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Carrie underwood cmas
Carrie, you're not just the girl to beat, you're the person to beat. I'm going to make a prediction that not only will you win this show, you will sell more records than any other previous Idol winner.
—Simon Cowell

Never bet against Simon.

Carrie Marie Underwood-Fisher (March 10, 1983-) is an American country singer and songwriter. At 22, Carrie, a country farm girl from Checotah, Oklahoma, auditioned for the fourth American Idol with "I Can't Make You Love Me". Although the judges were impressed, it wasn't until Underwood sang Heart's "Alone" that her true potential appeared. She won the final over Bo Bice and immediately proved Simon right: Like Kelly Clarkson before her, Underwood became a star in her own right and took the Country Music world by storm (though unlike Clarkson she has broken completely free of her association with the Idol brand). She has since won multiple Grammys and set a benchmark for Idol success that has yet to be surpassed. Almost none of her singles have peaked at lower than second, which by itself is an impressive streak, but the strong sales of her albums and omnipresence in two genres are next-to-impossible to ignore.


  • Some Hearts (2005)
  • Carnival Ride (2007)
  • Play On (2009)
  • Blown Away (2012)
  • Storyteller (2015)
  • Cry Pretty (2018)

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