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  • Awesome Music: Cat Diggity Dog.
  • Ear Worm: The theme song.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Nosferacho, the Peruvian vampire tick, from "CatDogula" has a supremely sexy voice (think Dr Robotnik, but with a Spanish accent.) Even if he's, y'know, a heavyweight. (Some folks got into weight gain because of him...)
  • Fridge Horror: Where does the poop come out?
    • Some episodes imply there's an anus in the center of their body.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Looney Tunes short Porky in Wackyland features... the world's very first CatDog!
    • The line "I predict that the Trees will speak Japanese." Sudowoodo, anyone?
    • Listen to the voice of the chicken who says "I absolutely, positively, 110% am NOT a kleptomaniac!" in "CatDogPig." Does he sound familiar? More prominent when he drops down the hatch and yells.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Cat
  • Tear Jerker: It was the parents' flashback in The Great Parent Mystery.
    • Also that one episode where they have to build a brick wall between each other.
  • Too Good to Last: It just kinda faded out after a while.