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Here is the character list of the Castlevania series, sorted according to their in-game timeline appearances. There be spoilers here!

But of course, the first to be listed here is...

Main Villains[]


300px-Dracula1 small 3021

 "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"


Good ol' Dracula, the King of Vampires you all know. In a twist, he doesn't start out as Vlad the Impaler, but a genius war strategist named Mathias Cronqvist. After his wife Elisabetha died, Mathias used his friend Leon Belmont in a Xanatos Gambit to steal the soul of a powerful vampire named Walter Bernhard with the Crimson Stone, gaining the allegiance of Death. He reveals that he has forsaken God, who took away his wife, and will continue to curse Him for eternity. He retreats and changes his name to Vlad Tepes, while Leon swears to kill an entire time of day.

He found a second chance at redemption after meeting a woman named Lisa Fahrenheit. They bonded and Lisa gave birth to half-vampire Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes aka Alucard. Unfortunately, Lisa ended up being crucified practicing medicine. Dracula snapped, declared that Humans Are Bastards and decided to wage war against the world, and God himself. Thankfully for humanity, Leon's oath lasted throughout the centuries, and the Belmont clan (with assistance from the Morris and Belnades families on occasion) have thwarted his undead armies every time.

Dracula's reign as the lord of Castlevania finally came to an end in the year 1999, when an alliance of various world armies, aided by the Catholic Church and the Hakuba Shinto shrine, succeeded in sealing Dracula away from his castle (the source of his power), with Julius Belmont finishing him off. At the moment, this has not been actually depicted in any game, possibly due to being entirely too awesome to do justice to.

In Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow he is reincarnated as Soma Cruz, who unsurprisingly doesn't want to fulfill his destiny. With the help of Alucard and others, his fate is successfully averted.

Of course, that hasn't stopped him in the least. He always finds a way to come back, no matter what. It's gotten to the point where people see him as a god, or something of a god, as lampshaded by him in Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night.

Tropes associated with the Castlevania version of Dracula:

  • Abusive Parents: Originally, he had sold Alucard's soul as well as his own due to a desire for more power, which resulted in the latter becoming an unwilling vampire. This was retconned in Symphony of the Night which made Alucard a dhampir instead due to Dracula's romance with Lisa, with Dracula being depicted as significantly more fatherly to Alucard as a result, though he nevertheless does attempt to make Alucard "give up [his] weak human side" for the purpose of joining him in remaking the world.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Variation in the Nintendo 64 version (otherwise known as Legacy of Darkness). In the original games, or at least the ones starting with Symphony of the Night, while he was still a villain, he was shown to have the capacity for love such as for his son Alucard (even if it's mostly one-sided at that point for understandable reasons), and especially for his wife (or wives for that matter), the latter and their demise pretty much being the reason he even turned evil (or in the case of his first wife, a vampire) at all. The Nintendo 64 version, however, has Dracula, or rather, Malus declare under his breath in Carrie Fernandez's bad ending that they now have a binding contract after she awkwardly accepts his marriage proposal, clearly implying he lacks the capacity for love.
  • Affably Evil: Comes across as this in a few games. In particular, Order of Ecclesia has him literally extending an offer to Shanoa to join his forces as gratitude to her (unwitting) role in his resurrection.
    • In Dracula X Chronicles in Maria mode, Dracula seemed genuinely impressed that Maria Renard still retained innocence despite the dreary state of the world when defeated.
  • A Glass of Chianti: Naturally the vampire-specific version, A Glass Of Blood. He'll often toss the glass and let it shatter on the floor just before he rises from his throne to whoop ass.
  • As Long as There Is Evil: He loves to give this kind of speech after his defeats. He's right, too.

 Dracula: "It was not by my own hand that I am once again given flesh."


 Dracula: "I was called here by... hooominssssss... who wished to pay me tribute!"

  • Humanoid Abomination: In this series, he's really much more this than a standard vampire. In Dawn of Sorrow, it's confirmed that he's literally the opposite of God.
  • Joker Immunity
  • Killed Off for Real: Julius Belmont finally did this to him in 1999.
  • Large Ham: Just look at some of his quotes!
  • Leitmotif: "Dance of Illusions"/"Illusionary Dance" has become the iconic song for the battle with Dracula, having been used in Rondo of Blood, Dracula X, Symphony of the Night, Castlevania 64,[1] Legacy of Darkness, Circle of the Moon, Judgment, and Harmony of Despair. It even shows up in Julius Mode of Dawn of Sorrow, when you have to face Soma as the new Dark Lord in a battle almost directly lifted from earlier battles with Drac.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Lost two wives; one to sickness, the other to witch hunters. He did not take this well.
    • Might do him in again depending on whether Soma outlives Mina. Mina's apparent death is the trigger for his bad ending in Dawn.
      • Considering the Death-centric storyline Akumajō Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku has Soma still being Soma and not becoming Dracula even after he and Mina separated, to such an extent that he specifically says he tells Death he has no intention of resuming Dracula's path, it's safe to say he might have better luck in avoiding this than Dracula did.
  • Mad Scientist: Or at the very least alchemist. Mathias Cronqvist was responsible for creating the Crimson Stone, which is pretty much the reason he is a vampire (let alone Dracula himself) and immortal.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He is said to manipulate those who want to Kill All Humans as much as he does, with the only exception being Brauner, as the latter locked him up.
  • Necessarily Evil: It is implied in Dawn of Sorrow that Dracula is of this trope in order to preserve the Balance Between Good and Evil. Of course, the one who said this, Celia, was also implied in her bio to be using that as an excuse for trying to revive him or at the very least create another Dark Lord in his place.
    • Played a bit more straight in the Lords of Shadow series, where it's made pretty clear that the only reason Dracula is even taking up the mantle of Dark Lord and the epitome of evil is specifically to ensure much worse individuals such as Zobek and Satan don't have the title.
  • Not Me This Time: There's only two games where Dracula is not responsible for the events of that game (well, two games plus a Japanese novel...).
    • Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance: Dracula was still dead from start to finish, instead, a personification of his power acted as the primary threat (A particularly telling indication is that Dracula's Wraith had absolutely no knowledge of what a Belmont's power was like before Juste Belmont does it in, despite Dracula having been killed 50 years prior by Simon Belmont, who was only the then-latest Belmont to fight him.).
    • Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin: Barring being revived, he has absolutely no role in the events of that game, as Brauner only revived him enough to allow his castle to appear, and then promptly sealed up Dracula, and Dracula was ultimately killed by Jonathan and Charlotte before he could get a chance to utilize his usual havoc.
    • In Akumajō Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku, Death assumes that Soma, the reincarnation of Dracula, might have had some role in Dracula's Castle returning in Wallachia. However, Soma had renounced the ways of Dracula, and moreover was clearly unaware of Dracula's Castle even being back at all (with Death refusing to mention this since, due to Soma renouncing Dracula and the call to Chaos, Death had no obligation to answer him any further).
  • Number of the Beast: He tends to have 6,666 HP in Metroidvania games.
  • Norio Wakamoto: His usual voice in Japan. Did not do Mathias, though.
  • Off With His Head: Actually suffers this in the first game, though this results in him either directly posessing his portrait (MSX2 version) or otherwise having his body explode and result in a bat demon fighting in his place (contrary to popular belief, this is not Dracula going One-Winged Angel on Simon, but rather the curse of mankind that Dracula was revealed to have afflicted on Simon taking form.).
  • One-Winged Angel: Most of the time since the first game. Drops it a few times here and there, notably in Order of Ecclesia, but still hellishly tough.
    • In some of said games it just gets replaced with Turns Red (OoE included, though it's more of a Unfurls Cape and Gets Belmont-Trademarked Pimp Walk).
    • Dracula has a ridiculous number of different One-Winged Angel forms and strategies. A list of them can be found here.
    • Occasionally becomes Bishonen Line.
    • Possibly averted in the first NES game, as according to Hitoshi Akamatsu, or rather, one of his employees, the bat like demon that Simon fights shortly after defeating Dracula was indicated to be the incarnation of Dracula's curse of mankind that Simon later ended up afflicted with in the sequel rather than an actual transformation of Dracula's (which explains why he seemed to transform despite having his head knocked off).
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Really different, seeing as how he's more like Satan than anything else.
  • Villain Teleportation: And follows it right up with a triple fireball or a twin meteor.
  • Power Walk: In Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.
  • Public Domain Character: One of the oldest.
  • Pretty in Mink/Fur and Loathing: As Mathias.
    • Soma rocks a fur coat in Aria too.
  • Reincarnation Romance: It's heavily implied that Lisa is the reincarnation of Elisabetha. The implications even extend to Soma Cruz and Mina Hakuba, who's suggested to be the next incarnation of these two women (similar to how Soma is Mathias/Dracula), much like Mina Harker (note the similar-sounding surnames) from Bram Stoker's Dracula.
  • Resurrective Immortality: Dracula is resurrected in most of the games, the better for the player to have someone to fight. The exact methods vary.
  • The Social Darwinist: Adheres to this line of thinking based on his conversation to Hector in Curse of Darkness as well as his final words to Maria Renard in Dracula X Chronicles.
  • Slouch of Villainy: Drac loves his thrones.
  • Start of Darkness: Lament of Innocence is this to Dracula.
  • Take That: His will to live forever is a form of this towards God's decree of limited human life.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome: As Mathias. Dracula, on the other hand, has his appearance vary from game to game, going from a young man (as seen in Rondo of Blood), middle-aged with dark hair to old and grey. Even so, while he lacks Mathias' bishieness, Drac could still hardly be considered "ugly".
  • Teleport Spam: A staple of all of his fights.
  • This Cannot Be!: Many times when he's defeated.
  • The Trickster: As Mathias, he fooled Leon so he could get the Crimson Stone and become Dracula himself. Definitely a great example of a trickster.
  • We Can Rule Together: Tempts Leon with the gift of immortality and the chance of serving as his right-hand man. Leon resists, Mathias sics Death on him.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Became this largely because of Elisabetha's death, not so much due to fearing death as much as being disgusted with God's decree on limited life especially after God, in Mathias's view, betrayed his trust by having her die even when he wanted her to remain safe as he was fighting for him.


250px-Death 3151

 "Then for the Master, I'll feast on your soul this night!"


The Grim Reaper, stealer of souls, possibly the ruler of Hell, and... apparently Dracula's best friend. If nothing else, his closest confidant. It's hard to say how this came about, although many suspect the Crimson Stone ever since that has been added to the continuity. A recent game has suggested that a higher power may be responsible.

As he is a god of death, one would expect the protagonists of the series to be incapable of killing him. Somehow, they manage it. Fortunately, he is never gone for long, ensuring a long career of Sinister Scythe battles that have made him beloved and feared by the fanbase.

Outside of battle, his role is inconsistent. At times, he is only there to fight. At other times, he drives the plot, bringing the revival of his lord to fruition by any means necessary. He has been known to interact with the protagonists more often than his lord, as he tries to dissuade Alucard from interfering, compares notes with Juste, manipulates Hector under a false identity, and shares a common enemy with the vampire hunters when Brauner arrives. He is always loyal to Dracula (although this not including Soma, his master reincarnated), and is Lawful Evil. Dialogue from Judgement and Curse of Darkness hint that he has strong hate toward time travellers.

Tropes associated with Death:

  • Affably Evil: Despite being Enemies with Death, the Belmonts tend to get little or no enmity from the Grim Reaper. Death tends to be somewhat polite towards his enemies, and is even on a First-Name Basis with Alucard (as seen in Symphony of the Night), although the fact that the latter is the son of Dracula probably explains the last bit.
  • Ascended Extra: Started off as a standard recurring boss in the series, and one that didn't even appear in every game (note the first two Game Boy games and Haunted Castle). Rondo of Blood gave him a few lines during his fights, but it was Symphony of the Night that gave him significant dialogue and solidified his role as Dracula's trusted confidant.
  • Badass: Kind of hard to be Death and not be this.
  • Bald of Evil: As "Zead" in Curse of Darkness.
    • Well, he is a skeleton, which doesn't have any hair...
  • Battle Butler: Very Samurai-like in personality.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: In the games where he becomes Dragon Ascendant, he usually shares the title of Big Bad with another villain. In Portrait of Ruin with Brauner (kind of) and in Harmony of Dissonance with Maxim are a couple of examples.
  • The Dragon: The most loyal of Drac's servants.
  • Enemy Mine: Subverted in Portrait of Ruin: he almost makes an offer to team up with Jonathan and Charlotte to defeat Brauner, but Jonathan rejects him since he's still working for Dracula, after all. They still wind up helping him, regardless.
    • Played straight in the sequel novel to Dawn of Sorrow Akumajō Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku, where he aids Michelle Danasty in her vampire hunting quest while possessing Curtis Lang (who had earlier been left near dead by Graham's cult) in order to stop the one responsible for the return of Dracula's Castle, Olrox. He also ends up reviving Lang after leaving his body, although he nonetheless makes clear to Michelle that they aren't friends.
  • Four Is Death: In most of his Metroidvania incarnations, he has 4,444 HP.
  • Final Boss: Acts as this in Lament of Innocence, due to Mathias deciding to just let Death deal with Leon.
  • The Grim Reaper: Or Shinigami, his name in Japan.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Tom Wyner (Devimon, M. Bison) voices Death in Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness, while Travis Willingham takes over in The Dracula X Chronicles and Judgment.
  • Kaizo Trap: His scythe often will fall off the screen when he is defeated, but unique in Aria of Sorrow, this falling scythe can kill you when you beat Death.
  • Lawful Evil:In-universe. The Portrait of Ruin manual explicitly states him as such. Oddly, this is the only canonical example of Character Alignment in the whole series.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: In Akumajō Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku, make no mistake, Death is NOT even close to a good person or at all repentant of his heinous acts (not to mention makes clear they're still enemies in the end), although you end up rooting for him by default compared to Olrox.
  • Mister Exposition: In an odd move in Harmony of Dissonance, when he figures out what's going on with the castle(s) and Maxim, he explains it to Juste. This happens well before his boss battle.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Considering Lament's reveal that Death aided Dracula centuries before he ever tried to kill humanity, and his opposition to Brauner in Portrait even as he sought to accomplish what Dracula had failed to do so often, it's likely that Death is not so much devoted to Dracula's goals as he is devoted to Dracula himself. As long as it is in Dracula's best interest, he will abide vampire hunters or even aid time travelers.
    • He does end up fighting Soma Cruz twice, despite the latter technically being Dracula.
  • Not Me This Time: Inverted in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. Death was completely unaware of a Vampire other than Dracula having control of Castlevania during the events of the game until the protagonists (who deduced that Dracula was not responsible for Castlevania's return) accused him of working for Brauner (the Vampire in question).
    • Something similar occurs in the storyline Akumajō Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku, the story sequel to Dawn of Sorrow. Death discovers that Dracula's Castle was back, and eventually tracks down Soma, thinking he might have had something to do with its reemergence. Turns out, Soma had renounced his past as Dracula, meaning he most likely wasn't responsible for Dracula's Castle coming back (and thanks to Death feeling no obligation to tell Soma due to renouncing Chaos's call, Soma in fact had absolutely no idea that Dracula's Castle had returned at all). It is thus up to Death to find a way to investigate the castle and stop whatever is going on.
  • One-Winged Angel: Sometimes transforms into a skeletal dragon thing with scythes for arms. Often is much easier to defeat in this form. He does have other One-Winged Angel forms, and a list of them can be found here. In fact, the only times where he DOESN'T utilize this form are in Lament of Innocence, the original Castlevania, Simon's Quest, Aria of Sorrow, and technically Rondo of Blood.
  • Off with His Head: Does this to himself in Rondo of Blood and its remake The Dracula X Chronicles, albeit by accident due to Richter Belmont/Maria knocking him back and his scythe falling right at his neck.
  • Praetorian Guard: Slogra and Gaibon.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: In Curse of Darkness, he uses the alias "Zead".
  • Sinister Scythe: He's Death, what did you expect? He ups the ante with a wicked dual-bladed scythe in Aria of Sorrow. In Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, he gets laser scythes.
  • Villain Protagonist: Is pretty much the main character of Akumajō Dracula: Kabuchi no TsuisoukyokuEdit.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Loves to use these to help Dracula revive.

Lament of Innocence[]

Leon Belmont[]

250px-LeonB 1375

 "I'll kill YOU and the Night!!"


A near-invincible knight active during the medieval era, and along with Mathias Cronqvist, formed an invincible team. He abandoned his position when his fiancee Sara Trantoul was kidnapped (according to Mathias) by the vampire Walter Bernhard. Leon discards his sword and takes up the Whip of Alchemy from Rinaldo Gandolfi, and storms Walter's castle, only to find Sara in process of being vampirized. The only way to save her is to kill her. Leon does the job, changing the Whip of Alchemy into the legendary Vampire Killer.

Leon swears to kill Walter and the night. He almost succeeds, only to see Walter get backstabbed by Death, and Mathias reveal himself as the Magnificent Bastard behind the scenes. Leon refuses Mathias' offer to join him, survives a battle with Death, and swears that his family will always exist to oppose Mathias.

Tropes associated with Leon:

Walter Bernhard[]

250px-Cloi-walter-bernhard1 5440

 "Welcome. I have been waiting, Leon."


A powerful vampire who rules the forest called Eternal Night. As he finds his immortality to be boring, he seeks a challenge, playing life and death games with brave humans and upping the ante by stealing that which is most precious to them. His latest act is spiriting away Sara Trantoul, Leon Belmont's fiancee.

Tropes associated with Walter:

Joachim Armster[]

179px-Joachim armster 1718

 "It's too bad... You aren't Walter."


Once a human, Joachim was turned into a vampire by Walter Bernhard. He now harbors an ambition to defeat Walter and become the new master of his castle, but was bested in combat by Walter and imprisoned in the castle's prison as punishment.

Tropes associated with Joachim:

Rinaldo Gandolfi[]

234px-Rinaldo2 752

 "Don't you always? Ask away."


Rinaldo is an old man who lives near Walter Bernhard's castle. Walter turned Rinaldo's daughter, Justine, into a vampire, and she killed the rest of Rinaldo's family. Rinaldo was forced to create the Whip of Alchemy and he then killed her with it. When Leon Belmont came to rescue his fiancee Sara Trantoul from the clutches of Walter, Rinaldo gave Leon the Whip of Alchemy, and later helped him perform a ritual which unlocked the whip's true power and transformed it into the Vampire Killer. He also provided a shop where Leon could buy or sell items.

Tropes associated with Rinaldo:

Elisabetha Cronqvist[]

The deceased wife of Mathias Cronqvist.

  • Bridal Carry: A darker instance of the trope. One of the artworks by Kojima for Lament of Innocence depicts her husband Mathias Cronqvist cradling her corpse in much the same way Dracula ends up doing to Lisa's corpse later on.
  • Driven to Suicide: Subverted, despite her death and thus why Mathias, her husband, became Dracula, her cause of death was actually from falling ill while he was fighting in God's name unlike in the 1992 film that this plot point was based on.
  • The Ghost: For obvious reasons, she does not appear in the story due to being dead.
  • The Lost Lenore: Darker example, since it was her death that caused Mathias to become Dracula in the first place.
  • Reincarnation Romance: It is heavily implied that she was reincarnated as Lisa, Dracula's second wife, in Symphony of the Night, and later Mina in the Dawn of Sorrow games.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Kind of. Her falling ill and dying ends up being the direct cause of the entire series thanks to Mathias being driven mad with grief and deciding to declare war on God.


Sonia Belmont[]

Sonia belmont 3549

 "We all decide our own fate. It was you who taught me that, Alucard."


A woman who was gifted with strange magical power. When her land is ravaged by Dracula, she takes up the Vampire Killer whip and invades Dracula's castle, encountering her friend Alucard along the way. After her ordeal is over, she settles down and has a child, Trevor.

She was slated to appear again in Castlevania Resurrection, but the game's cancellation prevented that. On top of that, when IGA took over the series, he retconned Sonia from the Castlevania timeline entirely.

Up until her retcon, though, the tropes associated with her were:

Dracula's Curse[]

Trevor Belmont[]

Trevor45342 79

  "No matter who may challenge, my clan will not falter."


Leon's descendant (with or without Sonia) and the first Belmont to succeed in killing Dracula. When Trevor was young, he went into exile as the people feared the Belmont clan's powers. But when Dracula strikes, Trevor takes up the Vampire Killer whip that was passed down through his ancestors, and travels around Wallachia to save the land and win the people's trust. It works, and the Belmonts are no longer feared. He also gets to marry one of his allies, Sypha Belnades.

He gets to reappear in Curse Of Darkness as an uneasy ally for Hector. He ends up getting wounded by Isaac, but survives the overall ordeal. Unfortunately, he loses his headband in the process.

Tropes associated with Trevor:

  • All of the Other Reindeer: At his time, his family was feared due to their power, prompting him to fight Dracula to prove that his family is good.
  • Badass Long Hair/Long-Haired Pretty Boy: More applicable to Curse of Darkness.
  • Badass Longcoat: In CoD.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Grant sees him as this, along with being a part of his Nakama.
  • Bishonen
  • Eyepatch of Power: Has this in Judgment.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Gets a few physical combos sprinkled into his CoD moveset.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: It's heavily implied that in the final battle with Dracula in III, Trevor got a parting gift from Dracula in the form of a scar across his left eye and chest. It's visible in Curse, although Judgment changed it around, instead claiming that Trevor lost his eye, hence the eyepatch.
    • Not necessarily. Trevor never mentions his eye during the course of the game, but frequently threatens to pay Dracula back for his scars. An eyepatch can also be worn to help a wounded eye heal.
  • Henpecked Husband: Subtly and hilariously implied with his winning quote against Sypha in Judgment:

  I fought fair and won the day. If only that was true in the household.

  • Hero Antagonist: At first, to Hector in CoD.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Yasunori Masutani and Steve Staley voice him in CoD, while Judgment has Trevor voiced by Takashi Kondo and Gideon "Balthier" Emery.
  • Jack of All Stats: Out of the four heroes in Dracula's Curse, he's the balanced one. Strongest basic attack. Greatest variety of subweapons. Tied for strongest defense. Second longest attack range.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Personality-wise in Curse of Darkness--he's quick to point out to Hector that he didn't beat Dracula alone; he had a LOT of help from people just as brave as him.
    • Literally according to Grant in Akumajou Densetsu. He offers to join as the speedster because Trevor's heavy armour's gotta be slowing him down.
  • Put On the Bus: In Curse of Darkness Trevor all but dissapears after he's attacked by Isaac while he's weakened from his battle with Hector. Julia mention that she's hospitalized him, but he isn't in any condition to fight.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome

Grant DaNasty[]

250px-CV3 Guide Grant 8173

  "Ugly freak! Good thing my blades don't discriminate."


A pirate whose family was killed by Dracula. Grant opted to take revenge for his family, but was quickly beaten and turned into a monster that guards the clock tower. Trevor beats some sense into him and he ends up becoming his friend, fighting Dracula by his side. He later helps rebuild Wallachia. Can crawl on walls, throw knives, and bears an eerie resemblance to the Hunchback/Fleaman-type enemy, the Ripper.

Tropes associated with Grant:

  • Badass Normal: Neither holy, nor magical/supernatural, nor a Belmont.
  • Deadpan Snarker: In Judgement. It doesn't hurt his reputation as the Spider-man of Castlevania.
  • Demoted to Extra: Trevor reappears in Curse of Darkness, Sypha gets to have a lot of descendants, Grant was given nothing at all until Judgment--and even in that, he's rewritten from a genki go-getter (the Japanese CVIII script sees him declaring himself and Trevor Nakama immediately) into a self-centred emo navel-gazer. And he's a mummy.
    • What's more, while Julius Mode in Dawn of Sorrow was conceived and plays out like a colossal Shout-Out to Dracula's Curse, it lacks a Grant counterpart in any form; you can switch between Julius, Yoko, and Alucard. Apparently they were originally going to include Hammer in Julius Mode as the Grant analogue, but aseemingly couldn't justify a hearty tough guy like Hammer playing like a Fragile Speedster.
      • He does get a bone thrown at him in Judgment though; he's recognized as one of the "Legendary Three Heroes" and rises to prominence as the man who helped rebuild Wallachia.
    • He did get an appearance in Symphony of the Night and Portrait of Ruin, appearing as a trio of zombie bosses along with Trevor and Sypha.
  • Fragile Speedster: Second worst constitution, but makes up for it with wall-climbing.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Voiced by Masaya Onosaka (JPN) and Kirk Thornton (ENG) in Judgment.
  • Knife Nut: This aspect of him is played up in Judgment.
  • Nakama: What he believes he and Trevor to be right from the off in CV3's Japanese script.
  • Nice Bandana
  • Pirate: He has this design in Dracula's Curse.
    • Ghost Pirate, according to the manual. Perhaps it's just referring to his cursed zombie-like form in the clock tower. Then again, there are those mummy wrappings...
  • Punny Name: Apparently not intentional.
  • Romantic Runner-Up: To Trevor in regards to Sypha. According to Judgment, he was so jealous of this status that he didn't even show up to their wedding. However, he gets over it and wishes the couple good tidings in the future.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: In Dracula's Curse.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Danasty or DaNasty?
  • Theme Naming: Danasty is taken from the name of a family that were enemies of Vlad Tepes: Dinesti.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Grant is usually depicted as one in artwork for Dracula's Curse (both Japanese and American), even though he's clearly wearing a vest and/or undershirt in-game (more accurate artwork here).
  • Wall Crawl

Sypha Belnades[]

425px-Official Judgment Sypha 9839

 "If you wish to see the power of the elements, it would be my pleasure."


A witch who disguised herself as a man, considering that at the time witches are meant to be burnt on a stake. She was eventually caught by Dracula and was turned to stone by... a cyclops (wasn't it Medusa's job to petrify people? Whatever). Later, she was freed from her curse when Trevor kicked the cyclops' ass and she ends up joining his quest, revealing her gender only in the end of battle. She fell in love with Trevor and ended up marrying him, thus augmenting the Belmont clan with magical power.

Tropes associated with Sypha:


 Sypha: Will you stop? These things only get in the way.


Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes (Alucard)[]

240px-Alucard 002 2081

 "Dracula! In the name of my Mother, I will defeat you again!"


If there's someone else surpassing the Belmonts' popularity... it's this guy. Adrian is Dracula and Lisa's son. Unlike Dracula, he got to hear his mother's last words: to not hate humans. When his father begins his war on humanity, Adrian rebels and takes the name Alucard and... goes into a slumber, waiting for a potential ally to help him beat his father. This person happens to be Trevor Belmont, who swiftly kicked his ass and offered his services. After beating his father, Alucard prompted to get himself to his slumber again...

... only to awaken again after hearing of Richter Belmont's disappearance. Nobody's around to investigate Dracula's castle, so Alucard goes in himself. He meets up with Richter's ally Maria and they search for Richter. They find that he's been Brainwashed by the dark priest Shaft and used to resurrect Dracula. Alucard frees Richter and defeats his father once again and returns to his slumber, waiting again to oppose his father.

He resurfaces again in 1999, masterminding Julius Belmont's final defeat of Dracula. When the castle appears within an eclipse in 2035, Alucard (as his new identity of Japanese government agent Genya Arikado) goes in to help Soma Cruz and guide him in his discovery of his identity as Dracula's reincarnation.

Tropes associated with Alucard:

  • Aloof Ally
  • Adaptational Villainy: In Captain N: The Game Master, he is firmly on his father's side, only faking defection.
  • Ascended Extra, Breakout Character: In Dracula's Curse, Alucard's introduction was widely overlooked, mostly due to his generic look and a very limited, somewhat mediocre set of abilities. However, when Alucard was brought back eight years later in Symphony of the Night with a new appearance and some nifty new tricks under his belt, Alucard's popularity skyrocketed to the point that he became just as synonymous with the franchise as its chief family of protagonists and their mortal enemies (if not moreso), with his prominence within canon shifting to reflect these changes. It doesn't hurt that Alucard is practically immortal, making him the sole recurring hero with the best chance of reappearing in a Castlevania should the circumstances call for it.
  • The Atoner: A few games have hinted that part of Alucard's "family business" with Dracula is to atone for his father's wrongdoings.
  • Badass: No Belmont? No problem, Alucard will kill his father himself.
    • Badass Baritone: His original Symphony English voice. So fantastically smooth...!
  • Berserk Button: Messing with his mother is a terrible idea, as the succubus learned the hard way.
  • Big Good: As Arikado.
  • Bishonen: Holy...
  • Blond Guys Are Evil: Played straight in Captain N: The Game Master. Averted outright in his canonical appearances starting with his redesign in Symphony of the Night where he, although having dark origins, is firmly a good guy.
  • Composite Character: Inverted. See Name's the Same below.
  • Chick Magnet: What can we say? Vampires Are Sex Gods.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He has all the traditional vampire powers, but uses them for good.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Male example in Captain N: The Game Master, where he proves to be genuinely loyal to Dracula in contrast to his canonical versions.
  • Dhampyr/Half-Human Hybrid: Lisa is human, Drac is a vampire... you get the idea.
  • Fake Defector: He is this in Captain N: The Game Master, defecting to the heroes side in order to trap them for his father. Note that this is in stark contrast to his debut in Castlevania III, where he did genuinely defect to the heroes side.
  • Glamour Failure: Kind of. He's the only playable protagonist in Julius Mode who does not cast a reflection on any mirrors, a reference to a common trope on vampires. This varies between mediums, however.
  • Generation Xerox: Kind of. His Genya Arikado disguise makes him the splitting image of his father Dracula, or more accurately the latter's former identity of Mathias Cronqvist.
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • Flash Step
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Technically Dhampir, but still...
  • Good Is Not Nice: Very cold and aloof.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Recent continuity has him voiced by Yuri Lowenthal. Japanese-wise, he was at first voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu, but recent continuity had Mamoru Miyano to voice him (to match Yuri Lowenthal's "youngster" voice?)
  • I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Although Alucard hates Dracula, Dracula is still fond of him.
  • Ironic Fear: Well, not so much "fear" as "distaste", but if the Palutena's Guidance for Richter Belmont in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is anything to go by, he dislikes the taste of blood and thus would not have resorted to drinking it regardless of his vampiric nature even if he hadn't already made his deathbed promise to his mother, Lisa.
  • Name's the Same: There are major differences between him and the Alucard from Hellsing, as well as the character in Son of Dracula (in particular, "Alucard" is an alias for Dracula, while this one is related but separate from Dracula in more ways than one.).
  • The Obi-Wan: For Soma.
  • Progressively Prettier: He looks like a craggy, middle-aged man in Dracula's Curse. In all subsequent appearances, he's a top-grade Bishonen.
  • Sunglasses at Night/Sinister Shades: Sports these in Captain N: The Game Master.
  • Retcon: Originally, Alucard was a full-on vampire, and said status had been forcibly implemented on him by his own father via the latter selling Alucard's soul in addition to his own for more power. This was retconned in Symphony of the Night which revealed that Alucard was a Dhampyr.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: Once or twice canonically (after III and SotN, although Maria may have been able to talk him out of the latter; he also did this in Legends), with the large gaps between his appearances accounting for this trope at least a few more times.
  • Shout Out: His disguise of Genya Arikado gives him a passing resemblance to Severus Snape, as portrayed by Alan Rickman. This is made especially apparent in Grimoire of Souls with one of his character dialogue portraits, which has him utilizing a similar pose pose as one of Snape's production stills.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: One of the oldest versions of this: Alucard = Dracula spelled backwards.
  • Slouch of Villainy: Inherited from his father.
    • You can make him sit on chairs in Symphony of the Night. Serves no practical purpose other than to show off the attention to detail in his sprites.
    • In Dawn of Sorrow's Julius Mode, Alucard is the only character who can sit in chairs.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Kind of. As noted under Ascended Extra/Breakout Character, Alucard gameplay wise was fairly mediocre overall, though still capable of fighting his father. However, in Symphony of the Night, let's just say he definitely more than filled the shoes of the recently disappeared Richter Belmont.
  • Self-Made Orphan: He's partly responsible for Dracula's first death, though it's somewhat justified as Dracula was planning on committing genocide against all of humanity if not stopped. That said, he wasn't particularly happy about having to do so, as the ending narration for Castlevania III, if playing as him, revealed he ultimately regretted having to commit patricide.
  • The Stoic
  • Summon Magic: SotN introduced us to Alucard's familiars.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome: As Arikado. The suit definitely helps too.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Into a bat and a wolf.
  • Vegetarian Vampire: Zigzagged. While he neither confirmed nor denied the possibility of drinking blood in the radio drama sequel to Symphony of the Night, he also implies in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that, even if Lisa hadn't raised him to not drain people of blood, he disliked its taste. See Ironic Fear above.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Along with Sephiroth, he was one of the characters that made this trope popular on the Playstation.
    • Retcanon: Prior to Symphony of the Night and his more bishonen redesign, the only time it was even implied that he had light-colored hair of any sort was in Captain N: The Game Master, which depicted him with blonde hair.
    • Judgment seems to be trying to hybridize them, with disturbing results.

Curse of Darkness[]


250px-Castlevania CoD Hector 5764

 "Isaac! I will hunt you down like the beast you are!!"


Hector was once a servant of Dracula, a Devil Forgemaster. When Trevor beats Dracula, Hector decides to just settle down and live in peace with his wife Rosaly... until another Devil Forgemaster, Isaac, accused her of witchcraft and got her burnt at the stake, prompting Hector to pursue Isaac (who was already planning some sort of Xanatos Gambit to revive Dracula.)

Tropes associated with Hector:


250px-3D-Isaac 6132

 "You will receive the most gruesome fate for the humiliation you brought upon me three years ago!..."


The other Forgemaster. Not particularly happy with Hector's betrayal of Dracula, blaming the man for the fact that Trevor was able to get to Dracula at all (he says this outright in the Tokyopop manga). He has a devious and original scheme with which to get back at Hector, but in truth it's not even really his scheme at all... Dracula is not the nicest of employers.

Tropes associated with Isaac:

Julia Laforeze[]

200px-3D-Julia 389

 "Be vigilant Hector. I have an ill feeling. It bodes not well."


Isaac's younger sister, she's a witch who managed to escape the witch hunt and aids Hector in his quest by healing him, setting up shop, and managing his Innocent Devils. Although she tries to convince Hector to not slay her brother, she is prepared for the worst.

Tropes associated with Julia:

St. Germain[]

A mysterious, eccentric man in a top hat who shows up as a neutral party. Nobody has a good concept of who or what he is, but he has some control over time. He at first seems to want to stop Hector from pursuing Isaac, but after a clash with Zead/Death, he changes his mind and leaves Hector to his own devices after dueling him in a rift where he can use some of his power. Fans suspect he may be in some sort of time watching organization with Aeon, if not the same person in a different form.

Tropes associated with St. Germain:

Adventure/Belmont's Revenge[]

Christopher Belmont[]

BR Christopher Jap Cover 7764

A Belmont descendant that takes on Dracula when he revives... that's all his story is about in Adventure. In Belmont's Revenge, his story was fleshed out a bit with the birth of his son Soleiyu]] (properly Soleil), who was about to inherit the Vampire Killer until Dracula possessed him. Chris jumps back into action to save his son and succeeds. There is a remake of Adventure, which seems to be rather different in content.

Tropes associated with Christopher:

  • Older Than They Think: He was mentioned as being a legend as far back as the Japanese manual for the original Castlevania.
  • Papa Wolf: "I want my son back, you son of a bitch."
  • Punny Name: His son, Soleiyu. His name is a mistranslation of the French word soleil, which means "sun". Sun = Son, which is what Soleiyu is in regards to Christopher.
  • The Southpaw: He is the only left-handed Belmont to remain in canon. Richter is only a lefty when he's being messed with by Shaft and Drac. Trevor's ambidextrous, but that only half-way counts.
    • In the Wiiware remake, he is now whipping with the same hand as everyone else.


Victor Belmont[]

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Although Victor was born in the 1800s, the Powers That Be pulled him to the year 1666 to assist Sonia Belmont in destroying Dracula. When he was young, he decided that he wanted no part of the Belmont family's job as vampire hunters, and ran away from home. As he grew older, he took up gambling and also learned of the arts of warfare. One night in the 19th century, he got in a fight with another man when gambling. As Victor pulled out a knife, he was suddenly transported to the year 1666 by mysterious forces.

Victor was going to be one of the protagonists of Castlevania Resurrection, along with Sonia Belmont, but the game was unfortunately canceled.

Tropes associated with Victor:

Vampire Killer/Simon's Quest[]

Simon Belmont[]

SimonBelmont 6943

 "On my honor as a Belmont, I will destroy you."


The very first Belmont, and probably the most popular next to Richter. At first, Simon's purpose is simple: Fulfill his family's legacy by entering Dracula's castle and defeating him. He did so. But, Dracula, in his dying breath, gave him a curse that would slowly kill him. He didn't count on Simon's Badass qualities, though, so despite being cursed, Simon travels around Transylvania, and collecting Dracula's body parts so he can revive and destroy him, ending the curse.

He also gets to appear in Captain N, but he's a completely different character; a bumbling Jerk with a Heart of Gold instead of the straightforward hero he usually is in the games.

Tropes associated with Simon:

  • Badass: He's the first Castlevania hero, who beats Dracula through a serious Nintendo Hard case (no nifty options like Item Crash, etc), then revives Dracula just to kill him again. BAD. ASS. His whole clan is a Badass Family, but Simon takes the cake.)
    • Let's not forget he's one of the few Belmonts to take on Dracula at his peak.
    • Let's also not forget he was dying the second time.
  • Badass Normal: Armed with naught but a whip and a few subweapons, he defeats Dracula twice, by himself.
    • These were the original, Nintendo Hard Castlevanias, too. Let it be known: Simon Belmont doesn't need Jump Physics to kick your ass.
  • Barbarian Hero: His first official appearances had him look like this, although as time went on he changed a bit; oddly enough, Kojima's Bishonen design for him is also the one in which he looks the most barbaric; go figure that one.
  • The Cameo: Input The Konami Code when the Konami symbol shows as you boot up Harmony of Dissonance, and you get to play as Simon in Boss Rush mode. 8-bit Simon. And he can still whoop every monster the game chooses to throw at him.
    • Not to mention his random cameos in other Konami games, his most recent having him take part in a track-and-field tourney along with other Konami personalities like Pentaro, Vic Viper and Solid Snake.
  • Fan Nickname: His Judgment self is called "Simon Yagami", thanks to his character design.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: In Judgment, he's voiced by Kenichi Suzumura (JPN) and Keith Silverstein (ENG). Hideo Ishikawa voices Simon in DreamMix TV World Fighters, a Mascot Fighter featuring characters from Konami, Hudson, and Takara.
  • Pretty in Mink: His Barbarian Hero design comes with fur ruffles.
  • Redheaded Hero: His actual hair color changed quite a bit, but eventually he wound up a redhead for good.


250px-Camilla 843

  "But isn't this world hellish already? People are intrigued by darkness, and covet power and chaos."


A devoted servant and worshipper of the Dark Lord, she has been actively involved in his resurrection on several occasions.

In Circle of the Moon, she acts as the main antagonist. Carmilla manages to revive Dracula, but not to full power, so she planned to sacrifice the vampire hunter Morris Baldwin during a lunar eclipse of the full moon. She also enthralls Hugh Baldwin to her will to help prevent Nathan Graves' interference. While ultimately defeated, Carmilla still manages to complete the ritual to restore her master.

Tropes associated with Carmilla:

Harmony of Dissonance[]

Juste Belmont[]

Wnc-just 740

 "Do not underestimate the power of Belmont..."


Simon's grandson, a prodigious warrior who inherits the Vampire Killer in his mere teens. Juste is unique that he has a LOT of the Belnades blood in him, making him a Magic Knight. For some reason, he likes decorating rooms. He is best buds with swordsman Maxim Kischine and is the lover of Lydie Erlanger. At one point, Lydie vanishes, Dracula's castle rises and Maxim leads him there (acting a bit strange in the meantime). Juste investigates the castle, finding out that Maxim is being possessed, and ends up repeating Simon's feat of gathering Dracula's parts and reviving him only to destroy him again. Juste saves Lydie and Maxim, and it's all good.

Tropes associated with Juste:

Maxim Kischine[]

231px-Maxim 3415

 "Tha-that bracelet... so you wore it after all..."


Juste's best friend since childhood. The two share a Friendly Rivalry, with Maxim occasionally trying to prove that he is more talented than Juste. Maxim specializes in fighting with martial arts and bladed weapons. In 1748, Maxim was possessed by the dark power of Dracula's remains and kidnapped Lydie Erlanger, his friend and Juste's lover, and brought her to Castlevania. With help from Juste, Maxim was able to keep it from completely overcoming him, until it left his body. After Juste destroyed the dark entity, he, Maxim, and Lydie escaped the castle.

Tropes associated with Maxim:

Lydie Erlanger[]

A childhood friend of Juste and Maxim. She is kidnapped and taken to Dracula's Castle, which leads Juste and Maxim to going there in the first place.

Tropes associated with Lydie:

The Merchant[]

A mysterious merchant that got lost within Dracula's Castle, so set up a shop there.

Tropes associated with the Merchant:

Rondo of Blood/Dracula X[]

Richter Belmont[]

450px-Richter Belmont-2 8021

 "Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!"


One of the more infamous Belmonts (thanks to Symphony of the Night) and probably Juste's son or at least his grandson. Richter has a girlfriend named Annette, until Dracula suddenly takes an active stance and assaults his home, kidnapping Annette, her sister Maria, and several other women. Richter heads to the castle, saves the maidens, confronts Dracula and kicks his ass.

Four years later, due to a plan by the dark priest Shaft, Richter gets possessed and raises Dracula's castle, acting as its master. He's freed by Alucard, and leaves the rest to him. Since the release of Portrait of Ruin, he is canonically the last Belmont to wield the Vampire Killer until Julius Belmont in 1999.

Tropes associated with Richter:

Maria Renard[]

Rob-offart25 6190

  "So you do know how to be a gentleman."


A distant relative of the Belmont clan, she was captured by Shaft due to her magical powers, but was saved by Richter. She assists him in battle and lives to see Dracula beaten. In the SNES version, she and Annette (Richter's fiancee) were made sisters, a relationship that did not exist in the PC Engine original (although it was mentioned again in the manual of Symphony of the Night, but this was because the translator was more familiar with the SNES version than the PC Engine original, which was a Japan only release at the time).

Four years later, when Richter vanishes, a grown up (and really hot) Maria tries to investigate the castle herself, but she ends up meeting Alucard and works together with him. She saves Richter, and develops feelings for Alucard but is unable to convince him to remain awake. (However, if you get the Best Ending, Maria runs after Alucard, leaving Richter on the cliff. In the audio drama Nocturne of Recollection, Maria and Alucard are living together.

Tropes associated with Maria:


Richter Belmont's girlfriend. She gets kidnapped in Rondo of Blood.

Tropes associated with Annette:

  • Distressed Damsel
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold/Blondes Are Evil: By default, Annette is a good guy, though in Dracula X and Dracula X Chronicles, depending on the choices the player makes, she'll end up becoming a vampire thanks to Dracula.
  • Tragic Monster: If the player fails to rescue her in time in either Dracula X and Dracula X Chronicles, she becomes a vampire that the player is forced to take out (either Carmilla or a Lesser Vampire depending on the game).
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Played straight in Rondo of Blood, where she has purple hair. Averted in both Dracula X and the canonical remake Dracula X Chronicles, where she's depicted as blonde.

Tera and Iris[]

Tera is a nun and Iris is the daughter of a doctor. Both were kidnapped along with Maria and Annette.

Tropes associated with Tera and Iris:


250px-SHAFT-2 1588

 Who is the evil priest who is The Dragon to the lord of beasts?


Ya damn right.

Who is the man that wouldn't risk his neck for his brother man?


Ya damn right.

Can you dig it?


Now that that little obligation is out of the way, Shaft was an evil priest who was helping Dracula kidnap little girls. Later, he was instrumental in keeping Richter Brainwashed and Crazy during Symphony of the Night.

Tropes associated with Shaft:


An extremely large demonic-looking being who resembles a dinosaur. Though originally introduced as the Big Bad in the Kid Dracula games, he made his first proper appearance in the Castlevania series in Symphony of the Night, followed by a cameo in Aria of Sorrow and a significant yet unseen villainous role in Judgment. Not much has been confirmed about him, but from what has been clearly established, he directly opposes Dracula and seeks to replace him as the lord of darkness. For some reason, he has spent far more time fighting Dracula's offspring.

Tropes associated with Galamoth:

  • Bonus Boss: In Symphony and Encore.
  • Breath Weapon: He breathes fire in Kid Dracula. Given his appearance, this may also qualify as Dinosaurs Are Dragons.
  • Cool Sword: Wields a standard sword in Boku Dracula-Kun and a Laser Blade in Kid Dracula. He also holds a circular blade in his off hand in Symphony, but never actually uses it.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Each time, the forces of good favor Dracula as the dark lord.
  • The Ghost: Despite his involvement in Judgment's plot, he never appears in the game, save for a Say My Name from the Time Reaper.
  • Immune to Fate: Given that he's the only villain to date to attempt to change history in his favor, and his soul's purpose in Aria is to prevent a Time Master enemy from turning back time, he likely possesses this ability in some form.
  • Magic Knight: Wields both magic and swords.
  • Make Wrong What Once Went Right: His attempt to remove Dracula from power by changing history in Judgment.
  • Rent-A-Zilla: Though several other bosses in the series outsize him.
  • Shock and Awe: In all of his appearances, right down to his special ability in Encore of the Night.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": He was known as Garamoth in Kid Dracula.
  • The Starscream: Depending on his true role in relation to Dracula.
  • Walk Like an Egyptian: In addition to his Symphony outfit's influences, he is animated in a manner that keeps him in constant profile.


Dracula's second wife and the mother of Alucard. Introduce in Symphony of the Night where it was revealed that her death provoked Dracula into a war with humanity.

Tropes associated with Lisa.

Master Librarian[]

The keeper of Dracula's Castle's library. He helps Alucard in his quest to find out why the Castle has reappeared by selling him items and equipment.

Circle of the Moon[]

Nathan Graves[]

250px-Ngraves 3156

Another non-Belmont (and White-Haired Pretty Boy), he is trained alongside Hugh Baldwin by Morris Baldwin, a member of a group of vampire hunters who defeated Dracula. He is chosen over Hugh to inherit the Hunter's Whip (not the Vampire Killer), which leads to resentment on Hugh's part. When Dracula is revived by Carmilla, Nathan and co. go to the castle to put him down. Dracula separates Hugh and Nathan from Morris, whom he kidnaps in order to use in a ritual to release his true power. Nathan and Hugh split up, and eventually come to blows when Hugh is put under More Than Mind Control by Dracula. Nathan beats him, frees Morris after a fight with Dracula, and everybody escapes the castle.

CotM was also retconned by Igarashi, but this didn't stop him from borrowing the card system and adapting it into HoD's spellbook system. Igarashi un-retconned Circle of the Moon a few years later, but called this an Alternate Continuity.

Tropes associated with Nathan:

Morris Baldwin[]

A vampire hunter who sealed Dracula away along with Nathan's parents 10 years before Circle of the Moon. He chose Nathan as his successor, rather than his son, Hugh.

Tropes associated with Morris:

Hugh Baldwin[]

Morris' son and Nathan's rival. He is jealous of Nathan because Nathan was chosen as the successor to Morris. He also believes than Nathan is too weak to fight alongside him.

Tropes associated with Hugh:

Order of Ecclesia[]


250px-OoE Shanoa 9962

  "I am the blade to banish all evil, and I've come to see you annihilated."


A tall, dark, and beautiful member of the Order of Ecclesia, an organization trying to find a way to defeat Dracula without using the Belmonts (or so she thought), and she has to contain the Glyph which contains her magical power. Shanoa was chosen to host Dominus, a glyph containing a portion of Dracula's power to kill him, but the Glyph was stolen by her brother figure Albus, and in the process she loses her memories and emotions. She is told to hunt down Albus, but eventually smells a rat in her organization after Albus tells her the truth regarding Dominus. Albus was trying to protect Shanoa from Dominus, since anybody who uses its full power will have their soul consumed. It turns out Barlowe, Ecclesia's leader and Shanoa's adoptive father, has been corrupted by Dominus and is trying to revive Dracula. Shanoa defeats him but Barlowe manages to revive Dracula anyway. Shanoa goes to the castle and defeats Dracula with Dominus, but is spared death thanks to Albus, who uses his soul to save her. Shanoa vanishes after Dracula's defeat, and Ecclesia's achievements are lost to history.

Tropes associated with Shanoa:


200px-Albus 571

  "What... kind of brother would I be... if I didn't protect you...? That's... my role."


A childhood friend of Shanoa's, whom he views as a younger sister.

Tropes associated with Albus:


  You can't touch me!



The leader of Ecclesia. Also a worshipper of Dracula.

Tropes associated with Barlowe:

Legacy of Darkness/64[]

The N64 Castlevanias are largely panned but have a dedicated cult following.


300px-CastlevaniaCornell 2915

  "No one will listen to reason from the mouth of a beast."


A man-beast from a clan of similar individuals who sealed away their transformation ability in order to live alongside humans. But through rigorous training, he managed to regain such abilities. He heads to Dracula's castle to find the ones responsible for kidnapping his "sister" Ada, a survivor from a previous man-beast attack. After a confrontation with his jealous rival Ortega, he destroys Dracula and saves Ada, but at the cost of his alternate form. A form that is used to revive Dracula again, stronger than ever...

Tropes associated with Cornell:

Reinhardt Schneider[]

480px-Reinhardt-cv64 3704

  "The destiny of my blood means I must destroy Dracula."


A distant relation to the Belmont clan, though not distant enough to free him from his duty of destroying Dracula whenever he arises. He was raised in the ways of the church and abhors attacking women and children, a trait that comes into question when he comes across a female vampire named Rosa in the abbey grounds. Even after her demise at the hands of Death, he remains resolute, successfully destroying Dracula's new incarnation and proving that even the damned are worthy of forgiveness. Unfortunately, he's very difficult to play as, and thus only those with the maddest of superskills (and stubbornness aplenty) reach the end of his story. And if you think he's got a silly name, well--he was almost Schneider Belmont.

Tropes associated with Reinhardt:

Carrie Fernandez[]

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  "While Dracula exists, children live in terror. I cannot desert them!"


A young descendant of the Belnades clan of witches, she lost her family when she was a child. Hearing of Dracula's return, she sets out to put an end to his evil. It is through these events that she rediscovers the importance of family, most directly through her confrontations with the Wicked Witch Actrise. (And that Actrise really was quite a piece of work...)

Tropes associated with Carrie:

Henry Oldrey[]

Henryoldrey 132

A young boy who was caught in the middle of Dracula's latest attack when his wealthy family's manor was occupied by vampires. With the blessing of his not-yet-vampirized mother and Cornell's assistance, he managed to escape with his life.

Years later, the forces of evil emerged yet again, abducting children to achieve their unholy goal. Henry decided that he would save the kids in the same way that he himself had been saved. Problem is, he's not a vampire hunter of any particular lineage. Solution? Wear a lot of armor and carry a gun.

Tropes associated with Henry:


156px-Supcast-actrise 1334

A witch who valued her beauty more then anything else in the world. She entered Dracula's service by sacrificing 100 children including her own child. Is defeated by Carrie Fernandez.

Tropes associated with Actrise:

Gilles de Rais[]

A vampire that was in service to Dracula. Like Dracula, he is also based on a real life figure, specifically an infamous Crusader who was excommunicated for practicing Dark Arts.

Tropes associated with Gilles de Rais:

  • Body Double: In the true ending, it's revealed that he was the "Dracula" you fought against, and played the role to ensure that the real Dracula, Malus, could continue on.
  • French Jerk: He is based on a French Crusader named Gilles de Rais, who did several heinous acts such as demon summoning and murdering over a hundred children.
  • Undying Loyalty: Is shown to be loyal enough to Dracula to even pose as him in every way to ensure his master's survival, to say little about his role in Dracula being revived, not to mention reincarnated.


John Morris[]

John Morris 7768

The son of Quincy Morris from Bram Stoker's Dracula novel. He witnessed his father's defeat of Dracula and swore to live up his name. When Elizabeth Bathory tries to revive Dracula, he sets out with his buddy Eric Lecarde, wielding the Vampire Killer, and successfully defeats both of them.

Unfortunately, since the Morrises are only distant relatives to the Belmont clan, the Vampire Killer drained his life away, and he was never able to fully heal the wounds that he received from Dracula. He trained his son Jonathan as best he could and gave him the whip, dying before he could explain the whip's true nature. Well, at least if you trust what Portrait of Ruin has to say about the matter.

Tropes associated with John:

Eric Lecarde[]

Eric Lecarde 7171

  "Witness the might of the Alucard Spear!"


Eric is a nobleman whose girlfriend was vampirized by Elizabeth Bartley (Erzsebet Bathory, really.). He goes along with John to defeat Dracula, using the Alcarde/Alucard Spear.

After learning that John became cursed, Eric opted to have his family become the guardians of the Vampire Killer, so the power and curse do not get misused. Unfortunately, when Eric investigates a recently raised castle before Portrait of Ruin, he gets ambushed by the vampire Brauner and is killed, and watches his daughters Stella and Loretta vampirized by Brauner. His spirit resides in the castle, and he helps out Jonathan and Charlotte in their quest.

His appearance is different in each game for some reason: in Bloodlines he's a Bishonen, in Portrait of Ruin he's a Cool Old Guy, and in Judgment he's a Wise Beyond Their Years child.

Tropes associated with Eric:

Portrait of Ruin[]

Jonathan Morris[]

600px-Jmart 8980

 "We can take on anyone. No problem!"


Hotheaded son of John Morris and childhood friend of Charlotte Aulin. Jonathan dislikes his father for just teaching him the basic of combat, then leaving him to investigate Dracula's castle. However, he meets the ghost of his father's friend Eric and learns the truth behind his father's death and comes to respect him. He and Charlotte saved Eric's daughters from vampirization, and fought the memory of Vampire Killer (in the form of Richter Belmont), earning him the right to wield the Vampire Killer. Eventually, he confronts Brauner as well as Dracula (and Death at the same time!) and beats all three of them, with assistance from Charlotte.

Tropes associated with Jonathan:

Charlotte Aulin[]

250px-Corlean 526

 "I'll be with you, so relax. You'll be fine."


Originally named "Charlotte Orlean" during the beta period of the game's development, a Cute Witch deployed from the church to assist Jonathan in his task. Charlotte mostly acts as the intellectual foil to the hotheaded Jonathan. She eventually learns a spell that proves to be vital in curing the vampirization of Stella and Loretta, and later helps Jonathan out in defeating Dracula.

Tropes associated with Charlotte:

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Johnathan said "She's basically my kid sister" when she was being assertive and annoying just to annoy her back. He even treats her as such at times but they are not really related.
  • Berserk Button: "Jonathan! Stop treating me like a child!"
  • Black Magician Girl
  • Boobs of Steel: She is the midway point of the non-children ladies as her bust is bigger than Loretta and has SOME melee attacks while Loretta has none and only depends on magic. Stella has a much more notable bustline than Charlotte and has more physical attacks... when Stella is evil.
  • Brainy Brunette
  • Church Militant
  • Cute Witch: No hats, but the broom is spot on.
  • Death Glare: Every time her Berserk Button is pressed.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Uses books. That have weapons inside them.
  • Just a Kid: Everyone ridicules her as this, she doesn't like it. Brauner is the only one who doesn't treat her like this.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Inverted as she wears blue while Johnathan wears red. It is more obvious in the menu where she is represented in light blue while he is represented with pink.
  • White Mage: Also has some healing abilities (though mostly towards ailments) and stat boosting spells. Throw in a time stopping spell and one that negates projectiles and she becomes more of a Red Mage.
  • Zettai Ryouiki

Stella and Loretta[]

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Brauner's twin vampire daughters (not really) who appear occasionally to antagonize the duo.


450px-Brauner 7146

 This... is ART!


An artist whose daughters were killed during World War I, Brauner went insane from the grief and decided to become a vampire and Kill All Humans. He decided to use Castlevania as his base of operations for this purpose, but also decided that Dracula's failure rate was too great for the Dark Lord to be allowed to join in on the fun, and used his paintings to keep Dracula's power sealed up and easily controllable. (Death was not amused.)

It is worth noting at this point that in the whole of the Castlevania series, Brauner is the only character to call out Dracula for dying so ridiculously often and never accomplishing anything.

Later, Brauner noticed an interloper within the castle halls. This interloper turned out to be Eric Lecarde. Brauner ambushed and killed him... just as Eric's daughters burst into the rooms, attempting a Big Damn Heroes moment. Brauner, noticing that they bore an uncanny resemblance to his own daughters, instantly concluded that they must be his own daughters reincarnated and vampirized them in order to convince them of the same (all while the dying Eric looked on helplessly.)

When Jonathan and Charlotte showed up some time later, Brauner wasn't happy about it, but underestimated the heroes. Unfortunately for him, Stella and Loretta were a bit too loyal to his cause, and tried to destroy Jonathan and Charlotte themselves (despite his repeatedly telling them to stay back, out of harm's way, and let him handle the situation.) This just ended up giving Charlotte and Jonathan the opportunity to cure the sisters of their vampirism and brainwashing.

When Brauner found out what had happened... well, he was rather upset. He promptly tried to destroy the heroes with his artistic powers, only to be crushed in battle. As he lay in his weakened state, he admitted that justice might not have been on his side after all, but adamantly refused to admit that his victorious opponents might have the moral high ground. That was all he got to say before Death showed up to finish him off and fully awaken the soul of Dracula.

  • Big Bad: With Death for most of Portrait of Ruin. Though the plot mostly focuses on Brauner.
    • Evil Versus Evil: Brauner and Death are not allies, and in fact, Death is trying to kill him for interfering with Dracula's revival.
    • Small Role, Big Impact: If Grimoire of Souls is of any indication, Brauner essentially INSPIRED the method to defeat Dracula for good in 1999.
  • Calling Your Attacks: "BLOOD ART TECHNIQUE!!!"
  • Kick the Dog: He does this to Eric in the way mentioned above.
  • Large Ham: "This... is ART!"
  • Looks Like Orlok: ... Well, he does.
    • This also makes him the second Vampire character to be modeled after Orlok, after Olrox from Symphony of the Night. Coincidentally, both also ended up restoring Dracula's Castle without actually serving Dracula and even ended up killed by Death.
  • Love Makes You Evil
  • Mad Artist: Duh. Thankfully, he doesn't have a Wax Museum Morgue.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: If he didn't allow Stella and Loretta to open the door to his quarters, then the heroes would not have been able to stop him. Jonathan even lampshades this just before the final battle.
  • Not So Different: Despite clearly not being on Dracula's side (without actually being good, to boot), he actually shares some similarities to him. Namely, both renounced their humanity and became vampires thanks to the loss of loved ones beforehand (Elisabetha Cronqvist in Dracula's case, and daughters in Brauner's case.). Heck, both actually ended up wanting humanity dead thanks to their loss (though Brauner lost it even quicker since both aspects stemmed from his daughters' deaths, while Dracula only started becoming genocidal after the death of his second wife at the hands of humans.).
  • Papa Wolf: His failure to protect his daughters is what made him a Mad Artist in the first place.
  • Pet the Dog: His concern for Stella and Loretta appears genuine. He tries to keep them out of harms way, and during the bad ending, he shows up and begs you to stop hurting them. He then aborts his plan rather than endanger them further.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: It is implied in Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls that Brauner essentially sealing Dracula within his own castle after reviving him was ultimately what inspired Juste Belmont and his allies to seal Dracula's Castle itself into the eclipse and by extension permanently kill him off.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Averted. Barring reviving Dracula in order to access his castle, he is completely independent in Dracula's schemes, and if anything sealed Dracula up and prevented him from being fully revived. Heck, if anything, the only reason Dracula did end up revived at all was more Jonathan and Charlotte's fault thanks to Death exploiting their fighting Brauner and finishing the latter off to undo the seal.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: He became a vampire largely because of his daughters being killed during World War I, and it's implied that the reason he vampirized Eric Lecarde's daughters and brainwashed them was because they were reincarnated from said daughters. You know, similar to Dracula's reasons for becoming a Vampire.

Aria of Sorrow/Dawn of Sorrow[]

Soma Cruz[]

468px-SomaAria 8033

 "If I lose the battle... I want you to kill me."


A seemingly Ordinary High School Student caught in an eclipse which brought him to Dracula's castle. Guided by Genya Arikado, he ventures through the castle and later discovers the horrible truth: He is the reincarnation of Dracula. However, he resists his fate as the Dark Lord and manages to come out safely as a normal human.

Later, a cult confronts him, trying to revive Dracula, and chooses him as one of the candidates where Dracula could be revived. Soma confronts them and eventually prevails in resisting to become the new Dark Lord (again).

Tropes associated with Soma:

  • Anti-Anti-Christ: He's the true reincarnation of Count Dracula, yet does not continue Dracula's path of terror.
  • Badass Longcoat: It was more Badass in Aria, but the Dawn one is still awesome.
  • Badass Spaniard: For Chaos' sake, his last name is Cruz!
    • In the local version of his games, he's Japanese and his surname is literally Kurusu, while in international versions he becomes a transfer student named Cruz.
  • Blessed with Suck/Cursed with Awesome: Is Dracula's reincarnation. But hey, he gets to use all those nifty souls to kick ass!
  • Hikaru Midorikawa: His seiyuu.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He fights by absorbing the souls of his defeated enemies, yet remains a fairly Nice Guy.
  • Evil Laugh: If Soma becomes the Dark Lord in Dawn, he gains an epic Evil Laugh that would give the old Drac a run for his money!
  • Kick the Bitch: His first action in the bad ending for Dawn upon becoming Dracula is killing Celia Fortner after she brought him back. Considering she tried to have him assassinated earlier, not to mention killed (what we're led to assume to be) Mina Hakuba to force him to become Dracula again, she had it coming.
  • Late Arrival Spoiler: He's the reincarnation of Dracula. This is made explicit in the opening cutscenes of Dawn of Sorrow.
  • Love Makes You Evil: If Soma does not wear the amulet he was given he suffers the same fate he did in his past life and becomes evil to avenge the death of a loved one, or whatever Mina is to him.
  • Mega Manning
  • Ordinary High School Student: Initially.
  • Pretty in Mink
  • Power Floats: adopts this in the non-canon boss fight against him in Dawn of Sorrow, should he end up embracing his original Dracula self due to Mina, or at least, someone he assumed to be Mina, being killed.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Around Mina Hakuba, his Victorious Childhood Friend. It takes the sheer gravity of what he's been through (and Hundred-Percent Completion) for him to even allow her to openly hold his hand at the end of Aria.
  • Slouch of Villainy: He IS Dracula's reincarnation after all.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: If the player makes the wrong choice, this surfaces and Soma becomes Dracula.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: In the bad ending of Dawn of Sorrow, Soma, or rather, Dracula murders Celia literally moments after he is restored (a stark contrast to the original Dracula). Of course, considering the entire reason he returned was due to Celia explicitly murdering what appeared to be his close friend and possible girlfriend, Soma actually had some justification for doing that.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Again. Notice a pattern, here? Oh, IGA.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: In the bad ending for Dawn of Sorrow as well as the same game's Julius Mode, he ends up becoming this just like his past self Dracula thanks to Celia killing Mina or rather, what we're led to assume is Mina.

Julius Belmont[]

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 "It seems that your dark power triggered the return of my memories."


The next Belmont after Richter to wield the Vampire Killer. Y'see, there was a prophecy that it wouldn't be wielded by the Belmonts again until a great battle in 1999, and when that magic time rolled around, Julius was the lucky one to be on Dracula duty. Julius has the honor of being the one who beat Dracula for good, sealing Castlevania in an eclipse (thereby denying Dracula's soul access to the stone that was keeping it out of the cycle of reincarnation long enough to resurrect), but the battle cost him his memory, and he lived as an amnesiac for over thirty years under the name "J".

Since the name "Dracula" filled him with dread for reasons he couldn't explain, he headed to Castlevania during its return at the solar eclipse to hopefully restore his memory. He meets up with Soma, and is eventually asked to kill him should Soma ever fall to The Dark Side.

Julius reappears to assist Soma in Dawn of Sorrow, and is the one to put him out of his misery in the bad ending of both games.

Tropes associated with Julius:

  • Badass Beard: So far the only Belmont with facial hair, and quite impressive facial hair at that.
  • Badass Grandpa: By the time Aria of Sorrow rolls around, he's in his fifties but can still kick Soma's ass. While consciously holding back. In Dawn of Sorrow, when Soma asks him how he's been dealing with the regenerating monsters, he says he never encountered any problems with regenerators. The implication being that he has been destroying the monsters before they can regenerate.
  • Badass Longcoat: Just look at it! No wonder he killed Dracula for good!
  • Cool Old Guy: See above.
  • Grandpa What Massive Hotness You Have: It would be cool to look that good at fifty-plus...
  • Growing Up Sucks: Or so he says. The fact that most of his adult life has been spent as an amnesiac hobo has probably affected his judgement in this matter.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia
  • Shout-Out: Like most Castlevania games since and including Symphony of the Night, both Aria and Dawn featured a mode of play that allowed you to go through the game as if it were a classic Castlevania. The best part? If you get Soma's bad ending a little over halfway through the game, it still counts as beating the game and unlocks Julius Mode. Soma's bad ending is of course canon to Julius mode.

Yoko Belnades[]

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 "Ha ha ha. It's so much fun to tease you. But this is not the time to be fooling around."


A descendant of Sypha. Yoko is a powerful witch, and is very skilled in the use of magic spells. She is a member of the church, and was sent to the Hakuba Shrine in 2035 to investigate the return of Castlevania, along with Genya Arikado. She was injured in the incident, but later recovered. In 2036, she assisted Julius, Arikado, and Soma in fighting the cult that was seeking to resurrect the dark lord.

Tropes associated with Yoko:

  • Action Girl: She's playable in Julius Mode in Dawn of Sorrow, where she can really unleash her abilities.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: Her three spells she can cast when you play as her. Also meant as a Continuity Nod to Sypha's spells in Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Is taken out of the action in Aria by being stabbed, with an ordinary knife. No other character has been so easy to take down, and indeed, come Dawn, she can take quite a few stabs from random mooks.
  • Hot Witch
  • Ineffectual Loner: In Aria of Sorrow, she suspects Graham of wrongdoing and goes after him on her own. This gets her stabbed. She does a much better job when part of a team.
  • Lady of War
  • Nosy Neighbour: Not a neighbour, but she's very nosy about Soma's love life...
  • Squishy Wizard
  • White Mage: A variation. Her primary attack in Dawn of Sorrow is to swing her Magic Wand, and it doesn't do very much damage, but it heals Yoko for a little HP every time she hits something.


235px-Hammer 592

 "You'll visit my shop again, won't ya? I'll be waitin' for ya."


Formerly a soldier in the U.S. Army, Hammer is one of Soma's friends and allies. He was sent by the army to investigate the Hakuba Shrine in 2035, and ended up inside Castlevania. After becoming friends with Soma, he decided to quit the army and get into the shopkeeping business. In 2036, he helped Soma find the base of the cult that was trying to revive the dark lord, and then unexpectedly showed up there to help Soma out by opening a shop. Hammer has a crush on Yoko Belnades, but seems to be too nervous to tell her.

Tropes associated with Hammer:

Mina Hakuba[]

145px-Mina 220

 "No, not at all! At first we were shocked, but everyone believes you'll get through this."


Soma's classmate and best friend. Mina is the caretaker of the Hakuba Shrine. She is quite sociable, and makes friends easily. She and Soma are clearly romantically interested in each other, but neither of them will admit it. In 2035, she was going to watch the solar eclipse with Soma, but the two ended up inside Castlevania, where it was discovered that Soma is the reincarnation of Dracula. In 2036, after she and Soma were attacked by a cult seeking to resurrect Dracula, she was placed in the protective custody of Arikado's colleagues while he and Soma were off fighting the cult.

Tropes associated with Mina:

Graham Jones[]


  "I was born on the very day that Dracula was destroyed... So, in short, that means that I AM Dracula!"


The founder and missionary of a religious group who appears in Aria of Sorrow. He possesses magical powers due to having been born at the exact moment of Dracula's death, and thus believes that he is the reincarnation of Dracula.

Tropes associated with Graham:


A monster that is the source of all of Dracula's power. It gets destroyed by Soma at the end of Aria of Sorrow.

Tropes associated with Chaos:

Celia Fortner[]

The head priestess of a cult known as "With Light". She fervently believes that good cannot exist in the universe without an equal evil to balance it. With this in mind, she seeks to find someone to step up to the position of lord of darkness in Dracula's absence, or coerce Soma to change his mind.

Tropes associated with Celia:

Dario Bossi[]

A potential dark lord candidate, he is a criminal born on the same day as Dracula's demise. He possesses the ability to control fire.

Tropes associated with Dario:

  • Avenging the Villain: Subverted. He is less annoyed that Soma killed Dmitrii and more that he wasn't the one to do it.
  • Ambiguous Situation: The last we see of Dario canonically is him fleeing after being forcibly stripped of his pyrokinetic abilities. However, the Menace boss fight features his face as one of his weakspots alongside that of Celia Fortner (who had been killed earlier by Dmitri as a sacrifice to stop Arikado from attacking him) and Dmitri Blinov (who died from failure to control Soma's Power of Dominance ability due to never actually honing it so much as copying it), hints that at the very least, he still met a bad fate.
  • Brought Down to Normal: In the true path, Soma refrains from killing Dario and instead goes after Aguni, stopping his power at the source. He promptly flees.
  • Deal with the Devil: Strengthens his fire magic through a pact with Aguni.
  • Playing with Fire

Dmitrii Blinov[]

A potential dark lord candidate who was born on the same day that Dracula died. He possesses the ability to mimic any attack with which he is hit.

Tropes associated with Dmitrii:

  • Affably Evil: He is far less malicious than Dario, and repeatedly states that he is merely interested in learning the meaning behind his abilities. Until the end.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The first time we see him, although the creature is called Malachi in this game.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: The dark lord's power overcomes him, killing him and turning his souls into Menace.
  • Grand Theft Me: Has his soul absorbed by Soma, copies his power of dominance, and then manages to possess a doppelganger to use as a new body.
  • My Soul Is Yours: When defeated, he promptly dies and Soma absorbs his soul, to his horror.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: He's the only villain in the series to ever defeat Alucard, with the help of human sacrifices and a "calamitous demon". Soma arrives after the battle is over.
  • Power Copying: His inherent ability.
  • Power-Up Letdown: His only available attack is the last soul ability with which he was hit. As a result, he can be forced to assume a particularly wimpy offense.
  • The Starscream



345px-Official Judgment Aeon 7246

 "My name is Aeon. Shall we begin the first trial?"


A mysterious wanderer of time, and a member of a group of similar individuals. He's the one responsible for gathering a large number of Dracula-related individuals from history to further his own goals.

Tropes associated with Aeon:


363px-Official Judgment Golem 4787

 "Where is place for me?"


An artificial being originally created by Carmilla to mindlessly guard ruins. Somehow, its arrival in the time rift granted it sapience, along with the ability to question its lot in life.

Tropes associated with the golem:

Lords of Shadow[]

Gabriel Belmont[]

424px-GabrielBelmont 7654

A warrior from the Brotherhood of Light who seeks the powers of the lords of shadow to resurect his dead wife.


250px-Zobek 629

Gabriel's mentor and ally; also the Lord of the Necromancers.


Lords of Shadow Spoiler1 8661

The real big bad of the game.


The lord of the Vampires


Carmilla's "daughter" who was abducted and turned into a vampire.

  • Anime Hair: She looks like a kid version of Amy Winehouse.
  • Ascended Extra: Takes a stronger role in Reverie.
  • Heel Face Turn: Arguably, anyway. Sure, she has a very twisted concept on what "playing" means, but as a vampire she actually has to feed on blood in order to survive, and when it all comes down to it she does not like the life she's been forced to live.
  • I Hate You, Vampire Mom!: Not stated outright, but it is heavily implied that Laura liked her former life far more than her present undeath.
  • Older Than They Look
  • Undead Child
  • Sore Loser
  • Spoiled Brat: The years have been kind on her mental and emotional maturity.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: It's quite jarring seeing a child beg a man to put her out of her misery and end her accursed existence.
  • The Woobie: It really shines through when she sees Marie's ghost embrace Gabriel.

 Claudia: I envy you. I envy you both... I don't want to play anymore.



Lord of the Lycans.


A mute girl and the last of her kind. Zobek manipulates Gabriel into killing her.

Black Knight[]

Claudia's protector; a giant golem infused with the soul of a murderer.

  1. Although, ironically enough, not for the actual Dracula, but his body double Gilles de Rais.