Template:IndexTrope Tropes seen primarily in comedies, or which are inherently intended to be funny.
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All items (1288)
- A Bloody Mess
- Abhorrent Admirer
- Accidental Pervert
- Agony of the Feet
- Alan Arkin
- Alien Lunch
- Aliens Steal Cattle
- And There Was Much Rejoicing
- Appliance Defenestration
- Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?
- Aside Glance
- Awful British Sex Comedy
- Badly-Battered Babysitter
- Bathos
- Beauty Mark
- Black Comedy
- Black Comedy Rape
- Boomerang Bigot
- Bowel-Breaking Bricks
- Brick Joke
- Bring My Brown Pants
- Butt Biter
- Cardboard Pal
- Caught on The Hooks
- Cheshire Cat Grin