
  • Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Our policies can be reviewed here.
  • All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup. Pages that don't do this will be subject to deletion, with or without explanation.
  • All new trope pages will be made with the "Trope Workshop" found on the "Troper Tools" menu and worked on until they have at least three examples. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO SelfCloak. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.



Pages in need of cleanup for one reason or another. To add a page to this list, put the {{cleanup|}} template on the page, immediately after the Work, Trope, Creator, Useful Notes, or Just for Fun header. You can - and should - explain why the page needs cleanup by following the word "cleanup" with a vertical bar "|" and the reason the page needs cleanup.

These are subcategories of this category:

This category is linked from the Community Portal. Please do not delete it even if it is empty.

Pages Needing Cleanup, with reasons[]

If the "cleanup" template is inside another template, the reason will not appear on this list. Alternately, no reason will appear on this list if no reason was given. Pages with no cleanup reasons given should be looked at first, and either the cleanup tag should be expanded with a reason for the cleanup, the page should be cleaned up, or the cleanup tag should be removed.

This is a sortable table - click on the arrowhead icon in the header cell to sort on that column.

Page Reason
'Allo 'Allo!/Recap The redlinks on this page are in TV Tropes format. They need to be changed to All The Tropes format before being used.
AGENCIA The character tropes should be moved to a Characters subpage and sorted by character.
The original version of this article was written by the writer of the work being discussed. Other viewpoints are requested.
A Farewell to Arms The trope list needs more entries, and is lacking even some of the tropes mentioned in the article text.
A Long Long Sleep Needs to be reviewed, corrected, and expanded by somebody familiar with the subject. (The only description of this work is copyrighted text from the book's cover. This needs to be replaced with an original description.)
A Singular Destiny This work needs a description that wasn't copied from its back cover.
A Song of Ice and Fire/WMG This is the longest WMG page on the wiki; it should be split into subpages.
Aina Confused article that is about a creator and one of their works. Needs to be split into two different articles
Alastair Reynolds The "Revelation Space" information, including that long list of tropes, should be moved to its own franchise page.
Albany and Sturgess There does not appear to be a work named "Albany and Sturgess" w:Floc'h indicates there are characters named "Sir Francis Albany" and "Olivia Sturgess ". This page needs to be re-written to be brought into alignment with Real Life.
Alpha Gods This work needs a description that wasn't copied verbatim from the Comic Vine website.
Alternate Realm Boon The vast majority of the examples on this page need to be rewritten into proper English instead of what they are in now. When that's complete, this page could be launched.
Amateur Ninja This page is about a work on the web, but does not have a link to that work.
An American Superhero in Japan The original version of this article was written by the writer of the work being discussed. Other viewpoints are requested.
Angel/Recap/S02/E01 Judgement We have two pages for Angel season 2 episode 1: Angel/Recap/S02/E01 Judgement and Angel/Recap/S02/E01 Judgment. These need to be consolidated by somebody who has seen the series and knows which spelling of the episode name is correct.
Angel/Recap/S02/E01 Judgment We have two pages for Angel season 2 episode 1: Angel/Recap/S02/E01 Judgement and Angel/Recap/S02/E01 Judgment. These need to be consolidated by somebody who has seen the series and knows which spelling of the episode name is correct.
Angry Marine's Ruby Quest
Anime and Manga (Fanfic) This page needs to go away. Instead of listing works here, please add recommended works to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works that the fanfics are based on. Tropers with some time are asked to move the fanfics listed on this page over to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works.
Anthony Price Prices' novels should get their own works page(s), to which the tropes below should be transplanted; this page is about Price himself.
Apple of Our Eye/Nightmare Fuel WARNING: May contain high doses of self-promotion.
Ar tonelico This page describes both the franchise as a whole and the first installment of the franchise, and should be split into two pages.
Asperchu This page about an online work does not have a link to the work.
Astral Journey: It's Complicated The original version of this article was written by the writer of the work being discussed. Other viewpoints are requested.
Atheism This page is written in a way that implies Agnosticism and Pandeism are forms of Atheism, which is both patently incorrect by the definitions of Atheism that are given in this article and insulting to agnostics and pandeists.
Audie Murphy This article needs an introduction that summarizes his accomplishments. (Yes, we know that that's a Herculean task. It still needs to be done.)
Author Appeal "In-Universe" needs to be moved to the top of the list and sorted by media, while the long lists by letter need to be made subsections of a "Real Life" section.
Babar Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, and the individual works split out to their own pages.
Baby Huey The current description obviously came from Wikipedia - it still has "edit" and "citation needed" tags embedded in it. The description should be re-written to be more tropey.
Bakugan (video game) This page appears to discuss two games with the same name while claiming there are three games, but does not offer a description of the games. Is this a single franchise or a set of unrelated properties with the same name? Either way, separate pages for each game are in order.
Banned in China Considering how many of the examples under Canada were obvious to any Canadian editor as being incorrect, all of the examples here for all countries need to be verified.
Bare Your Midriff/Image Links This trope states "outfits ranging from tube tops to two-piece swimsuits." Any examples that do not have fabric above the bare midriff need to be moved to a more appropriate trope.
Battle Epic This page needs to be turned into a category.
Battle for Dream Island/Characters This character sheet is missing a LOT of characters and should be filled out.
Battlefield Gallia The original version of this article was written by the writer of the work being discussed. Other viewpoints are requested.
Be Calm This is identified as an online work but does not have a link to the work.
Beach Episode Some examples have already been moved to subpages by medium. The rest of the examples need to follow suit.
Bedtime Stories (film) The description needs a rewrite (for example, to make clear that this page is not actually about bedtime stories, but describes a film) and the tropelist needs to have the non-trope entries moved elsewhere (probably to a Trivia subpage).
Ben-Hur The tropes specific to individual versions need to be moved to pages for those versions.
Best Enemies The way the list under the page image is coded is a horrid kludge. It needs to be completely reworked to take advantage of the built-in functions of MediaWiki. And should it really be in the image caption instead of in the article proper?
Better Than It Sounds/Comic Books There are Newspaper Comics listed among these which need to go to their own page.
Bilingual Bonus As mentioned in bold text in the trope description, this trope is not "This work happens to have a foreign language in it." It is "Hidden message in foreign language that is different from what might normally be expected in the context". The examples of plot-relevant text that happen to be in a foreign language (including everything in the Real Life section) need to be moved to a more appropriate trope, such as Multiple Reference Pun or Getting Crap Past the Radar.
Bill and Ted (film) Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, with separate work pages for each film, the animated series, the comic book series...
Black Egyptians We need to discuss the difference between Egyptians and Nubians before moving this out of the Trope Workshop. We also need to clarify whether it is a hypothesis or a theory -- they're two different things but the text above uses them interchangeably -- or historical revisionism driven by political reasons.
Black★Rock Shooter (anime)/Characters This needs to be split into four pages: Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)/Characters, Black★Rock Shooter (anime)/Characters, Black★Rock Shooter (video game)/Characters, and Black★Rock Shooter: Innocent Souls (manga)/Characters.
Blake Lively The "roles" section lists works that this actress has been in, but doesn't list the roles.
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger/Characters The character descriptions and voice credits need to be taken out of quotation markup.
Bleach/Just Bugs Me This is a duplicate page. Any information or list entries here that are not on the Bleach/Headscratchers page should be moved there; once that is done, this page can be deleted.
Bleach Movies Should not be a stand-alone page, but a subpage of Bleach, but it needs some reorganization as part of the process of relocation.
Bleach Movies/YMMV Should not be a stand-alone page, but a subpage of Bleach.
Bliss Stage Too many page quotes. Pick one for this page; move the rest to Bliss Stage/Quotes.
Blood Lad The spoiler tags in the description need to be removed, as per the wiki's style guide.
Bloodfist Needs to be turned into a Franchise page.
Brady Bunch Spin-Offs Needs to be split into multiple works pages, possibly with a franchise page above them, the original series, and the films
Brave Too much of this is written as though the trailer was the only source of information, belying its origins as an article written before the film's release
Breath of Fire Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, with tropes specific to particular games moved to their existing pages.
Breath of Fire/Characters We already have pages for most if not all of these games. Content here should be moved to or merged into the appropriate works' character pages.
Buso Renkin/Awesome The entries here need to be moved to Busou Renkin/Awesome, if they aren't there already. Once that is complete, this page can be deleted as a duplicate.
C. J. Cherryh Needs an edit pass for grammar, usage and style.
CSI Verse How can this be "trope overdosed" if there are only five tropes on the page? Surely there are more common tropes between the shows.
Canucks With Chinooks Needs a better name - the Canadian military doesn't use Chinook helicopters any more.
Carl Giles This page starts with a discussion of an artist, then abruptly shifts to a discussion of a work by that artist. This page needs to be turned into two pages, one for the person and the other for the work.
Castle (TV series)/Recap The redlinks on this page are in TV Tropes format. They need to be changed to All The Tropes format before being used.
Catchphrase Spouting Duo First, two sentence fragments (not even complete sentences) is not long enough to be a description. Second, approximately half of the examples need context.
Celda 211 Is this the same work as Cell 211?
Chicago (film) This page indiscriminately merges the stage musical and its film adaptation, and even briefly explores the 1926 play and its two film versions. It needs to be split into at least two work pages and probably more.
Chinese Funerary Customs Needs to be reviewed, corrected, and expanded by somebody familiar with the subject.
Chuck The "Specific Episodes" tropes need to be moved into recap pages for those individual episodes.
City Lights Needs a radically different description that feels less like a Wikipedia article.
Come Back, My Pet This trope is being considered for moving back to the Trope Workshop because it is marked as needing a better description. The page needs a description that's longer than three sentences long.
Comic Books (fanfic) This page needs to go away. Instead of listing works here, please add recommended works to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works that the fanfics are based on. Tropers with some time are asked to move the fanfics listed on this page over to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works.
Common Military Units Needs an edit pass for grammar, usage and style. Multiple grammatical issues need to be addressed in multiple sections - run-on sentences, sentence fragments, cruft, etc. And the anonymous edits made on May 23-24 made things worse, not better. Also, the "type of unit" section shows a distinct USA bias.
Common Time We already have Uncommon Time to list songs that aren't in Common Time, and (as the description implies), this is Too Common To Trope. The "exception" examples here need to be moved to Uncommon Time and this page turned into a Useful Note.
Con Lang There are numerous examples of Wingdinglish here that should be removed (and moved to that page if they're not already there).
Conan (TV series)/Headscratchers This page is for the Dark Horse Conan comic series, which does not appear to have a Work page yet. That page needs to be created, then this page needs to be moved.
Content Dumps This section doesn't apply, as we are hosted by FANDOM.
Crazy Prepared "Comics" needs to be split into "Comic Books" and "Newspaper Comics" (and possibly "Web Comics" as well), and the "Batman/Batfamily" examples need to be moved to the correct media. There might be more work that needs to be done, as well.
Crossover/Fanfic This page needs to go away. Instead of listing works here, please add recommended works to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works that the fanfics are based on. Tropers with some time are asked to move the fanfics listed on this page over to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works.
Dance in the Vampire Bund/Characters Many trope names are hidden by spoiler tags. These tropes should either be removed or unspoilered, as per the wiki's Style Guide. The context descriptions can remain spoilered.
DarksydePhil/Analysis The page needs general editing to be brought up to All The Tropes' standard of commenting on the works instead of on the person - see Rule 1 of the Terms of Service.
Dbzteamshot-oneframe 1353.png A replacement without the credits needs to be found and uploaded.
Deathened Black Metal This needs to be turned into a category.
Demonic Possession The description needs a rewrite. Self-demonstrating articles are fun as subpages, but not as the main page.
Digimon This page has multiple sidebars, which overlap with each other and seriously reduce the space for the main text on smaller screens. Either the sidebar text needs to be incorporated into the main description, or the sidebars need to be consolidated into one.
Doctor Who/WMG/With Spoilers All this content is over a year old as of 26 February 2015. It should be split into new WMG supbages.
Dragonmagazine.jpg File is missing and needs to be re-uploaded. @Arromdee
EXceed Needs to be reviewed, corrected, and expanded by somebody familiar with the subject.
El Chavo del Ocho/Characters All of the characters need character descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.
Elvis Duran and the Morning Show The trope list is in sorry state, as if the page was still being worked on in a sandbox, instead of being one of the pages copied over from the TVTropes fork.
Existentialism The pages Existentialism and Existentialism (trope) need to be merged. Each work on the bare list on Existentialism needs to have Category:Existentialism added to its category tag, the bare list needs to be removed, the content on Existentialism (trope) needs to be moved to Existentialism, and the Existentialism (trope) pages need to go away as per All The Tropes' style guide for naming pages.
Existentialism (trope) The pages Existentialism and Existentialism (trope) need to be merged. Each work on the bare list on Existentialism needs to have Category:Existentialism added to its category tag, the bare list needs to be removed, the content on Existentialism (trope) needs to be moved to Existentialism, and the Existentialism (trope) pages need to go away as per All The Tropes' style guide for naming pages.
Extreme Championship Wrestling/Characters All of the characters need character descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.
Fan Fics (Fanfic) This page and its subpages need to go away. Instead of listing works here, please add recommended works to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works that the fanfics are based on. Tropers with some time are asked to move the fanfics listed on these subpages over to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works.
Fanfic/Tear Jerker Some of the entries listed after the "Sub-Pages" section are for works that have their own pages here, and should be moved to Tear Jerker subpages for those works.
Fiddler on the Roof This page needs to be split into one page for the stage production and one page for the movie.
Final Stand of Death The original version of this article was written by the writer of the work being discussed. Other viewpoints are requested.
Fmp.jpg This image needs to be re-uploaded, but the Wayback Machine captures of the file only go back as far as September 2012. A replacement image will work. The image was of the Full Metal Panic! character Hayashimizu Atsunobu.
Fuwa.jpg This image needs to be re-uploaded, but the Wayback Machine captures of the file only go back as far as September 2012. A replacement image will work. The image was of the Full Metal Panic! character "Fuwa-senpai".
Gamergate Many statements have been commented out by moderators. These commented-out statements need to be either re-worded to conform to the Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment, substantiated because they can be seen as actionable in court, both re-worded and substantiated, or deleted altogether.
Gears of War Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, with separate Work pages for each of the individual works.
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda/Quotes This page still has its Wikiquote formatting. The page needs to be brought into alignment with the All The Tropes style for quotes, with the quotes put into the standard {{quote}} markup.
Ghost in the Shell This should be a proper disambiguation page, not a work page, and the contents of its subpages divided up among the relevant individual works.
Harry Potter (novel)/Fridge Numerous duplicated entries.
Headscratchers/Fan Works Fanfic/Headscratchers needs to be merged into this page.
History This history is focused on the Miraheze branch of ATT. It should be edited to have focus on the Wikia/FANDOM branch.
How to Pick A Good Image The Miraheze branch has updated their version of the page with new information for the "Copyright, Fair Use, and Everything In-Between" section, having removed or corrected a large number of statements of dubious legal merit in that section. This page needs to be updated to reflect those changes.
Humble Bundle Humble Bundle is no longer limited to games, but also bundles music, books and tabletop RPGs; the games aren't just Indie works, either.
Immortality/Sandbox The examples listed here need to be moved to the appropriate sub-pages identified on the main Immortality page. This will involve some sorting and decision-making, as the work on this page was incomplete at the time of the fork. After that, this page needs to be checked to ensure everything remaining here - except the TVTropes style "Type I", "Type II", and so on headers - is already on the main Immortality page. Once that's done, this page can be deleted.
Incorrect answer.jpg Either this file needs to be re-uploaded, or the file description page needs to be deleted.
Intercourse With You (Darth Wiki) Any list entries here that aren't jokes and are not on the Intercourse with You page should be moved there.
Is This a Zombie?/Characters Header levels need to be fixes, voice credits need to be taken out of the quote markup
Is This a Zombie?/Heartwarming This page has too many spoiler tags, to the point that the page is unreadable. Somebody who is familiar with the work needs to identify what is not actually a spoiler and un-hide it; if everything that is tagged as spoilers actually are spoilers, then the page needs to be marked at the very beginning as containing multiple spoilers and all of the spoiler tags removed. Please see All The Tropes:Style Guide/Spoilers for further information and editing guidelines.
KaBlam!/Radar Even for a Radar page, one Troper believes that the content is uncomfortably lewd. YMMV.
Kyonyuu Fantasy/Characters This page has too many spoiler tags, to the point that the page is unreadable. Somebody who is familiar with the work needs to identify what is not actually a spoiler and un-hide it; if everything that is tagged as spoilers actually are spoilers, then the page needs to be marked at the very beginning as containing multiple spoilers and all of the spoiler tags removed. Please see All The Tropes:Style Guide/Spoilers for further information.
This is also the longest characters page on the wiki; it should be split into subpages.
Lang/doc This page still has its Wikipedia formatting. Everything on the page needs to be brought into alignment with the All The Tropes style for help pages.
Law & Order/Recap The redlinks need to be changed from TV Tropes format to All The Tropes format.)
Lawful Stupid, Chaotic Stupid This page is currently undergoing editing to split it into separate pages. Please put new examples on each alignment's page, and not here.
Linebarrels of Iron/Characters All of the characters need character descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.
Literary Works by African-American Authors This needs to be turned into a category. Category:Literary Works by African-American Authors will do nicely.
MASH (novel) The content of this page appears to have been haphazardly copied from a Wikipedia article. It needs more information about the original novel and less about how the story changed in the transition to other media.
Magnificent Bastard/Fan Works Page image is JAFAAC.
Magnificent Bastard/Image Links Lots and lots of links to people posing for the camera here. Assume that everything here needs explanation.
Mind Control University/Characters Most of the characters do not have any descriptions at all, and the ones that do only have one-line summaries. The characters need descriptions. Tropes would be nice, too, but that's less important.
Misfits (TV series)/Characters The header levels need to be cleaned up.
Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)/Film/Other Film Examples listed here for movies with their own wiki pages need to be moved to the Awesome subpages for those movies. If the Awesome subpages don't exist already, then they need to be created.
Musicians/Funny There are entries below the link list which should be moved the appropriate artist's Funny page, if they're not already there, and delete from this one.
My-HiME/Characters "the manga and the anime are two entirely different continuities" - Multiple Works Need Separate Pages
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Fridge Brilliance This is the longest Fridge Brilliance page on the wiki; it should be split into subpages.
National Lampoon This page is so incomplete, it would need content added just to become a stub.
Nausea Fuel According to the Needs a Better Description page we inherited from TVTropes, "Painfully short, needs to be differentiated from Squick."
Needs a Better Description This needs to be turned into a category: Category:Needs a Better Description. All pages that are still listed here need to be tagged with the {{Needs More Info}} template, and the reasons given here (at the least, the header of the section that each page is listed under is a reason for page cleanup) need to be copied to these pages' Talk pages.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: R/Heartwarming This page has too many spoiler tags, to the point that the page is unreadable. Somebody who is familiar with the work needs to identify what is not actually a spoiler and un-hide it; if everything that is tagged as spoilers actually are spoilers, then the page needs to be marked at the very beginning as containing multiple spoilers and all of the spoiler tags removed. Please see All The Tropes:Style Guide/Spoilers for further information and editing guidelines.
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle/Characters Boldface lines need to be turned into headers, voice credit information needs to be taken out of quotation markup, entry elements need to be sorted as per ATT standard style.
No Party Given While the most blatant exceptions and subversions have been moved to the "Exceptions/Subversions" section, there are enough examples in the "Played Straight" section that wink and nod at characters' parties (and assume everybody around the world know what the allusions are — bad writing!) that somebody who is familiar with the political parties in the USA needs to go through and move the remaining examples to the correct sections.
No Waterproofing in the Future This trope is "vulnerable to water", not "cannot swim". Examples of the latter should be moved to Weaksauce Weakness or another more-appropriate trope.
Non-English Literature This needs to be turned into a category.
Older Than They Look/Real Life [when?], [when?], [when?], [when?], [when?]... Almost every entry has a particular celebrity's age as of... some time. These need to be fixed.
Older Than They Look/Video Games The examples need to be sorted by game genre (4x, First-Person Shooter, etc.)
Older Than the Web This needs to be turned into a category.
Origin (EA) This page has the category "Other Sites" but does not provide a link to the site. This needs to be rectified.
Perma-Stubble/Playing With "Reconstructed" and "Zig Zagged" need descriptions.
Portal:Anime and Manga This page was made by copy-pasting large parts from the Wikipedia page of the same name. Obviously, this is very broken, as the templates needed for such a portal do not exist yet. This will serve as a good launching point, but keep this notice on the page until we've created something that's distinctly this wiki's own, and not just thinly-disguised plagiarism.
Print Long Runners The "still running" lists need to be checked and pruned.
Punk This page and Punk Rock need to be merged.
Punk Rock This page and Punk need to be merged.
Qinggong Extravaganza Examples needs more context
R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series/Heartwarming This page has too many spoiler tags, to the point that the page is unreadable. Somebody who is familiar with the work needs to identify what is not actually a spoiler and un-hide it; if everything that is tagged as spoilers actually are spoilers, then the page needs to be marked at the very beginning as containing multiple spoilers and all of the spoiler tags removed. Please see All The Tropes:Style Guide/Spoilers for further information and editing guidelines.
R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series/Nightmare Fuel This page has too many spoiler tags, to the point that the page is unreadable. Somebody who is familiar with the work needs to identify what is not actually a spoiler and un-hide it; if everything that is tagged as spoilers actually are spoilers, then the page needs to be marked at the very beginning as containing multiple spoilers and all of the spoiler tags removed. Please see All The Tropes:Style Guide/Spoilers for further information and editing guidelines.
R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series/YMMV This page has too many spoiler tags, to the point that the page is unreadable. Somebody who is familiar with the work needs to identify what is not actually a spoiler and un-hide it; if everything that is tagged as spoilers actually are spoilers, then the page needs to be marked at the very beginning as containing multiple spoilers and all of the spoiler tags removed. Please see All The Tropes:Style Guide/Spoilers for further information and editing guidelines.
RWBY/Characters Needs some reorganization to reflect the evolution of the storyline as of the end of Volume 7.
RWBY/Recap/V03/E12 End of the Beginning This page has too many spoiler tags, to the point that the page is unreadable. Somebody who is familiar with the work needs to identify what is not actually a spoiler and un-hide it; if everything that is tagged as spoilers actually are spoilers, then the page needs to be marked at the very beginning as containing multiple spoilers and all of the spoiler tags removed. Please see All The Tropes:Style Guide/Spoilers for further information and editing guidelines.
Required Secondary Powers The examples section is too long. If you find an example discussing only one of the powers listed here, move it to the examples section of that power's corresponding page, if it isn't there already.
Rising Sun The main text suggests this page is about the novel, but the tropelist is heavily tilted toward the film. It needs to be split into two pages, one for each.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (series) Needs to be turned into a Franchise page.
Scandinavia and the World/Characters All of the characters need character descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.
Scared Straight! This page attempts to cram four movies and a TV series into a single "work". It needs to be broken up into five separate work pages and a franchise page listing them.
Seashell Bra/Playing With Averted, Enforced, Lampshaded, Invoked, Exploited, Defied, and Discussed need to be filled in.
Seina.jpg This image needs to be re-uploaded, but the Wayback Machine captures of the file only go back as far as September 2012. A replacement image will work. The image was of the Full Metal Panic! character Seina.
Shakespearian Actors The actors listed under "Shakespearian Actors without their own pages here include" need pages.
Shout-Outs Index This needs to be turned into a category.
Shōnen manga This needs to be turned into a category. To be consistent with Shojo, the category should be named "Shonen Demographic"
Six Feet Under/Quotes This page still has its Wikiquote formatting. The page needs to be brought into alignment with the All The Tropes style for quotes, with the quotes put into the standard {{quote}} markup.
Sliding Scale of Social Satisfaction Some points on the scale need definitions instead of simply being demarked by their examples, and all points on the scale need more examples.
SocialProfile This page doesn't apply to this branch of the wiki, as we don't use the extension.
Socialism Needs to be reviewed, corrected, and expanded by somebody familiar with the subject. (The Marxism section is awful. There's no mention of historical materialism or dialectics, and its definition is way too simple.)
Sphere Eyes This trope is being considered for moving back to the Trope Workshop because it is marked as needing a better description. If the current description is suitable, please remove the "Needs More Info" tag and this cleanup notice.
Spice Force Logic: Mind Games The original version of this article was written by the writer of the work being discussed. Other viewpoints are requested.
Spike Balls of Doom This trope is being considered for moving back to the Trope Workshop because it is marked as needing a better description. If the current description is suitable, please remove the "Needs More Info" tag and this cleanup notice.
Sprawl Trilogy Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, and made clear that the individual books of the trilogy (mostly) have their own pages.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Tropes from the main Starcraft II page that apply specifically to this game need to be transferred here.
Stargate: The Ark of Truth The description text has spoiler markup. The description needs to be re-written to remove the spoilers.
Static Electricity This trope has been moved back to the Trope Workshop because it needs a better description. Two sentences, the first of which is an Example as a Thesis, is not a suitable description.
Stock Scream There are enough examples of the "Howie Long" scream that it should get its own section, like the Wilhelm Scream.
Stranger Than Fiction: The Life and Times of Split Enz This is two different pages mashed together — it starts as a page for a book about a band, and turns into a page about the band itself. Someone who actually knows something about Split Enz ought to split this apart into two separate pages.
Subculture This needs to be turned into Category:Subculture
Subcultures This needs to be turned into Category:Subculture
Suikoden V/Characters Any character that is listed on a subpage of this page neds to be removed from this page, after the entries are compared to make sure the listing on the subpage has the description and all the tropes that are in the entry on this page.
Supernatural (TV series)/Quotes This is the longest Quotes subpage on the wiki; it should be split into subpages.
Sweet Jade and Hella John/Characters Formatting, TVT leftovers to clean up.
Sweet Jade and Hella John/Recap Formatting, TVT leftovers to clean up.
Tarzan Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, with links not just to the books but to the films, including the Disney film and possibly his appearances in Philip José Farmer's Wold-Newton works.
Teana's Travels Amazingly, this is a fanfic series which did not die, but as of May 2020 has reached thirty-seven books. The list of "books" needs summaries for books 6 through 21, and new entries for books 22 through 37.
Test Drive Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, with separate Work pages for each of the individual works.
Thank the Maker "Web Comics" and "Web Original" are two different sections on ATT; these need to be split on this page.
The-Friz-and-the-Liz-share-a-wink-magic-school-bus-1954677-500-375 3485.jpg This needs to be replaced with a screen capture of the same (or an adjacent) frame without the YouTube bug in the corner.
The Adventures of Pat O'Neil This work needs a description. A pair of quotes and a trope list is not a description.
The Amityville Horror There is no freaking reason to cram twelve different works into a single page. Needs to be a franchise page with individual pages for each work listed below.
The Aristocrats The movie and the joke need to be broken out into separate pages.
The Can Kicked Him A bunch of examples here are to be moved to Camping a Crapper, as the current trope has been changed from "died in the bathroom" to the more specific "killed with the toilet".
The Cat from Outer Space The spoiler tags in the description need to be removed, as per the wiki's style guide.
The Crow Needs to be turned into a Franchise page.
The Dead Horse Interchange The Tropes list is about the site that no longer exists, not the existing forum. This needs to be updated.
The Editing Room This page has the category "Other Sites" but does not provide a link to the site. This needs to be rectified.
The Gamers Alliance/Recap The redlinks on this page are in TV Tropes format. They need to be changed to All The Tropes format before being used.
The Gift (fanfic) Is this really a fanfic? It's hosted on fictionpress, which doesn't do fanfic. If it is, what is it a fanfic of?
The Green Hornet/Funny The film examples need to be moved to The Green Hornet (film)/Funny.
The Green Hornet/YMMV The film examples need to be moved to The Green Hornet (film)/YMMV.
The Howard Stern Show Needs more detail. In particular it makes no mention of Stern's frequent hops between radio stations during his early years in New York — what the article suggests is a single long-running show actually had multiple incarnations in multiple markets; it implies that he's been at one station all this time, which is nowhere close to true.
The Idolmaster (video game) This should be turned into a franchise page with a separate work page for each game in the franchise.
The Illuminati Many of the examples on this page are not about an "Illuminati" - these need to be moved to Ancient Conspiracy, The Omniscient Council of Vagueness, or One World Order, as appropriate for the specific example.
The King of Fighters/Characters This page has "list of the characters' teams." that belong on the Trivia subpage. Entries on this page should have descriptions and trope lists.
The New York Trilogy Badly organized; should probably be a franchise page with three linked works.
The Owl-Knowing One Many of the examples on this page are simply listings of characters that happen to be owls, without being particularly wise (or foolish). An editor needs to go through the page and trim out the entries that don't fit the trope.
The Password Is Always Swordfish There are many examples missing the point of the trope. Delete any unfitting examples you find.
The Pentagon War This article is written in the first person by the author of the story. It needs to be recast in a more neutral viewpoint.
The Phantom of the Opera Entirely too many versions of this story are stuffed into this page like little mask-wearing sardines. Each version should get its own work page, with this page title turned into a disambiguation page above them all.
The Simpsons (animation)/Recap The redlinks on this page are in TV Tropes format. They need to be changed to All The Tropes format before being used.
The Stinger The article implies that "The Stinger" is not a real-world name for this trope.
The Sword of Shannara Trilogy Needs to be turned into a Franchise page, with separate Work pages for each of the individual works.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The individual works need to be broken out into their own pages, with a franchise page organizing them.
The Three Stooges This needs to be split into a Creator page for the Stooges themselves, and a works page for their films.
The Trickster Too many work names are potholed and thus not searchable. Worse, people not familiar with the works have no idea who these characters are or where to find them. These Zero-Context Examples needs to be fixed.
The True Tropes Superhero Team This needs to be turned into a category. Category:All the Tropes Superhero Team looks like it already lists many if not all of these pages.
The Twilight Zone We need a Twilight Zone franchise page as well as separate pages for the movie, the revival, the ride at the Disney Theme parks...
The War of the Worlds (novel) There are trope entries for some of the other adaptations, most notably the Orson Welles radio play, in among the novel's tropes.
The War on Terror The organization of this page by Terror Alert Level results in a confusing visual mess. Among other tasks, the different examples sections need to be either unified or broken out into separate pages. The related tropes section needs to be made distinct from the end of the examples as well.
This Is the Worst Idea You've Ever Had/Characters The character descriptions need to be taken out of quotation markup.
To LOVE-Ru/Characters This list identifies five different characters as the protagonist of the story. At least four of those have to be wrong. Somebody who is familiar with this work needs to identify which character is the actual Protagonist and which characters are "merely" Major Characters.
Touch (TV series)/Quotes This page still has its Wikiquote formatting. The page needs to be brought into alignment with the All The Tropes style for quotes, with the quotes put into the standard {{quote}} markup.
Touhou/Characters/Other Official Works The headers need to be fixed. Boldface markup should not be used for standalone headers. See the sections "Debuted in Silent Sinner in Blue" and "Debuted in Wild and Horned Hermit" for how the header markup, trope list markup, and order of elements (header, image, quote, description, trope list) should be done.
Touhou/Crossover Most of the links on this page are coded such that they are unusable. Some of the links are no longer functional.
Transformers Animated/Quotes This page needs to be brought into alignment with the All The Tropes style for quotes, with the quotes put into the standard {{quote}} markup.
Turn of the Millennium/Video Games The pages listed here need to be tagged with Category:Video Games of the 2000s. Once that's done, this page can be redirected to that category.
Twilight (novel) Needs to be turned into a Franchise page.
Twin of Twins Material specific to Stir It Up needs to be moved to a Works page.
US and Canadian Comics This needs to be turned into a category; there's no need for two separate pages with a lot of overlapping content. Many of the publishing houses listed at the top of this page will need to be given the category, to start.
Ultramarines (novel)/Characters This needs to be separated into three pages, one each for the Tabletop game, the animated film, and the novel series. Somebody familiar with the works needs to determine who goes on which page.
Underwater Kiss This page refers to "Type A" and "Type B" subtypes. These need to be given meaningful names - tentative names have been added to the section headers.
Unfortunate Implications/Other Media The Real Life examples need to be removed from "Other". Once that is complete, this page needs to be split into multiple pages by medium.
Uplay/Analysis Page written entirely in the first person and even by our standards is far too informal in style.
Uplay (Darth Wiki) This page was created with the cleanup tag.
Values Dissonance/Other Media This page needs a grammar check. Then, the examples need to me moved to new subpages by medium, with "Board Games" going to "Tabletop Games", "Mythology" going to "Oral Tradition", and "Sports" going to "Real Life".
Vanilla Series This needs to be turned into a category.
Victimized Bystander Needs an edit pass for grammar, usage and style, and maybe general composition.
Video Games/Fanfic This page needs to go away. Instead of listing works here, please add recommended works to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works that the fanfics are based on. Tropers with some time are asked to move the fanfics listed on this page over to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works.
Video Nasties This needs to be turned into a category.
Villain-Beating Artifact This trope is about items that can kill one specific character. Examples that say the item can kill more than one character should be moved to more appropriate pages.
Vixen: Return of the Lion Needs an edit pass for grammar, usage and style.
Walking Swimsuit Scene/Image Links This trope is about wearing a swimsuit, not removing a swimsuit. Examples of the latter need to be moved to more appropriate pages.
Wall Banger/Film This is the longest Wall Banger page on the wiki. entries should be moved to the individual films' YMMV subpages (or separate Wall Banger subpages if there are enough examples).
Warcraft Expanded Universe This needs to be turned into a category.
Warrior's Wish This page has the category "Other Sites" but does not provide a link to the site. This needs to be rectified.
Warriors the Abridged Series Three unrelated works that need to be given individual pages. The Lightflame version also has a subpage under Big No.
Way to Dodge The Bullet, Man! This trope is being considered for moving back to the Trope Workshop because it is only has three examples as of when this tag was added, indicating that it might be Too Rare to Trope. If this trope has more than ten examples, please remove the "Needs More Examples" tag and this cleanup notice.
Weekend Warriors (roleplay)/Characters This page claims that Real Life celebrities were involved in this project. This needs to be verified - if any of celebrities were not involved with this project, then their names and likenesses need to be remove from this page as per wikipedia:Personality rights.
Welcome Episode This trope is "a single new member comes into an established group." As of the addition of this banner, every example lists only the single member, leaving off the group that the member is joining. The groups need to be added.
West Bitches It is unclear how many of the unlinked videos below (still) exist. Links need to be found. Further, the description needs to be rewritten to be less like a troll or joke and more like the proper documentation of a work or series.
Western Animation (Fanfic) This page needs to go away. Instead of listing works here, please add recommended works to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works that the fanfics are based on. Tropers with some time are asked to move the fanfics listed on this page over to the Fanfic Recommendations pages for the particular works.
Westward (video game) Needs to be a franchise page
What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs? Examples which describe known, confirmed aversions of this trope should be moved from this page and its subpages to Made on Drugs. Remember that by the terms on that page, simple speculation (as in the case of the Book of Revelation below) is not enough to merit a move.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? Many external links on this page are broken. Please mark them with the {{broken link}} template, or replace them.
Wishmaster Should be turned into a franchise page, with individual pages for each film in the franchise.
Witch Girls Adventures Tropes that apply to Witch Girls Tales need to be moved or copied to that page.
Wonder Beat Scramble This work needs a description that wasn't copied from Wikipedia.
Wonder Boy Needs to be turned into a franchise page.
Working Class People Are Morons Tone is a defining part of a trope, and this one flip-flops between optimistic and cynical.
X-Pac Heat/Playing With Needs entries for Deconstructed, Reconstructed, Lampshaded, Enforced, Discussed, and Conversed
Xenogears/Characters Any content on Xenogears/Characters/Temp that is not on this page should be copied over to this page.
Xenogears/Characters/Temp Any content on this page that is not on Xenogears/Characters should be copied over to that page. Once that is complete, this page can be deleted.
Younger Than They Look Many of the examples in the Real Life section are firmly nailed to a year somewhere in the 2000s. Specific ages should be replaced where possible with the {{Age}} template so that they auto-update.
Yuyuko's Wonderful Midnight Snack Tour Needs to be turned into separate pages for each work.
Zaied full metal panic 8059.jpg This image needs to be re-uploaded or replaced. The image was of the Full Metal Panic! character Zaied.
Zorgamazoo This work needs a description that wasn't cribbed from the official website.
Zorro (video game) Needs to be turned into individual pages for each game listed.

To update this list, Purge the page.

All items (276)