. Two RPG end bosses that previously were unbeatable due to hostages they held were defeated when Alex simply declared combat had begun, and was free to use the gun.
- Back from the Dead: Although nobody killed with Omega Energy has ever been seen again, Kefka's return indicates "plot" deaths can be undone.
- Badass Boast: Alex introduced himself this way to Gades and Daos. Sinistrals themselves speak like this on a regular basis.
- Badass Crew: The team whom was created to replace the N-Team, the N-Forcers, which is composed of some of the biggest badasses in not just the 8-bit era, but video game history. Just look at the members of the team!
- Even better, they simultaneously play the badasses they are with the 80s cliches they're also supposed to be.
Alex: Christ, why did you even need a Game Master? |
- Batman Gambit: Pulled off by Dr.Light of all people! Dr.Light suggested to Mike Haggar to select Dr.Wily as running mate, knowing that Haggar will make an excellent face for president, and Wily will take every advantage and undermine their opponents. Should Haggar become president, he'd have no idea how to actually run things and screw everything up, forcing Wily to do everything he can to fix his mess, because Proto Man swore to go after him should he suspect anything is amiss. This forces Wily to not only stay out in the open in Nexus and run as efficent a government as he can, he'll also be too busy to plot any schemes. However, all this is just a bonus. The real reason why Light needed Wily to stay in Nexus? Light had been touched by the Sovereign, and needed someone he can trust to help him on the day the Game Master finally arrives, as he can no longer trust his own judgement and knows that its in Wily's best interest to destroy the Sovereign at any cost.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: "Mother Brain was lame as shit, but I'd take ten of her over this angsty skank! Hell, I'd settle for one of her lame-ass henchmen."
- Behind the Black: Alex wonders how he is able to see Palom and Porom in his jail cell.
- Best Her to Bed Her: Cid's wife, as punishment for her treason, was placed under a geas to marry the man who beats her in combat (considering she is an man-hating Action Girl, this was supposed to be a punishment but it gave her plenty of opportunity to beat up sexist men without repercussion). Cid beat her through trickery.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Spencer/The Bionic Commando didn't try to stop Pre-Great Change Max Force and the Power Team (whom is composed of a bunch of Super Zeroes) from fighting opponents way out of their league, because it would be better for them to die for their ideals than face the Sovereign of Sorrow.
- Seeing as how Max became Touched... that didn't work out so hot.
- Beware the Silly Ones: In spades. In particular, beware anyone with 'Wizard' as part of their name. Eggplant magic and puzzle magic are still magic.
- Or is named Mario. Even Vegeta knows not to mess with Mario.
- Monkeyspank is a cutesy and annoying entity. He's also working to end the whole of existence by waking the Sovereign.
- Kefka gets this all over again. He gets killed in one attack - repeatedly - and it looks like he's not a threat anymore. Then he takes the Reality Warper little girl hostage... Worse yet, he turned out to be immune to the Sovereign's touch, and intended to bring the same devastation he brought upon the World of Ruin onto the rest of Videoland. It seems that Celes managed to foil his plans though.
- BFG: The Super Scope Mark VI, the B'est F'ing G of all, bar none, at least in the history of
video gamesVideoland. - Big Bad: The Sovereign of Sorrow. Also possibly Gato.
- Big Damn Heroes: The people that will eventually form the N-Forcers pulls one off in chapter 674, in all its 80's narmy goodness.
- Big No: Played for laughs here.
- Bowdlerise: Invoked with the Nintendo Censorship Angel.
- Brick Joke and Chekhov's Gun: Remember when Alex got Met's helmet? Or when Schrödinger the cat stole black belt from Yang? Respectively 9 and 8 years later, this happens.
- And now there's also the manual that was in the Treasure Room of Destiny, previously seen in a comic from 2003.
- And before that, Alex's Hatred (of Coffee/stupid people) tells Alex he's "just lucky [he] left the donkey at home" here. One could easily pass it off as just one of his ridiculous coffee-related jokes, if not for the result of Bob's transformation almost one hundred strips later after accidentally "Consume"-ing Hatred...
- Body Double: In a humorous inversion of the trope's use in Final Fantasy VI, the opera singer Maria is planned to be used as a decoy for Celes for her wedding, just in case of kidnappers.
- Brain Bleach: Ryan demands some in this strip, in response to Alex describing how he was in a prison shower with King Hippo and dropped the soap.
- Butt Monkey: Alex, to the point that he questions whether Videoland has it in for him, is in league with the Sovereign, etc.
- You know you have virtually no respect when you're in jail and your assigned guards are an Imperial Stormtrooper and a Red Shirt.
- Dr. Wright is becoming one too. He does deserve everything that comes to him though.
- There is also the minor character Spike McFang. When we first saw him, he was bullied by King Hippo who wanted his lunch money. Later Ackman tricked him into trying to defeat Amon; as a result of this, he ended up on the receiving end of epic beatdown. And last time we saw him, he was imprisoned by Ryan, sharing prison cell with Ackman who seemed to beat him up.
- Cap: With so many JRPG worlds to visit, this is a given. One interesting comic has Sorrow-Touched Lucca breaking a damage cap by using base sixteen instead of base ten.
- D6DB is 55,003 for the curious.
- Cardboard Prison: Spoofed in #704, and to absolutely no one's surprise, occurs in the very next comic.
- Cargo Ship: Used In-Universe during A Christmas-themed Omake segment which has Alex receive a series of gifts from his "true love" - who turns out to be the Super Scope.
- Cassandra Truth: Subverted with Terra. She claims the Creepy Child just summoned flowers with magic, but everyone knows there's no such thing as magic... anymore. So she asks the kid to do it again, and she does.
- Caught with Your Pants Down: Happened to Lucca's father and Bikke. Before he got sucked into Videoland, this happened to Alex too.
- "Caught With His Pants Off" was the description Rock received, regarding the coming of the Second Game Master.
- Which is a very accurate description, to be fair. Alex has spent a very large amount of the comic running around video-game land sans coat, shoes, and pants. (He still had a T-shirt and boxer shorts, though.)
- Charm Person / Jedi Mind Trick: Attempted by Senator Vader on the N-Forcers in #312. Doesn't exactly work out the way he planned.
Vader: You will admit to what you have done! |
- Chekhov's Gun: The Met Hat, though it took so long for it to pay off that it was easy to forget about it, or assume the author had.
- Another Chekhov's Gun is the Chozo mental training. It is first mentioned here. Then, 8 years later, we get this.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Magus sending the Koopalings to the MC Hammer world.
- Protoman giving Alex corduroy pants and forbidding to take them off. Alex at least was horrified by the perspective.
- Cosmic Horror Story: From the view point of the people of Videoland at least. Videoland exists because it's a collection of video games that the powers that be created as a form of entertainment. Those touched by the Sovereign are made aware of the truth, and are filled with despair as they realize that their entire existence is completely and utterly meaningless, and will slowly but surely drown in it.
- The classic Atari game Berzerk to Alex
- Crapsack World: Let's face it, since the Sovereign of Sorrow hit, Videoland has become a corrupt den of selfishness, assholery, and corruption. Having the Sovereign obliterate the place is starting to look less like genocide and more like putting them out of their misery.
- This is her actual motivation: mercy-killing all that lives.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Cecil vs. Antlion. Later Kain vs. two of Eblan's most elite ninja and even later Schrödinger vs. shield generator guardian robot.
- Implied in unarmored Samus vs Eggplant Wizard. "You think Eggplant Wizard isn't a glorified speed bump right now? How adorable!"
- Both sides of the Gannon battle. Gannon blasts Alex with no trouble, then Alex gets up to speed and fries Gannon with the Super Scope.
- In #749, #750, and #751, Kefka immediately gets taken out by Locke in a single round — seven times — due to a combination of Villain Forgot to Level Grind (after the first time is a bit forgivable, seeing as how he was dead, and after the second time, he gets killed by Locke... before anyone else has a chance to have a turn) and Alex abusing Relm's sketch bug to obtain duplicates of rare (possibily one-only) equipment.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Anyone actively serving the Sovereign is this, being fully away of the nature of their world. With increasing experience, though, Alex often surpasses them.
- Damsel in Distress: Plenty.
- Darker and Edgier: Almost inarguably to its benefit- the original Captain N was a little too Never Say "Die" and silly.
- Deader Than Dead: Pretty much anybody killed by Omega Energy is killed permanently, no amount of Extra Lives, Phoenix Downs, or Continues bring them back.
- Deconstruction: Of more or less every trope and theme in Captain N.
- Death Glare: Crono gives Lucca one of these when she tries to convince him not to go after Marle.
- When Eggplant Wizard was trying to force information out of Samus in her mindscape, Samus merely gave him one of these in response. Despite his superior magic, Samus got Eggplant Wizard to break.
- Desolation Shot: Of the world of Tetris in episode 707.
- Determinator: Golbez after Eggplant Wizard unleashed his anger. His response to the Monkeyspank virus trying to knock him out with a gas? Upon learning that the virus averted the "no backup" part of No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup he simply threatened to destroy all his backups by blowing up the entire moon they were located on, fully aware that it might cost him his own life.
- Deus Ex Machina: This. Who would've known that putting on a pair of pants could solve so many problems?
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Alex letting it slip that he blew up the Royal Gate, endangering everyone in Nexus.
- Dramedy: The webcomic uses drama and comedy very effectively.
- Driven to Suicide: Lisa was going to commit suicide after Alex rejected her. Fortunately, he managed to stop her. It's later revealed that all those Touched by Sorrow will eventually seek to do the same if they don't first die of other causes, like getting chucked out into the Desert or getting killed during their murder rampage.
- Dude, Where's My Respect??: Alex can be the poster boy of this trope.
- Milon is the Elemental Arch-Fiend of Earth, yet he's treated as a joke not only by the heroes, but by the other Elemental Arch-Fiends.
- Dungeon Bypass: Enacted by Magus
- End of an Age: Mother Brain caused it by drawing Omega energy out of Kevin Keene, and using it to kill Duke. This marked the first time anyone in Videoland had ever died, and the loss of that world's innocence.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Even Kainazzo was disturbed by Cid's daughther's story about how her father got her mother to marry him, complete with a Family-Unfriendly Aesop.
Kainazzo: That was almost certainly the worst story I've ever heard. It offended even my morals and sensibilities. |
- External Retcon: All sorts, like how the prissy, jerk Belmont that was helping Captain N was actually Simon Belmont's brother, Simone (silent "e"). An interesting question is whether or not these changes are due to Alex's perception of Videoland altering the reality.
- Evil Gloating: In one case it directly led to the villain's undoing: the Eater of Dreams gloated that he was going to torture and kill heroes for so long that the Virus cast on him earlier made him run out of HP and lose battle before he could actually harm them, which in turn made it possible for Frog to kill him. For those interested, between Lucca's attacks, Palom's Bio, and the Frog Squash, not counting any damage from the ongoing poison damage, he had 54 HP when he enacted this plan.
- Exact Words: "There is nothing you can say that can change my mind." Crono says nothing and changes her mind.
- Face Palm: Alex upon realising that the book he got some time ago (of which he only read one page) is the manual that just might answer some of his questions about, among others, the Sovereign of Sorrow. Part of the problem is that he was Wrong Genre Savvy, having found the book in an RPG world, and assumed that the book only had one page. His companions at the time reinforced this notion, finding the notion of a 24-page book astonishing.
- Protoman gets one himself in #731, when he finally dawned on him that Dr.Wily never discovered Omega Energy, that he was lying and taking credit for it the entire time. Meaning the entire time, they actually had no idea whom had discovered Omega Energy and revealed it Dr.Wily.
- Fatal Family Photo: With Lampshade Hanging
- Fantastic Racism: RPG sprites aren't well liked in Nexus, to the point where their natural behaviors are considered a psychological disorder. This is also because RPG Sprites have the ability to grow and develop, whereas most other sprites remain static.
- Fence Painting: Alex uses this technique on Palom to get him to wash his pants and jacket after Palom vomits all over them.
- Filler Strips: Many of them are omakes, however.
- Fisher King: whatever impressions the Gamemaster held of Videoland's citizens before entering it seem to become true.
- Not only this, but it's based on his videogames. Meaning, for instance, that if he got a whole bunch of items, the protagonists still have them. Cue "Alex has no life" joke.
- Flaw Exploitation: Well, at least character exploitation: Edward left paralyzed Cecil trapped on a battlefield with Kappa the Imp to find Kain and bring him back to finish Cecil off, taking advantage of the fact that even if Paralysis will wear off in the meantime, Cecil, as a paladin, can't simply kill innocent Kappa to end battle.
- Foregone Conclusion: To the first war against the Sovereign of Sorrow anyways. Everyone knows the events that occured during the war and characters frequently make comments about it expecting everyone to know what they're talking about. Everyone but the readers that is.
- Fridge Logic: An in-universe example. Characters who are touched may begin to notice some of the inconsistencies of the world they inhabit.
- Fun with Acronyms: D.H.O.P.E.S.
- Genre Savvy: Alex, among others
Edgar: Then I say, "If anyone have any reason these two should not be wed...speak now or forever hold your peace. |
- It didn't end up needing to be necessary, but that's only because Ultros dozed off during the ceremony.
- Rydia gets a beauty right after the Eater of Dreams battle ends.
- It didn't end up needing to be necessary, but that's only because Ultros dozed off during the ceremony.
"He SURVIVED the explosion?!...but that's...that's...wait...how many heroes have I seen get blown up and they survived? Explosions NEVER kill heroes....Man, now I feel kinda stupid." |
- Glasses Pull: Braveshroom puts glasses on before making a speech to show that he means business. It even gets an Unsound Effect ("Glassified!").
- God in Human Form: The Game Masters.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Subverted: they do nothing for you if you don't have them. See...
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: One of the Game Master's artifacts is a pair of goggles that are supposed to protect him from reality changes between worlds, and give him an automatic Libra, i.e. extensively detailed information, on anyone he looks at with them on. Unfortunately for him, the goggles were stolen away before he even knew that they existed.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Most of the members of the Daltonian Hyper-Oceanic Piratical Extortion Squad were these in their own games, and while they haven't had a major role yet, Alex's reaction to them indicates that they will become this to him.
- Gone Horribly Right: Mother Brain wanted to use the Omega Energy to end her constant cycle of defeat at the hands of Captain N. The cycle stopped, alright.
- Dr. Wily ran as Haggar's running mate to try and take control of Nexus and run things behind the scenes. Unfortunately, after they got elected, Hagar started doing random things like abolishing taxes, appointing wrestlers to governmental positions and getting involved in expensive and pointless wars based off of obviously fraudulent testimony. Wily had to spend four years running things behind the scenes in order to control the damage he himself was not causing. And he couldn't cut and run because Blues would track him down and force him to listen to Garth Brooks.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: All his attempts at invading people's minds has gotten Eggplant Wizard beaten up.
- Good Bad Bugs: Used in-universe and deconstructed. Did you ever wonder what it would be like to live through one?
- Another use of one here: Vanish + X-Zone!
- Groin Attack: Alex delivers a well-deserved one to Boogerman. At first it looked like Alex hit him so hard that all the males in the ENTIRE MULTIVERSE OF VIDEOLAND sensed it (or at least those who deserved it). However, later strips made it obvious that the joke here was that everyone else who appeared to have "felt it" was reacting to something else.
- Groundhog Day Loop: Poor Alex nearly got stuck in an endless loop between a save point and his first random encounter. Ironically, the only thing keeping him in the loop was his own stubborn pride.
- Guest Strip
- He Who Fights Monsters: Parodied. In one of the guest comics [dead link] Braveshroom realizes this when, after defeating Bowser, he finds himself fighting against Mario using exactly the same strategy Bowser used:
Eh, just stick seven castles in his way. That'll sort him! |
- The Heartless: Those Touched by the Sovereign.
- Hell Is That Noise: In-universe Protoman has this reaction to hearing the sound of Duke dying in the ray of Ω energy.
- Heroic BSOD: The N-Forcers go through one after Mother Brain kills Duke, as they try to comprehend just what happened.
- Heroic Mime: Anyone who was one in their games, parodied as "Silent Protagonist Syndrome".
- Much like in their own games, everyone hears what they're "saying", except for Alex. And Anne Robinson, aka Arrogance. The fact that Alex's captor can hear Heroic Mimes is both convenient, and a worrying plot point.
- Heroic Sacrifice: How Roll fixes the gate. Later, how Celes foils Kefka's plans.
- Hopeless Boss Fight: Kain VS Schrödinger The Cat. Schrödinger possesses not only Mets Hat which prevents all damage, but also the Black Belt which allows it to counter attack for 1 damage. Despite Kain being at Lv99, theres virtually nothing he can do, and he's being slowly being taken down via Death of a Thousand Cuts. Kain can't even run away, as Schrödinger is considered a Boss character.
- How We Got Here: The entire comic is basically one of these, with Alex going through his flashbacks in a jail cell. And sometimes he has flashbacks of other characters having flashbacks. At one point Alex had a flashback of Max Force having a flashback of Simon Belmont having a flashback.
- Humans Are Cthulhu: The Creators (us) are responsible for the creation of all the worlds of Videoland, and Captain N was a mighty hero, but he also brought Omega energy into Videoland, allowing sprites to be Killed Off for Real for the first time in its history. Also consider the revelation behind Spoony's Start of Darkness in which he realized that the death of the woman he loved happened because the Creators decided to kill her for narrative impact.
- Hypocritical Humor: Used in episode 496:
Daos: She [i.e. the Sovereign of Sorrow] ignored me. SHE IGNORED ME! She just lectured on as though I was not there. You cannot know the rage I felt at this. |
- I Have Many Names: Drab Lord, Edward, Gilbert, Spoony
- Idiot Ball: If you're a video game character and you just entered Nexus, odds are you just picked it up big time.
- Idiot Hero
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Despite being touched by the Sovereign and knowing the truth, Erim just wants to live a normal life as Lufia rather than serve the Sovereign or continue her duties as the Sinistral of Death..
- Incredibly Lame Pun: In an Omake arc, Alex learned to be a lawyer by "hitting the books", which meant attacking them RPG style, learning skills like "You learned 'Subpoena'." One of the characters in that particular strip thought it was quite lame, to say nothing of Alex being far too literal-minded in this case.
- Eggplant Wizard has a non-stop barrage of these. Alex constantly wants to beat him senseless for this.
- Infinite 1-Ups: Nexus's PLIF Building provides life insurance coverage to the residents of Nexus in the form of 1-Ups, whereas government officials like Mega Man are given an infinite stream of 1-Ups. This allows Mega Man to fight an opponent whom is completely out of his league (ie: a physical god like Amon) by getting a few hits in, dying, immediately respawning and continue the battle and hopefully win via Death of a Thousand Cuts. Of course, when the PLIF Building got destroyed and the residents were left with their own personal reserves...
- Infinity+1 Sword: The Masamune is a sword passed down from generation after generation of heroes and radiates in the power of Hope, which is the opposing power of the power of Sorrow and the only known counter of the Sovereign of Sorrow's power. The Masamune may be multi-versal, as its implied Frog and Edge's Masamune's are one and the same.
- Invocation: Every time someone of sufficient power casts magic, the spell is accompanied by an impressive invocation. Unless the caster has SPS, of course.
- Ironic Echo: "Heroes let people down."
- And now we have Ryan telling Alex he "can't say."
- It Got Worse: Pretty much everything that's happened at least since Alex got arrested, the most recent being Mega Man dying and Roll going all Sorrow-plooey. And said Sorrow Wave is strong enough that it touched everyone in Nexus, except Alex.
- Has managed to reverse itself with Mega Man reviving, him and Alex defeating the Sinistral, and the Gate being repaired, though at a cost.
- It's even worse now for the Captain. Mega Man and Bass just heard him refuse to save Roll (He has good psychological reasons why! The remains of the gate reminded him of Evil Otto...an unstoppable, smiley-faced killing machine, for the uninitiated...being out there). This will end with Pain...and Alex being Jailed.
- Has managed to reverse itself with Mega Man reviving, him and Alex defeating the Sinistral, and the Gate being repaired, though at a cost.
- Irony: Alex mentions that if he can't get people to transcend their natures, then everything he's done is for naught. One of his goals is to do something that the Sovereign does as a matter of course.
- Jossed: In-universe example: Alex's guesses that Golbez is the Drab Lord and is plotting evil were both incorrect.
- Kick the Dog: Done literally (and lethally) to Captain N's dog, Duke, by Mother Brain in a flashback.
- Killed Off for Real: Sprites killed via Omega Energy are Deader Than Dead regardless of their game world mechanics.
- Kleptomaniac Hero: Among his many What The Hell moments, Alex is quite willing to take, as well as do, anything to win.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Despite how after the Great Change, the residents of Videoland became much more cynical, Frog remained just as idealistic as to be expected from this trope. Not surprising considering the weapon he wields. Look above at Infinity+1 Sword for more information.
- Knight Templar: Ryan has shades of this. Max Force is this trope.
- Max Force machineguns drug-related tropes and any tropes that link to drug related tropes, including Drugs Are Bad because it mentions drugs, and publically sets their corpses on fire...just as he did a group of toadstools he'd just recently help liberate.
- Lampshade Hanging: Constantly.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Although most are relatively minor
- Long Runner: The comics been going more or less now for ten years and it still seems to not even be close to the middle of the story.
- Look Behind You!: Hatred falls for this over and over.
- Love Makes You Crazy: After witnessing Celes using the Vanish/X-Zone combo on Locke, even Kefka joins the Mass "Oh Crap".
Kefka: Did... Did she just out-crazy me?!? Love is fucked up. |
- Mega Crossover: In addition to the whole of Nintendo's properties (par for the course as a Captain N sequel), it also takes The Power Team as canon.
- The Messiah: To many people in Videoland, the Game Master (like Captain N) is seen as one, being summoned forth by The Creator via the Ultimate Warp Zone to save Videoland in its darkest hour. Alex on the other hand... the big question isn't whether or not he's a messiah, its to whom he's a messiah for.
- Mind Hug: The return of Mega Man's Captain N persona caused a wave of pure hope that overrode Roll's wave of Sorrow. In addition, Narrator!Alex says that Hope is one of the two great corrupting forces, alongside Sorrow.
- Mind Probe: Eggplant Wizard attempts one on Samus Aran. Subverted hillariously due to a tiny kink in Eggplant Wizard's plans, as instead, Samus broke Eggplant Wizard, by merely silently staring at him:
Alex: When trying to extract information using mental effects, make sure you have the stronger will. |
- Mind Rape: People touched by the Sovereign of Sorrow are changed, some broken, some empowered and turned into her followers. While Magus is not quite capable of Mind Rapes of her magnitude, he does ream Max Force's mind right before meeting the Sovereign. Additionally, whatever Daos did to Sailor Mercury doesn't look very pleasant either.
- Golbez does one to Eggplant Wizard in #687. Note that Eggplant Wizard was in the middle of his own Mind Probe on Golbez.
- Mind Screw: These two comics. You are seriously advised to take the Captain's advice in the last panel of the second one.
- You think that's a Mind Screw? The whole story is starting to become stupid fresh with it, starting here.
- Magus manages to Mind Screw Mario at one point. Basically, Magus keeps Lampshade Hanging What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?, and then when they get to the end of the castle, with the ax next to the bridge over lava, Mario asks Magus why he hasn't mentioned how this doesn't make any sense. Then Magus says it makes perfect sense.
- Mood Whiplash: N-Team's and N-Forcers' final fight with Mother Brain and her allies largely invokes the style of the original Captain N and the 80's cartoons in general until Mother Brain kills Duke.
- Munchkin: Puzzle Wizard; specifically, he is the Cheater. As the man himself admits, he acts this way even when he's playing solitaire or solving a Rubik's Cube. And he's proud of it.
- Mundane Utility: Summoned monsters are good for combat, plot purposes... and, according to "Tale of Two Rydias", carrying Christmas gifts.
- Never Say "Die": In-universe example: Lana decides to keep the existence of FinalDeath a secret.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Alex's BFG-ing of the Gate
- Nightmare Fuel: "Row Row Row Your Boat" is this in-universe. In Real Life, a cheery little tune sung by children. But to the inhabitants of Videoland, it's a nightmarish dirge about the unreality and futility of their existence.
- No Endor Holocaust: Sort of. While the Sovereign of Sorrow did ruin the world of Tetris, nobody (except mayor Squaresly's wife) actually died thanks to the intervention of the cast of Star Trek.
- Similarly, when Magus blows up the seventh castle, Bowser swears revenge for everyone who was lost in the castle, only to find out it was pretty much abandoned for various reasons. The only remaining occupant was supposedly Elwin the Boo janitor, who was already dead and cannot be harmed by most forms of attack anyway It is never explained what happened to the Mushroom retainer, though given Larry's attitude toward the family business, he probably just set him free when he left.
- Noodle Implements: Dramatic variant, if you can believe that. Apparently, if Alex gets a deck of cards at this point, he'll be unstoppable. Why a deck of cards? Who knows?
- No OSHA Compliance: Lucca doesn't let anything get in the way of her curiosity, be it fear, caution, or safety regulations.
- Not Actually the Ultimate Question: "What are you doing here?"
- Nothing Can Stop Us Now: Parodied mercilessly
- Noticing the Fourth Wall: Those touched by the Sovereign of Sorrow become aware of the real world, and of their status as characters in a video game. They tend to react poorly.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Originally just an annoying goof, Eggplant Wizard has developed some nasty abilities since the original show. He's still an annoying goof.
- During the Final Fantasy VI arc, Kefka doesn't pose much of a threat at first... until he tells a little girl her mother doesn't love her.
- Not So Invincible After All: Never, ever, EVER utter the words "I", "am", and "invincible" consecutively under ANY circumstances if you are a character in this comic. Don't even correct someone else mangling the phrase. Don't repeat that someone else said it. Just don't say it. Bad things will happen. More specifically, if you're in the world of Final Fantasy IV, the bad thing will be a treasure box from the Treasure Room of Destiny falling on your head.
- Or Gato.
- Oh Crap: Chapter 465, when Alex and Mega Man encounters the Sinistrals and realises just how utterly screwed the situation had become.
- Also, Chapter 160:
*You found a note and 99 Packages!* |
- The Mysidian Elder gets one himself in Chapter 444 when he realises that Milon resurrects into his more powerful second form once he's killed the first time.
- Eggplant Wizard gets five of these in a row (the fourth one shared with the Monkeyspank virus) after releasing Fusoya's seal in Golbez's mind and unleashing Golbez's anger.
- One Steve Limit: Invoked in #704 when Alex learns that Kevin Keen and Princess Lana had a daughter named Hope, as Hope Keene was the name of his babysitter when he was a kid. And parodied in the same strip when Protoman points out that Hope is as common a name for girls as Alex is for boys, and that he isn't connected to every Alex in existence. However, it should be noted Alex often named his characters after himself and his friends. So, it may not be as big a coincidence as it seems at first.
- Ontological Mystery: Slowly accumulating. The most concrete thing we know for certain is that the Game Master influences Videoland unconsciously, as first shown by the 99 Excaliburs.
- Our second clue is that the whole Videoland universe seems to be sentient on some level; and malevolent, at least towards the Game Master.
- Our Presidents Are Different: Haggar is President Action, while Ronnie was, at one point at least, President Target. Dr. Wily planned to be Vice-President Evil, but the combination of Haggar's stupidity and Blues's threats stopped that as soon as he became Haggar's VP.
- Overly Long Scream: Alex's Atomic F-Bomb.
- Overly Narrow Superlative: In episode 770:
Dalton: So, may I presume that I am speaking to this world's greatest villain? |
- Plot Threads: At this point it's hard to tell exactly how many concurrent plotlines there are in this comic. Lampshaded in "The Ass Episode", and even this isn't an exhaustive list of the series' plot threads.
- The Power of Love: Uhhhh....we're not sure if this a straight example, an inversion, a subversion, or an aversion of some combonation of all 4.
- You need a heart to use it in the first place.
- Not even Heroic Resolve works
- Primal Scene: When Terra tells Celes and Relm that her father showed her the moment of her conception,[1] it completely Squicks them out. Terra, for her part, doesn't understand what the big deal is.
- Psychic Static: Subverted, and combined with Cassandra Truth. Daos, Sinistral of Terror, tries to read Alex's mind to find out what his worst fear is. When all Daos can find is "a giant pink smiley face that blinked in and out of existence", Daos concludes that it's some kind of mental shield, refusing to believe that Alex's worst fear would be something that ridiculous. (See also Cassandra Truth, above.)
- Puff of Logic: Alex tries and fails to invoke this against Hatred.
- Some monsters do it to themselves.
- It does succeed against a lawyer of a non-existent corporation in one of the omakes, though.
- In an omake, the mere act of granting Alex pants defeats the Sovereign in a Puff of Logic. Apparently, she is the embodiment of the sorrow of Alex's lack of pants.
- Rainbow Speak: Sprites who have been Touched speak in a purple font.
- Reality Warper: Alex's Cynicism can alter reality to make events more ironic, the Sovereign can do this on a massive scale, and anyone who says 'I am Invincible[2]' gets smacked for their hubris, even if they are correcting someone or just reciting a story where that happens. That last one is believed to be directed by some sort of consciousness.
- The consciousness of the world itself, no less.
- Anyone who is Sorrow-Touched seems to be capable of this to some degree or another, including Lucca and the Little Girl in the FFVI world.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Golbez's eyes turn red immediately after he turns evil.
- Redemption Earns Life: A slightly more pragmatic version of this trope is Discussed here:
Cecil Harvey: I cannot stress how imperative it is that you renounce your current path. Now. [...] Because your repentance is the only thing that will keep me from ending you. |
- Red Shirt: Parodied
- Relax-O-Vision: The Nintendo Censorship Angel
- RPG Mechanics Verse: At least two so far
- In #337 Lucca provides Crono one of her inventions, the Reality Stabilization Belt, which allows the user to carry over their world's gameplay mechanics to another game world. In the world of Final Fantasy IV, this gave him the ability to fight on the overworld. To the people of that game world, Crono's actions are the equivilent of a cutscene, as normal combat takes place in another dimension as a random encounter screen. This makes Crono a killing god, as very few people in that world are capable of defending themselves on the overworld.
- Running Gag: Getting slammed in the face by a treasure chest/Gato for saying "I am invincible".[3]
- Only ninja can defeat ninja (an explicit superpower is the power of "badness" which, among other things, allows one to defeat ninja without being a ninja).
- Sarcastic Confession: Alex and Bass both do this. "The best lie is the truth", indeed...
- Save Point: Both played straight and subverted; Alex has to have his game controller to be able to reload the game back at a given save point. If he doesn't have it, and he dies...
- Schedule Slip: And how!!
- Schrödinger's Gun: Invoked in this strip. Later strips indicate that the Sovereign of Sorrow's ability to alter the past is dependant on this trope; it seems that she can't alter the established events from the past, but she can fill in the blanks.
- Scooby-Dooby Doors: Used in this strip.
- Of course, those stupid robots totally ruined the routine.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Done so subtly that you won't even notice. "Drab" is "Bard" spelled backwards.
- Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: Fusoya sealed Golbez's anger deep inside Golbez's mind. Then Eggplant Wizard entered Golbez's mind and unleashed it out of stupidity.
- Series Hiatus: A lot of real life got in the way. To keep things stupid fresh, the author turned this into an omake storyline. Though since February 21, the comic is being updated once again regurarly.
- Shout-Out: "Christ, don't tell me I got the Bob and George version of Mega Man." He didn't.
- There's also entire "Captain SNES vs 16 Bit Theatre" storyline.
- "This... is my BOOM STICK!"
- Braveshroom!
- *sigh* Times are tough.
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Prior to the Great Change, Videoland was very idealistic, where The Power of Friendship will always triumph over evil. Post-Great Change, Videoland have become much more cynical, the previous idealism disappearing. A great example of this is Mega Man, with his blue and green halves of his personalities representing cynicism and idealism.
- Smoke Shield: Parodied: in episode 517 a cloud of smoke appears after Alex drops a string of Cluster F-Bombs as a part of his plan. Also lampshaded, as in the very next episode noticing the smoke makes Alex realize that his swearing didn't have the intended effect.
- Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying: Lampshaded in-universe.
Alex: 65 million years passed and- |
- Space Pirates: Not the ones you might be expecting, however.
- Spanner in the Works: Alex's plan to make Sailor Scouts go away so he could use his Super Scope to kill Sinistrals was ruined by Boogerman's stupidity.
- Also, Spoony and Rydia's massive Gambit Roulette is crashing and burning all around them so badly the entire tools section of Home Depot might have well imploded on itself.
- Spoof Aesop: Offered up by Alex and Cid's daughter.
- Sprite Comic
- Stop Helping Me!: Kappa The Imp invokes this on everyone he meets.
- Super Zeroes: The Power Team, which is a group composed of b-list heroes from games made by Acclaim. The team is based upon an animated series by the same name.
- Switching to GEICO: Or Spriteco. Doubles as a Shout-Out.
- Take That: After imprisoning Alex, Palom and Porom the Drab Lord subjects them to live reading of the Chick Tracts. Alex considers this to be the most foul torture he's ever seen.
- Take That, Audience!:
Alex: You think Eggplant Wizard isn't a glorified speed bump right now? You're adorable! |
- Talking Is a Free Action: Averted in a turn-based battle!.
- Also done in #103
- Tempting Fate: If you say a certain Stock Phrase, a treasure chest, or some other item of even greater mass, will fall from the sky and land on your head.
- "What could hurt more than killing someone you love?" A treasure chest to the face, that's what.
- Setzer wondered what could happen with Relm sketching an Intagnir. The breaking of reality, that's what.
- Subverted: Alex wants to know why the Queen is so interested in Alex's pants, to the point where he wants an explanation before putting them on. When pointing out that his pants can wait and that nothing would happen in between him getting an explanation and putting on his pants, Protoman promptly shoves his blaster in Alex's face to keep him from finishing that sentence. Protoman knows how this works (from personal experience.)
- Thank the Maker: The Creators
- Too Dumb to Live: Zeromus makes stupid coffee puns all the damn time. He also falls for the "look behind you" trick no less than 3 times. He only survived the plasma cannon to his back by being invulnerable. However, his stupidity is justifed, because he is the embodiment of Alex's hatred, specifically, what he hates the most. This happens to be stupid people.
- Molly has shades of this, reflecting her status as a Perpetual Victim in the Sailor Moon show. When Alex passes her a note with instruction, she not only doesn't read it, she's even unaware that she's holding it. When she has an opportunity to flee, she wants to properly thank Alex first. Then there are the Sailor Scouts who show up to challenge the Sinistrals just as Alex managed to talk them into leaving, position themselves smack dab in his line of fire, and get belligerent when he tries repeatedly to get them away from there. And Boogerman manages to blow an almost successful attempt to bluff the Sinistrals, by loudly explaining the whole gambit.
- In fairness, it's appearing as if this version of the "Scouts" and Molly are the DiC dub versions, crossed with their Another Story versions. So the vast majority of stupidity likely comes from their dub versions.
- Molly has shades of this, reflecting her status as a Perpetual Victim in the Sailor Moon show. When Alex passes her a note with instruction, she not only doesn't read it, she's even unaware that she's holding it. When she has an opportunity to flee, she wants to properly thank Alex first. Then there are the Sailor Scouts who show up to challenge the Sinistrals just as Alex managed to talk them into leaving, position themselves smack dab in his line of fire, and get belligerent when he tries repeatedly to get them away from there. And Boogerman manages to blow an almost successful attempt to bluff the Sinistrals, by loudly explaining the whole gambit.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Kefka, unlike the rest of the cast of Final Fantasy VI, is immune to the Sovereign of Sorrow's power. Everyone else is utterly bewildered at this.
- Only two other characters showcase this ability, Green Mega Man (who's got the Warp Zone of Life flowing through him), and Cecil (a paladin of impeccable nobility).
- Tranquil Fury: Protoman shows us how it's done.
- Un Evil Laugh: The Drab Lord's got this all over him. Just look at the damn page quote for the trope.
Drab Lord: WARK WARK WARK! |
- Villainous Breakdown: Mother Brain after failing to kill Lana during her final battle with the N-Team. This makes her fall into Stupid Evil territory when - already defeated and surrounded by heroes - she kills Duke. Needless to say, it backfired on her.
- Wanting Is Better Than Having: Edgar is pissed that Locke keeps taking down Kefka, so Locke agrees to wait and let him take his turn. Edgar takes Kefka down in one hit, and is soundly disappointed.
- Webcomic Time: In-universe only a couple of hours passed between the explosion that separated Alex from Gato, Palom and Porom and the defeat of the Eater of Dreams. It sure felt more like a decade, though.
- As of Comic #598, only about a day had passed since the start of the flashback.
- Welcome to Corneria
- Wham! Episode: Comic 323. Comic 496 is full of Wham, but our hero subverts it the very next comic.
- Wham! Line:
Sovereign of Sorrow: He is the champion of Videoland. He is my champion. |
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: After the author declares that "tomorrow will be a big event," Protoman graces Alex with the gift of... Pants!
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Type 4. For some reason Princess Peach, upon learning that in addition to kidnapping her Bowser is also guiltyof cable theft, treats it as his crossing of Moral Event Horizon.
- And apparently in Videoland not paying one's library fines is the most heinous of sins.
- What If: Captain Atari. It's not a good idea to wear a joystick on your belt.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Alex certainly gets his share.
- Celes gets a big one from her companions as well, after trying to protect Locke from The End of the World as We Know It by using the Vanish/X-Zone trick to cast him into the void, which is actually connected to other parts of Videoland. She knew that this would give him an opportunity to survive because she's Touched but to everyone else, it looked like she murdered him for no reason.
- What Year Is This?: Done in a very interesting way to show the disconnect between Alex and his captor. Starts here, goes on for about 6 strips excluding the omake.
- Wild Mass Guessing: Anything remotely having to do with Schrödinger. Even Game Masters fear him.
- Not to mention how much of Darth Vader's life from the movies is canon.
- Winds of Destiny Change: Alanis Morisette can manipulate events to make them more "ironic"
- World of Cardboard Speech: "When there is no hope...there's nothing to lose by trying."
- Yandere: Lisa
- Yaoi Fangirl: Relm in the Omake episodes.
- Actually, she started out as a Shonen-ai fangirl and thought of the sexual content of Yaoi as "icky". She suffered a BSOD after Alex went along with her idea to write a shonen-ai, but cast Strago (her adoptive grandfather!) as one of the main characters. Ironically, she was a full Yaoi fangirl in her next cameo.
- You Are A Credit To Your Gender: Ryu has less than enlightened views on women. Which is potentially lethal when hanging around Samus Aran.
- You Don't Want to Die a Virgin, Do You?: Inverted, when the only other option appears to be prison, dropped soap, and King Hippo.
...and includes characters from:
- Berzerk (if you count Evil Otto as a character)
- Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
- Chrono Trigger
- Dragon Ball
- Final Fantasy IV
- Final Fantasy VI
- Final Fight
- Go! Go! Ackman
- Kwirk
- The Legend of Zelda
- Lufia
- Mega Man
- Metroid
- Punch-Out!!
- Rocket Knight Adventures
- Sailor Moon
- Soul Blazer
- Super Mario Bros.
- The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
- ↑ This is an actual scene in Final Fantasy VI
- ↑ WHAM!!!!
- ↑ WHAM!!!!