Carpe Diem is a furry webcomic, written by Graveyard Greg and illustrated by various artists. The story is a gay-themed drama following the lives of a network of friends at a gymnasium and elsewhere. Carpe Diem is currently available at
Tropes used in Carpe Diem include:
- Art Shift: The comic is drawn by various artists.
- The Atoner: Kevin
- Big Beautiful Man: Burt and Rodney
- Character Development: Kevin is the most notable example so far.
- Development Hell: The comic went seven months without updates due to an inability to provide artwork. Graveyard Greg decided to provide text-only updates to keep the story moving.
- Did Not Do the Research: The portrayal of Burt's botulism showed a lack of knowledge on the actual symptoms, treatment, and recovery time.
- Off-Model Ken's Horn Condom Dissapears in parts done by certain artists.
- Even the Guys Want Him: This is the same reason why Josh is Mistaken for Gay.
- Foreshadowing
- Interspecies Romance
- Love Triangle: Kevin and Trent both want Burt. This would be an example of number three on the Triang Relations entry page.
- Mistaken for Gay: Poor Josh. During the interlude, when Josh was telling Burt about how Ken hit on him, Burt said "Lemme guess another gay guy asked you out? That makes the third time this month, and you're not even tryin' to be a stud."
- No Bisexuals: Kevin
- Not Using the Zed Word: Averted in the Halloween special.
- Slice of Life
- Invisible to Gaydar: Burt, Ken, and Rodney. Trent is an arguable case, but he has many Camp mannerisms.