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A hilarious and offensive adult card game for 3+ players. Its official page can be found here.

The concept is similar to Apples to Apples: players draw a number of White Cards (containing words or phrases), while another player, named the Card Czar, draw a Black Card (containing a question or a phrase with at least one fill-in-the-blank space open for suggestions), and the players must submit their White Cards as answers. The difference is that here the answers must be the most inappropriate ones for the question presented, and both sets of cards are full of bizarre, scatological, politically incorrect, and just plain weird suggestions, all of it played for Black Comedy and Refuge in Audacity.

Extremely popular in fandom circles, due to the creators having released the game under a Creative Commons license, along with a blank PDFs version for customization purposes, making extremely easy to do themed decks running on fannish Self-Deprecation and meme humor. Some of the official expansions and boxes have also blank cards for this purpose. Many custom sets can be found and download in CardCast, but googling can bring you some.

ATT Notice: Those interested in arranging/playing private games on Pretend You're Xyzzy, or Decks Against Society post on this article's Discussion page.

And Now For Something Completely Different. Instead of listing the tropes that appear in the work, we're going to list all the cards, and identify the tropes, works, and other notable subjects in each one.

White Cards[]

Black Cards[]

Tropes and stuff from places other than White and Black Cards[]


"Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Unlike most of the party games you've played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends."

  • Toilet Humour: the suggested method to select the first Card Czar is to choose the one who most recently pooped.
  1. possibly, there is nothing that implies it meets the 'good guy requiremenet'