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"If at first you don't succeed, you fail."
—GLaDOS, Portal
There are a lot of tropes about failing. That should probably tell you something.[1]
- Assassin Outclassin' (You fail at assassination)
- Audience Participation Failure (You fail to get audience backup in your show or song)
- Author Existence Failure (You fail at finishing your series before you die)
- Bonus Feature Failure (You fail at providing good bonus content)
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin' (You fail at staying out of trouble)
- Can't Get in Trouble For Nuthin' (You fail at getting into trouble)
- Color Failure (You fail at keeping your colour when you lose your cool)
- Critical Existence Failure (You fail at being alive, even though you were fine one hitpoint ago...)
- Critical Failure (You fail at rolling a 2 or higher, thus leading to more fail)
- Critical Psychoanalysis Failure (You fail at psychoanalysing a guy)
- Critical Research Failure (You fail at knowing the first thing about a topic)
- Defensive Failure (You fail at remembering you have a weapon in your hand)
- Designated Hero (You fail at making a good guy)
- Designated Villain (You fail at making a bad guy)
- DIY Disaster (You fail at renovating your house)
- Dude, Not Funny (You fail at keeping your comedy in good taste)
- Entendre Failure (You fail at making a double entendre)
- Epic Fail (When you fail so hard, you break reality)
- Exact Time to Failure (Initiating failure in 3...2...1...)
- F Minus Minus (You fail so hard at schoolwork)
- Facial Composite Failure (You fail at drawing an accurate wanted poster)
- Failed a Spot Check (You fail at spotting something two inches away from your face)
- Failed Audition Plot (You fail an audition for your dream career, but find a reason to keep trying)
- Failing a Taxi (You fail at hailing a taxi)
- Failsafe Failure (You fail at making a failsafe. Winner for having two fails in it)
- Failure Hero (You fail at saving the day)
- Failure Knight (You failed something in your backstory, which is why you're so pathetic today)
- Failure Is the Only Option (You have no choice but to fail because succeeding would end the story)
- Fake Balance (You fail at balancing your video game characters)
- Femininity Failure (You fail at being ladylike)
- Fight Scene Failure (You fail at directing an awesome fight scene)
- Floorboard Failure (The floorboards have failed to support your weight)
- General Failure (Your plans fail at proving you earned your rank as General)
- Glamour Failure (You fail at hiding who you really are)
- Gone Horribly Wrong (something doesn't just not work, it works in ways that are disastrous)
- Hero-Tracking Failure (You fail at shooting a moving target with Plot Armour)
- It's a Wonderful Failure (Let me show you the repercussions of your failure before you get a game over)
- Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance (You fail at realising your own ignorance)
- Imposter Forgot One Detail (You fail at convincing others you are someone else)
- I Never Told You My Name / I Never Said It Was Poison (Your act fails because you give away knowledge of things you aren't supposed to know)
- I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure (Alice has failed, so Bob's gonna feel the pain)
- My Greatest Failure (You fail at failing harder than this)
- Necessary Fail (You failed, but if you won, the following events would have been worse)
- No Dead Body Poops (You fail to remember to brown your pants when you die)
- Of Course I Smoke (You failed at pretending to be a smoker.)
- Parody Failure (You fail at making a good parody)
- Pass Fail (You fail at being recognised as a white guy, even if you're not)
- Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure (You fail at recognising another generation's pop culture references)
- Potty Failure (You fail at keeping your pants clean)
- Redemption Failure (You fail to stay a good guy)
- Rummage Fail (You fail at finding something in a bag of random items)
- Sarcasm Failure (You fail at sarcasm)
- The Show Must Go Wrong (You fail at preventing every disaster ever during your performance)
- Skepticism Failure (You fail at proving that the supernatural doesn't exist)
- Special Effect Failure (You failed to fund the SFX department)
- Springtime for Hitler (Invoking a failure, might not work)
- Status Quo Game Show (You failed at winning a gameshow because Status Quo Is God)
- Stock Footage Failure (You fail at realising that was a bad time to use stock footage)
- Strange Pond Woman (You fail to get the respect you deserve, or thought you deserve)
- Straw Man Has a Point (You fail at making your opponents look irrational)
- Suspect Existence Failure (You fail at finding suspects for a crime)
- Symbology Research Failure (You fail at remembering that cool logo you saw the other day and put into your work actually has religious meanings)
- Tutorial Failure (You fail to properly teach how to play a game)
- Unwinnable (When the game can only end in failure, no matter how much you win)
- Unwinnable by Design (When the programmer does this on purpose)
- Unwinnable by Insanity (When the player does this by trying really hard)
- Unwinnable By Mistake (When this was because the programmer failed)
- Voodoo Shark (You fail to cover your plot holes)
- World Limited to the Plot (You fail to build a context for your story.)
- What the Fu Are You Doing? (You fail at martial arts)
- Where's the Kaboom? (you fail at blowing stuff up)
- You Can't Thwart Stage One (You fail at stopping a villain's plan even when you should have succeeded)
- You Have Failed Me (You have failed at pleasing your superior)
Index shutting down...
- ↑ i.e., you fail at life
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