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  • Casanova's reply upon being accused of having sex with a novice (meaning a nun):

 Casanova: Well, she was hardly a novice.

  • Casanova's attempts to maintain a civilized, sophisticated conversation with Francesca, her mother, and his future father-in-law - while his young, sex-starved fiancée is under the table.
  • Giovanni is making quite a name for himself in the local brothel, tying up (not like that) all of the prostitutes at once. In the lobby, a waiting john asks of the madam, "Um, when is my turn?"
  • Giovanni keeps slapping Casanova and throwing his glove down to challenge him to a duel. Lupo keeps picking it up and handing to Giovanni, allowing Giovanni to continue slapping Casanova. After the third time:

  Casanova: Are you two working together now?!
