Main article: Self-Demonstrating Article
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All items (426)
- Accentuate the Negative
- Adam West
- Adam West/Self Demonstrating
- Against My Religion
- The Alcatraz
- All Blue Entry
- All Your Colors Combined
- Ancient Keeper
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Apologises a Lot
- Applied Mathematics
- Attack of the Eye Creatures
- Auction
- Author Vocabulary Calendar
- Bad Liar
- Better Than It Sounds
- Big "What?"
- Big Brother Is Watching
- Big Yes
- Bizarro Universe
- Blatant Lies
- Bleep, Dammit!
- Blind Idiot Translation
- Brainiac
- Breaking the Fourth Wall
- Brian Blessed/Self Demonstrating
- Brooklyn Rage
- Buffy-Speak
- Caligula's Horse
- Calling Your Attacks
- Canada, Eh?
- Canis Latinicus
- Captain Obvious
- Close on Title
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Colon Cancer
- Copyright
- Crazy Survivalist
- Dada
- Deadman/Self Demonstrating
- Deadpool
- Deadpool/Self Demonstrating
- Department of Redundancy Department
- Dialogue Tree
- Did Not Do the Bloody Research
- Die Sendung mit der Maus
- Dinosaur Comics
- Distracted by My Own Sexy
- Do Not Do This Cool Thing
- Doctor Doom/Self Demonstrating
- Doctor Who/20th AS the Five Doctors/Recap
- Doctor Who/Recap/20th AS the Five Doctors
- Doctor Who/Recap/S3 E8 The Gunfighters
- Doctor Who/Recap/S3/E08 The Gunfighters
- Don't Explain the Joke
- Dramatic Ellipsis
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- Dummied Out
- Heh Heh, You Said "X"
- Heh, Heh, You Said "X"
- Hiimdaisy
- Homestuck
- Hostile Show Takeover
- House of Leaves
- Hulk Speak
- Husky Russkie
- In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You
- Interrupting Meme
- Irreversible
- It's All About Me