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Characters for the 2006 film.

Vesper Lynd[]

(Eva Green)

Treasury agent who is tasked to accompany Bond to the poker tournament at Casino Royale, posing as his wife.

  • Break the Cutie: She has to play along with everything to steal Bond's money and rescue her kidnapped/dead boyfriend.
  • Heroic BSOD: She goes through one after seeing several men get killed.
  • Meaningful Name - Vesper Lynd is a pun on "West Berlin". Berlin was a city split down the middle during the Cold War. Vesper's loyalties are split down the middle.
  • Show Some Leg: She wears a low-cut dress given by Bond to be a distraction during the card game.

Adolph Gettler[]

(Richard Sammel)

A man in Mr. White's employment, whose job is to collect the Casino Royale winnings in Venice from Vesper.

Le Chiffre[]

(Mads Mikkelsen)

A banker for terrorist funds who uses them in his own moneymaking schemes. After one goes disastrously wrong due to Bond's interference, he is forced to hold the poker tournament at Casino Royale to hastily win back the losses.


"Weeping blood comes merely from a derangement of the tear duct. Nothing sinister."

  • Smug Snake: A rather creepy version of this trope.

Solange Dimitrios[]

(Caterina Murino)

The first Bond Girl in the movie. The wife of one of Le Chiffre's henchman, she's in a loveless relationship and willingly sleeps with Bond in order to spite her husband. She indirectly helps Bond stop Le Chiffre but ends up getting tortured to death for this.

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