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  • Black Sheep Hit: Inverted. "Don't Forget to Remember Me," the follow-up to "Jesus, Take the Wheel," is the least-remembered of her hits, and the first single of her career not to make gold certification or higher. To be fair, it had a great deal of airplay leeched by "Before He Cheats", which was charting well before its release as a single.
    • "Mama's Song" seems to be the same way: it's the least downloaded single of her career (like "Don't Forget", it hasn't even gone gold, and it broke her streak of #1 hits on the Mediabase country singles charts.[1]
  1. (There are two country charts: one published by Billboard and one by Mediabase. Until "Mama's Song", all of her releases had gone to #1 on Mediabase, but "Don't Forget to Remember Me" and "I Told You So" only got to #2 on Billboard.)