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Tropes seen primarily in comedies, or which are inherently intended to be funny.
</sidebarmenu>All items (1316)
- Closet Shuffle
- Clown Car Base
- Coincidental Dodge
- Color Failure
- Comeback Tomorrow
- Comedy Ghetto
- Comic Sutra
- Comically Missing the Point
- The Comically Serious
- Competition Coupon Madness
- Construction Zone Calamity
- Convenience Store Gift Shopping
- Convenient Slow Dance
- Cordon Bleugh Chef
- Cosmetic Horror
- Covered in Gunge
- Covered in Mud
- Crazy Jealous Guy
- Crosses the Line Twice
- Crotch Grab Sex Check
- Crowded Cast Shot
- Cue the Flying Pigs
- Cut a Slice, Take the Rest
- Cutaway Gag
- Cute but Cacophonic
- Date Peepers
- Dating Service Disaster
- Dead Man's Chest
- Deconstructive Parody
- Deep-Immersion Gaming
- Defeat by Modesty
- Delayed Reaction
- Delta Farce
- Department of Redundancy Department
- Depraved Dentist
- Did the Earth Move For You, Too?
- Digging to China
- Digging Yourself Deeper
- Dinosaur Doggie Bone
- Directionless Driver
- Disgusting Public Toilet
- Dish Dash
- Disproportionate Retribution
- Distant Reaction Shot
- Distracted by the Sexy
- DIY Disaster
- Do It Yourself Plumbing Project
- Do-It-Yourself Plumbing Project
- Dodgy Toupee
- Does This Remind You of Anything?
- Don't Explain the Joke
- Doom It Yourself
- Doomed Supermarket Display
- Door Roulette
- Dope Slap
- Doppelganger Dating
- Dragged by the Collar
- Dragged Into Drag
- Drawing Straws
- Dresses the Same
- Drives Like Crazy
- Drop the Washtub
- Dumb Muscle
- Dynamite Candle
- Ear Trumpet
- Eek! A Mouse!
- Eek! a Mouse!
- Efficient Displacement
- Elephant in the Living Room
- Elvish Presley
- Embarrassing Old Photo
- Epic Fail
- Even the Dog Is Ashamed
- Everyone Chasing You
- Everything Is an Instrument
- Everything's Better with Bob
- Everything's Better with Chickens
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Everything's Better with Penguins
- Evil Elevator
- Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor
- Exploding Closet
- Explosive Cigar
- Exposition Diagram
- Eye Take