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H-games (or, more properly, eroge, an abbreviation of erotic game) are Video Games with sex or heavy Fan Service in them, often featuring an H-Game POV Character.

Though there are some examples of eroge in nearly every genre, the most common forms are the Dating Sim (especially in the early examples of the genre) and the Visual Novel (more popular in recent years). Also common are 3-D simulators like Artificial Girl, which throw out the plot entirely and leave in only the bare minimum of Dating Sim elements in favor of more Jiggle Physics.

Although the term "H-game," literally translatable as "pervert game," would suggest otherwise, the erotic content is sometimes about as important as similar content in an R-rated film. Many games tend to have only have one sex scene at the end after hours of play and in a large number sex scenes can be disabled by menu options. As a result, many are re-released with said content cut for the sake of reaching a wider audience. There is a large crossover between Visual Novel and Porn with Plot because of the more story-oriented nature of Visual Novels.

These games popularized, largely through Visual Novel works, the Netorare Genre.

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