While I've been more tolerant of the character changes in Castlevania Judgment than many others, there were always a few aspects that stuck out to me. For instance, Eric Lecarde. Considering he was portrayed as a close friend of John Morris in Castlevania Bloodlines, it was odd that he, being born into a family meant to work alongside them, would become so bitter about them and their whip. Even if he was a rebellious teenager. And then I thought of something. Bloodlines, and Portrait of Ruin after it, tied their Dracula-resurrection plots to the military struggles of the time. Something could have happened between the previous Dracula battle in 1897 and Eric's involvement in Judgment, estimated to take place in 1907, that would cause the Spanish-born Eric to resent the American-born Morris family. Like, say, the Spanish-American War and its aftermath? --Falcon Pain
From the same game, and somewhere between Fridge Brilliance and a Stealth Pun, Cornell is looking for a cure to his lycanthropy. When he asks Sypha, who is still in full-on Van Helsing Hate Crimes mode in this game, she tells him that no known solution exists. "Death is your only salvation." So what does Cornell do for the remainder of his storyline? He seeks salvation from Death. --Falcon Pain again
As another person who actually liked the game, I was always puzzled why the developers didn't include insanely popular new character Soma on the roster. Then I realized there was an in-story justification for this - during his mirror match, Aeon mentions having copies of an individual in the time rift is dangerous. Having Soma present would have meant two Draculas. --Kazmahu
In Symphony of the Night, the music for the Alchemy Laboratory area is called "Dance of Gold". A common practice among alchemists was the search of a chemical formula capable of transmutating base metals into gold. --Caiahpasthesympathist
I always wondered how sealing dracula's castle away would have killed him for good, the center of chaos reasoning was kind of "eh", then it hit me; The center of chaos is the crimson stone from Lament of Innocence, the stone that gave Dracula his power originally, the way the core "shatters" like a gem breaking seems to give credibility to this.
I was wondering the other day about why the Whip's Memory in Portrait of Ruin showed Richter Belmont in his Rondo of Blood attire, besides sprite recycling. Then I thought of something: between his two game appearances, Rondo of Blood was the only one where he was actually fighting Dracula and his hordes of darkness. He was brainwashed to lead Dracula's castle in Symphony of the Night, so that would not reflect well on the Vampire Killer.
In Symphony of the Night, in the DS version, when you look up the Frozen Half enemy in the enemy encyclopaedia, there's a note saying they're transsexual. At first, you might think that that's a weird thing to work into designing an enemy...then you think about the genre the Castlevania games take their inspiration from, and you realise that you are fighting sweet transvestites from transsexual Transylvania.
The Reason why the Belmonts wasn't in the 1800's? Because Resurrection was canceled.
Have you ever questioned why the Holy Water subweapon created a trail of fire whenever you threw it on the ground? I did, and never really understood why until it just randomly hit me. Most if not all the battles take place in Castlevania, which is for all purposes an extension of Dracula himself. Holy Water in other media tends to cause evil creatures to burn on contact. Castlevania itself is an evil entity, which is why the flames arise.