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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Castlevania fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

Do warn when a fanfic may head into homosexual or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors, and Websites[]

None yet.

General Fics[]

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

"Castlevania: All His Engines" by Legend Maker

  • Recommended by Gamerex27
  • Synopsis: "For centuries, Dracula has warred upon humanity. For centuries, Dracula has been certain in their inferiority. For centuries, Dracula has never been proven wrong. Dracula is about to get a different answer to his question of what a man is..."
  • Comments: This is an amazing oneshot, with some of the most incredible characterization that this troper has ever seen. It really delves into the mind of Dracula, and the OCs are all believable and realistic by Castlevania's standards.
    • Kazeto: While the story is not what I had been hoping for when I had stumbled upon this fiction (and at that time I was looking for heavily psychological and/or philosophical fictions, with this fiction not being heavy), it is still a very pleasant read. I recommend wholeheartedly to every person familiar with Castlevania lore.

"Harmony in Despair" by Renuarb

  • Recommended by Fofa
  • Synopsis: "Jonathan finds himself in the world of the cursed Grimoire. Can he survive the trials within and return home? Not with his new company..."

Shipping Fics[]

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

None yet.