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  • Casper talking about his death. To elaborate, Kat was trying to help Casper remember his life before his death, so she unpacked various things she found in the attic including a few of his childhood toys. It was heartwarming at first, but then he discovers his sled from childhood and the story behind it. What made it even sadder is that, he died during one of his happiest moments of his childhood.

Casper: I begged and begged my dad to get me this sled and he acted like I couldn't even have it, because I didn't know how to ride it. But then one morning, I came down for breakfast and there it was, just for me. For no reason at all. I took it out, went sledding all day. My dad said "That's enough.", but I couldn't stop, I was having so much fun. It got late, got dark, got cold and I got sick. My dad got sad.
Kat: What's it like to die?
Casper: Like, being born only backwards. I remember, I didn't go where I was supposed to go. I just stayed behind so my dad wouldn't be lonely.


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