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  • Talk about the show and someone's always going to ask just... how do they... you know... poop?
    • Cough, cough... hairball.
    • This troper always thought they had one anus right in the middle of their body, it just wasn't visible (because, dude, it's a kids' cartoon). That's the theory that this troper sticks to because it's less squicky to her than the alternative (see above).
      • There was one episode which had the line, quote, "it has to pass through our colon," which verifies this theory.
      • This troper remembers an episode where they were snorkeling, and Dog makes a large fart bubble, which appears right in the center beneath them, verifying that this is where their anus is.
      • Possibly it would look like their bellybutton? It is in the right place to be either.
    • Well, at least in one episode they were shown peeing (although the camera zoomed away from the actual process, showing only their faces). It seems to be a mystery intended by the creators, since Dog spoofs it in another episode (I think it was an episode about a live-documentation about their species).
    • Did Mickey Mouse have to go to the bathroom? I don't think so. I don't think CatDog had to, either.
      • In the comics, Donald did have to repair his toilet bowl so...
    • We see Dog about to pee on a fire hydrant a few times, and he lifts his leg accordingly. So apparently they've got some sort of...exit on their body.
    • Lola figured that one out by barging into their bathroom. They have a LitterboxFireHydrant.
  • There's this one episode about...I don't know, something about eating habits, and a goldfish, and long story short, Cat disappears into Dog's mouth. I saw it when I was a kid, and I have literally not been able to figure it out for YEARS, because, get this, at some point, Cat comes OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH, INSIDE OF DOG'S STOMACH.!