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  • Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia. Pretty much any scene involving Shanoa and Albus counts, but the major tear jerker comes at the very end, when the now dead-by-your-own-hand Albus, who had given up his soul to Dominus in order to spare Shanoa from making the same sacrifice, takes off for the afterlife after seeing Dracula's end.

Albus: If you want to repay me, you can grant me one final wish... Smile for me. Please... before I fade away.
And Shanoa does, as a single tear runs down her hitherto-stoic face.

  • The ending to Symphony of the Night's Dracula fight. The revised dub particularly, excluding (mostly) the original version's Narm Charm. View it here
  • Was this Troper the only one who found Castlevania: Lords of Shadow to be heart-wrenching? Not only is the entire game one big effort to bring back Gabriel's lost love, Marie, but by the end, even after you defeat Satan, he can't bring her back. Gabriel then winds up becoming the Prince of Darkness, and is tortured by not only his immortal existence, but also with the knowledge that he was the one to kill Marie. And if we REALLY want to take things further, the two DLC packs, Reverie and Resurrection, chronicles Gabriel's full descent into darkness, complete with killing off demon child Laura, and this Troper really liked her. Let the waterworks commence.
  • The worst ending in Harmony of Dissonance could count.
  • In Dracula X Chronicles, if you don't save Annette, she gets turned into a Succubus and Richter has to kill her.